
Wsa 2022 test

Sci-fi Romance
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Wsa 2022 test

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Data Gathering System(dropped)

He is a bookworm and has an overly excessive love for learning new things or new knowledge. He is curious in many things and wouldn't stop pursuing to know a matter he is curious with. Yeah, he is an epistemophilic individual and because of this he died while reading an old book he found on the library... ------------------------------------------------- He decided to wake up early and travel to school earlier than his normal schedule because he wanted to read the book he just borrowed from the library he visited yesterday. He could have just took a ride to school but he chose not to because he wanted to save for the new book he wanted to buy and it would be better to walk to school cause it would be considered as an exercise for his overly weighted body. ----------------------------------------------- Two buses were racing on the road swerving left to right and we're constantly accelerating at a frightening speed. It was a frightening sight to see two buses racing at top speed and on top of that the buses were swerving left and right without care for the traffic rules and were fully occupying two sides of the road. One of the bus was on the right lane and the other wasn't. A group of aunties were crossing the road on their way to the plaza for their Zumba session. The drivers of the buses immediately spotted them and both drivers stepped on their breaks immediately. Suddenly the breaks of one of the buses( the one on the right lane) malfunctioned, the driver panicked and on his rush he steered the bus to his right and bang some unfortunate person got hit by the bus. ------------------------------------------------- Adrian was deeply focused on reading the contents of the old book because it contained something interesting and unbelievable and he was just about to finish reading the contents of the old book when suddenly he heard different noises, the deafening noise of tires scratching the road while trying to get a grip on the road and the noise of an engine. He tightened his grip on the book and immediately turned around to see what it was and what met him was the front of a large bus. *bbaaaamm* His body was sent flying and landed in front of a coffee shop. -------------------------------------------------- Adrian wasn't breathing anymore but his right eye was still open and he was still barely conscious. His eyes where squinted because of the impact, his eyes wandered and what he saw first was the book he was reading earlier. It was open on the page he hadn't been able to read because of the emergency. The last page of the book only contained two words, "I accept". He lost his consciousness afterwards and died because of excessive bleeding and heavy impact on the brain. ------------------------------------------------- *ting* Host's soul is detected... bounding... bounding complete! *ting*Preparing interdimensional travel... Initiated interdimensional travel... Interdimensional travel successful! *ting* Detecting host's surroundings... scanning host's body... *ting*Requirements to activate Data Gathering System's functions are met... functions are successfully unlocked... *ting*Automatically initiating a system function... data gathering function activated... gathering data... -------------------------------------------------- Follow Adrian on his adventures in different places whilst satisfying his desire for new knowledge and gathering data for his system. Disclaimer: The base of the cover photo is not mine. I only added a few tweaks to make it look different.

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