
Worldly Merchant: Earthly Connections

The man was reincarnated in another world. He recalled memories of his life on Earth. He possessed a unique skill that allowed him to purchase items from Earth. He decided to become a merchant to use his skill. He was a merchant and a world tourist.

Shuno_2679 · Fantasie
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5 Chs


"Hey! You guys, come here!" The male adventurer who had been talking with Akira called out to his companions.

"What's up?" A female adventurer replied.

"He's selling good items, let's all go buy them!"

"Huh? Couldn't you buy them by yourself?" Another male adventurer asked.

"He said I can only buy up to five by myself."

"What were you trying to buy?"


"Potions? We still have some left."

"Just hurry up and come! It'll be a problem if he sells out!"

Without fully understanding the reason, the companions followed him as told.


"All sold out?" The adventurer asked.

"Not yet." Akira replied.

The companions of the male adventurer who had chased after him arrived in front of Akira's stall.

"Hold on a minute." The female adventurer said with a hint of annoyance.

"Is there really a need to rush like that?" Another adventurer seemed displeased as well.

The two who arrived later grumbled a bit to the first adventurer, but he brushed it off casually and turned to Akira.

"You'll sell me the potions, right? Up to five per person?"

"Well, since I did say so. Here you go."

Akira handed him 15 potions in total and received the payment.

"Wait, these aren't regular potions, are they?" the female adventurer asked.

"That's right. But you see..." the first adventurer replied.

"Why are they so pricey then?" the other male adventurer inquired.

With exchanges like the one he had just witnessed playing out beside him, Akira decided to close up his stall.

There were still goods left, but he hadn't come here solely for business.

Just after Akira had packed up his stall and was tidying his belongings, the adventurers from before approached him.

They hadn't left yet.

"Do you have anything else interesting for sale?"

Akira had already closed up shop. Moreover, he didn't have much in stock at the moment.

"It's not that I don't have anything, but not right now," Akira replied.

Hearing this, they said, "Oh, we forgot," and introduced themselves.

The one who had first approached was named Lelio. Of the other two, the female was Sandy and the male was Stanick.

They all appeared to be around the same age as Akira.

"You came here for business, right? Where do you usually operate from?"

"I'm a wandering merchant, so I don't have a specific base. And I actually came here for sightseeing.

The stall was just a side thing."

"Sightseeing? At a dungeon of all places? You sure are a unique one!"

The man said, patting Akira's shoulder with a laugh.