
The world

As the world loomed nearer to the end people started killing other people for joy that is what hit a nerve. I find it weird wouldn't people spend time with their family. Humans are cruel creatures, to begin with. but the world didn't end. I always thought of humans as weak they know no compassion.

This what I always thought but 99% of my kind did not believe they thought as humans as the kind creatures they tried to blend in with them. The others formed groups to start to kill humans but this started an all-out war because most of our tribe joined hands with the humans they then revealed their true forms.

After that, they were called Elves while we were called Vampires. The difference is that we had fangs because we hunted in the wild while they didn't because they could really on humans. Our Ears are different are like humans but there's have edges that are sharp. We both have magic they can use minor magic to hide their ears. While we have magic to control blood which does did have to turn blood Into power.

That was our difference but humans didn't recognize this and started a war killing half of ous and after that elves turned back into blending back into humans. There were only 12 clans left out of the 200 clans the 12 clans were left were all Pure vampires clans so they couldn't mingle so the population never grew. The pureblood vampire can't mingle because mingling with other vampires will cause them not to be pure. They were created when vampire Nobilting gave intermediate Vampire their blood.

Until a vampire gave a human a drop of vampire blood. Our blood was so pure that it could turn humans into lesser vampires. That's when the lesser vampire population skyrocketed like never seen before it reached sky high and kept growing and lesser vampires can breed with other lesser vampires. It was found out that after 3 generations of lesser vampires there's of 10% chance the baby would be an intermediate vampire.

[Aruthors note: intermediate Vampire is the term for Normal Vampires in this series]

So intermediate Vampires were born their power was great they were still a lot weaker than pure blooded vampires. After 1000 years they had grown in population there were 200 thousand Pure Blooded then 600 thousand intermediate Vampires then 2 Millon Lesser Vampires. This may seem like not a lot but it is they started with 200k and now have 2.8 Millon.

Over the 1000 years, humans disappeared 400 thousand in total. People thought it was weird but no one tried to find out who kidnaped them. But that was not good humans started living in stronger homes. But the number of homeless started to increase to a number there was an unbelievable amount.

This made it so the vampires had food whenever. Until we found an elf base the clan elders thought this was going to be another war. But then a vampire pure blooded vampire wiped them out then drank their blood making him the strongest. He was not happy being called the strongest so. After going thru a trail of GrodKnock which is a trail that makes him get struck by lighting to turn into a noble vampire. When he was finished with the trail he made a new Clan It was of Nobility. The nobility had a unique ability he could have children with lesser vampires and they would turn into nobility vampires.

Their clan rose he had over 100 children they had more power than pure blood. This was thought that no one could defeat. There was new experimenting with the elves, they diced to breed strong elves with other strong elves it didn't show any progress until a clover showed on one of the elves he held immense power he could control nature.

While human tech advance they slowed down to how peaceful the world was it had no war in 200 years while they did have a small battle but nothing big happened. Development stopped because they saw no need to change.

Their tech was bad they thought radios were cool and new they had TVs they had color for some reason. Their cars were like cars in 1957 their clothing was the most modern thing about them and their life the same if you take in everything in to count.


In a human city, there was a boy who held no power and no family he was called the cursed. They call him that because he only does bring bad luck to people around him so his name fits him to some ancient.

He looked like a cursed boy to people around him he had black hair and red eyes with a body that was always weak and could not do anything. his height was above average being 6'2 but it made it harder on his weak body. He looked like a vampire in the legends if you took out his weak body.

He was the cursed child that god pitied. Misforcant was something that was not unusual but there was a ray of hope in his life. It was a girl in his school her name being Hailey she was nice to me but it went all bad when her parents knew she was playing with a cursed child they enrolled her into a different school. That's when I started getting beaten worse no one stood up for me.

My house then burnt down my life went down the hole I lived on the street the government stopped sending me money so I had to unroll from school to save a little cash as I could people looked at me weird like how did a 16 year old end on the street.

That's when somebody walked up to me he was another homeless man and he offered me a ring I said "why did he offer me a ring" He said "Just take it you can sell it" he kept pestering me to take it so I did I put it on my finger for a couple second until it sucked me.

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