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Lesen Sie den Roman WRATH OF THE DRACULA(BL) des Autors Moon_godess, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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RUTH: A Tale Of Luna's Birth

[Completed] Side story is out now! The cries of a woman collide with the rock walls of the Longhurst's castle. Ralph Longhurst, a wealthy trader living rather practically ruling over an island situated miles away from Vincardine has his brows furrowed. Cordelia Longhurst, Ralph's wife, has not expected this special moment to turn out the way it has. She can feel the anger radiating out of her husband but the mother inside her is more worried about their daughter, who is going through labour pain. The baby that was supposed to lit the lights of happiness and joy, has made even the dark sky cry. Gerald Livingstone can hear his lovers' cries but his hands are tied. All he could do is pray for the safety of both mother and the baby. And then that historic moment came when the Luna of not only a werewolf pack but of the whole werewolf breed took her first breath on the earth. A human Luna, who is supposed to meet Edwin O'Dell- the leader of the werewolf breed, the Alpha of Alphas and fall in love with him. But not everyone is happy with the birth of this special baby girl. There are reasons, secrets and plans involved. Only time will tell what the girl has written in her destiny and how she is going to find the right path in her life. ***************** The cover of the book belongs to its rightful owner and I. do not own it. If the owner wants to take it down please contact me. Instagram:- @author_rutujap Discord:- https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42

rutujaP · Fantasie
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spenser_wyeukav · Urban
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44 Chs

Soul Awakened : I have a system with a unique Soul Race

This world is just like a frog in the well. Nobody knows what's beyond the so-called boundary of world except, space. This world has countless religion, uncountable god's but nobody knows if they truly exist. Are they really the creator of this whole world, no universe according to their mythologies or they are just beliefs created by a person with the fear of unknown. In such a world a young man at the 25 died today on Saturday 19th March 2022. This man or boy to be specific was just your above average guy who had a master's degree in Computer science, he was a freelancer, trader and a fantasy novel author. Well, even though I said he was average their was nothing average about him except his looks, his annual income. If you look at his past along side his personality you will either pity him or hate him. His death was ordinary for all the people on his planet, heck most of the population of the world didn't even know and care for his death. But for me it was special..... Away from the planet of the boy their seemed to be a mystical entity looking towards the planet just after the death of the boy. The reason why this entity was mystical because this entity seemed to be made of countless stars and galaxies, if someone saw this entity they will think that the word god was made for this being only. " Finally someone who will be able to remove me from this curse appeard....." —————————————————————————————————— Hi, guys this is going to be my first novel I have uploaded on WN before this I only used to write fanfic but I was too shy to upload it. I will mainly focus on world and character building in this novel. The protagonist of this novel is not an antihero or something, he is just too broken to the point that he has become cold and don't have emotions such as hatred or love. Don't worry the characters personality will surely become better but this character is going to be on the bad side instead of good and the world around him also like that. You can expect heartbroken, ruthless character who is super cold yet badass and is trying to change alongside his companions. —————————————————————————————————— * English is not my first language and I am typing on my phone, so please ignore some small grammar mistakes as long as you understand. * Chapter update : 3–7 per week ( I am a student, sorry). * The cover image is not mine so please comment me if you are the owner and want it removed. *Their might be a lot of bad words.( Just to be sure.)

Pleasent_Death · Fantasie
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Jual Obat Aborsi Di Pinang 082138183425

Jual Obat Aborsi Di Pinang, Obat Cytotec Misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan Penggugur Kandungan manjur dan aman tanpa efek samping 082138183425. Kami menjual obat aborsi asli dengan merk obat cytotec misoprostol untuk usia kehamilan 1 sampai 5 bulan, obat penggugur kandungan ini sangat manjur tanpa efek samping dan aman tanpa kuret. Cara penggunaan dipandu dan dibimbing langsung sampai berhasil (tuntas). Obat cytotec misoprostol ini adalah 100% produk asli dari pfizer USA, perusahaan internasional di bidang kesehatan yang berdiri sejak tahun 1849. Obat aborsi cytotec misoprostol telah direkomendasikan oleh FDA sebagai obat penggugur kandungan yang aman untuk aborsi dan juga efektif sebagai pengobatan telat datang bulan. FDA adalah Food and Drug Administration atau badan pengawas obat dan makanan Amerika Serikat. Jual Obat Aborsi Di Pinang Apa Itu Aborsi? Dalam pengertian medis atau ilmu kedokteran, aborsi adalah tindakan untuk mengakhiri kehamilan dengan cara mengeluarkan hasil konsepsi sebelum janin dapat hidup di luar rahim. Langkah sebelum melakukan aborsi pun sebaiknya harus mengetahui usia kehamilan agar proses pengeluaran janin dalam kandungan dapat berjalan maksimal. Untuk menghitung usia kehamilan, anda bisa menggunakan kalkulator kehamilan yang sangat praktis dan juga akurat. Berikut adalah paket tuntas obat penggugur kandungan atau obat aborsi yang kami sediakan: 1 bulan tuntas 2 bulan tuntas 3 bulan tuntas 4 bulan tuntas 5 bulan tuntas Jual Obat Aborsi Di Pinang Silahkan pesan sesuai usia kehamilan anda, mengenai informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kontak kami: 082138183425 (respon cepat via WhatsApp) Via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/6282138183425/ Situs: https://sites.google.com/view/obat-aborsi-di-apotik/

Obat_Aborsi · Prominente
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1 Chs

Returning to Earth, only I don't have the system

In a world besieged by the malevolent emergence of Dungeons, where hordes of monstrous creatures spill forth to sow chaos and despair, a figure from the depths of legend returns, heralding both salvation and destruction. Alan Colt, a once ordinary youth thrust into the crucible of another realm, reemerges in his homeland with the potential to reshape the very fabric of existence. Once a mere student of gastronomy, Alan's exile to a fantastical realm forged him into a formidable force, wielding a lethal blend of blade and sorcery. But his strength is not bound by righteousness alone; it is tempered by the shadows that lurk within his soul and the allure of power that whispers from the darkness. As Alan navigates the shifting sands of his reimagined world, he grapples with the duality of his nature and the consequences of his actions. Twenty years have passed since his disappearance, and the once-familiar cityscape now teeters on the brink of chaos, ripe for the taking by those with the will to seize it. Haunted by the echoes of his past and the weight of his own potential, Alan finds himself torn between the path of heroism and the allure of dominion. With each step forward, he inches closer to a revelation that will redefine not only his own destiny but the fate of all who inhabit this world. Joined by unlikely allies and pursued by relentless adversaries, Alan embarks on a quest to unlock the mysteries of the Dungeons and harness their unfathomable power. But as he delves deeper into the heart of darkness, he must confront the truth of his own nature and the ultimate price of wielding such power. Prepare to journey beyond the veil of morality and into the heart of ambiguity itself in "Returning to Earth, only I don't have the system," where the line between savior and conqueror blurs, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of a single man's choice.

MasterR · Urban
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