
Worlds Merging

Vreikex_BON · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Living and past memories

"Ugh everything hurts"

Josh woke up all sore from sleeping on the sofa

"Why is it always so comfortable at the beginning but so bad in the end"

"I am starving"

Josh scratched his head and went over to his fridge


The light in the fridge turned on to reveal nothing

Nothing at all... completely empty


He closed it and looked around his flat

"Ugh i'll have to go to ASDA"

On his way to the door he walked by a mirror in his hallway

Josh looked at himself, at the messy hair and the crumbled t shirt he had on for 3 days

"I can't go looking like this"

He took his shirt off and looked at himself once more


<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">....</font></font>

No matter how much he tried he could never get any definition on his muscles

And he was skinny, not deathly skinny but he was skinnier than a person of his height should be

The more he looked at himself the more flaws he found

He never was happy with how he looked

But he decided to live with it

His nimbleness did save his life many times before

Maybe he just looked up to the wrong people


After a quick shower he waited for his clothes to dry in the washer-dryer

He sat in his sofa butt naked and turned the tv on

A female news presenter stood behind a desk and talked about hunter news

"The red devils have claimed and cleared 3 more B rank gates, with the Reds from Liverpool and the Blues from London on their heels with 2 and 1 respectively "

"This humble news presenter just hopes no guild on guild fights happen as the last one between the magpies and the black cats was deadly for both sides, and is remembered till today "

"On a brighter note everybody under 12 can enter our beautiful zoo for free just today "

"And now on to football "


45 minutes later Josh's clothes were dry and he took them out of the dryer, he went by the mirror once more and looked at himself

Josh sighed

"Well atleast i look more presentable and human"

Josh left his flat and the building as quickly as he could

He made his way to the closest ASDA store

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">....</font></font>

Josh took one of the available trolleys and entered the sprawling store

He went trought the aisles of the shop to find the ingredients to make his breakfast

First was the Meat, Poultry & Fish aisle for the sausages

"Which ones..which ones"

Eventually Josh took the Flavourful 8 Pork Sausages pack

Next were the eggs the only choice Josh really had was free range or not

It was an easy choice the free range eggs were just a little bit more expensive so Josh didn't really care

Next on the list were bacon, a can of beans,mushrooms and toastie sliced bread

When he got the items he went to the cashier


The cashiers and Josh's eyes locked together for probably way too long

"So...making an english breakfast?"

The cashier swiped a can of heinz beanz

"Did you know that the only things that are made in england is the bacon and eggs?"

"I did not" Josh answered

The cashier kept swiping until the last item

"That's going to be seven pound sixty five pence"

Josh handed him the money

"Would you like a bag with that?"

"Yeah i'll take the biggest one you have"

"That's going to be two pounds fifty "

Josh put the food into the bag and made his way to a florist"


"Which flowers would you like?"

"I will take 2 bunches"

The woman went to the back of the stoor and came out with 20 tulips

"Would you like them in one sleeve or two?"

"In two please "


Josh made his way to the Brompton Cemetery the place where his Mom and Devin were buried

It was only a year since his mom died but it still hurt him

He laid one of the tulip sleeves near the tombstone

Tears slowly streaked down his cheeks as he walked over to where Devin was Entombed

Devin fell in a battle in the first B class gates and he heroically sacrificed his life for others

But Josh didn't care for any of that he wanted Devin to live even if it ment he ran the first moment he got

Josh just wanted to see his face once more

To play football with him once more

But all of that was gone now, Josh now only had fleeting memories of such times

But he had to leave otherwise he would break down like before , so he went back home


"Finally home"

Josh sighed after closing the door behind him

He put the bag with the food down and took his boots and jacket off

He took the bag and put it on his kitchen counter

He started taking out the food one by one

First the eggs, then beans,bacon, mushroom and the bread

He put these things next to eachother on a table

He took a plate and a pan from a cabinet above his sink

The pan was placed on the stove while a bottle of olive oil was placed next to it

two pieces of bread went into his toaster

An index finger went through the ring pull tab of the can of beans

After a short struggle the lid of the can gave way and the insides were spilled into a small pot over low heat

Josh took out another pan and put it on the oven, he took a knife from his knife rack and slowly sliced open the packaging of the bacon and sausages

Three sausages and two slices of bacon fell on the pan

Josh stirred the beans and cracked open two eggs over the first pan


After a while everything was done cooking and Josh put it all on his plate

He walked to his living room and sat in his sofa

He leaned back and picked up his remote

"So lonely"

The tv turned on

"In todays news...."

Shorter this time, i wanted to make atleast one chapter that isnt involved in the bigger thing

Ummm lexi is going to appear in i think 20 chapter ish

Also sadly it takes me a long time to do this because of life stuff...theres just a lot rn

Vreikex_BONcreators' thoughts