
World Ring System

what will happen when a 20 year old person named Carl died in his own house and meets 3 mysterious visitors with a story from god realm, bringing along most powerful assisting Divine artifact [WORLD RING] created by sacrifice of a supreme god. what will he do when he get to know about largest war happened in god realm which devastated the god realm completely? join our hero as he train in different world with magical ring and charge into god realm for revenge for his teacher. This is not your random reincarnation with golden finger and happy living novel, it is a story , with complete cultivation system. Author note : This is first book I have written so if you have any suggestions please comment. Forgive me for not good enough writing in first few chapters. Thank you for you support. . . . . . First World: Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - Train Body and Qi. Second World: Bleach - Train Soul.

_DIVINE_ · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs


"Ah! Congratulations Mr. Carl. You didn't fail to amaze me. Looks like there is a reason for you carrying such big destiny." (AO)

Carl who has just sat cross-legged in front of her froze upon hearing her say that.

"You used Time Stone, to see my future." (CD) said somewhat displeased. "So you also knew about whole enlightenment state, is that why you handed me Body Soul Purity Mantra. Even if meant breaking some rules."

"You overestimate me Mr. Carl. I don't know about you having enlightenment." (AO) replied with her signature smile while ignoring his displeased tone.

"Then what do know or how much you know about future." (CD) asked seriously.

"I don't know if this is because you are not a being belonged to this universe or something else, but I am only able to some fragments with all my power." (AO) replied with a frown at first and then smiled seeing Carl's ugly expression.

But Carl is displeased for another matter, he asked system if it has messed with her ability to see future.

[Host doesn't have enough authorization.]

Hearing its reply has somewhat convinced him, he sighed thinking that he will not be able to go with his plan he had thought earlier.

"Mr. Carl you never told me about your past, can you tell me?. If you don't mind." (AO) although she asks my opinion but from her eyes I can see that she won't take a 'No' for an answer.

"My Past.. huh" (CD) replied while lost in thoughts.

"As far as I remember, I grew up in an orphanage. About my parents, my mother died while giving birth to me and my father left me in an orphanage.

One night, some people broke in, killed all adults and took children with them. They were a assassination training organization called Blood Light. At that time I was 6 years old.

Six years, I was tortured in that hell for six years. When I was 12, only 3 children were left alive amongst 87 children. But all who has died were by our own hands. I personally killed 39 of them during training." (CD) said with a face full of anger and with some hidden guilt.

"It took me 2 years to become a SSS level killer from a complete rookie in underworld. And when I thought that I have enough power, I personally slaughtered all members of organization, even those 2 left of orphanage, as they brainwash all of us but somehow I was able to keep myself sane." (CD) said in confusion.

"Although I killed everyone in organization but I underestimated its backing. It was one of secret organization of the Drex Family. They somehow found out about me and from there begins a 4 year hunt. And during this hunt I met the girl I loved, Luna. On that day, I was hiding from assassin after having a fight, but I was injured very badly. Since I wanted some first aid kit, I broke in someone's house. There I met her, she was still so beautiful like a pure jade but me, I had blood of countless people on my hand. I'm not worthy of her. We were from same orphanage, we grew up together until she was adopted 3 days prior to kidnapping incident." (CD) said with relief.

"But then I was discovered, we were attacked in her apartment. And there she died while taking a hit for me." (CD) said with tears in his eyes.

"That day I decided that I will no longer be defensive, so I went full on offense. In Half year I was able to destroy that damn family." (CD)

After a while he calmed his nerves and said.

"Ugh... Supreme One, it was good seeing you. I think I need to get hold of this new power so I should excuse myself." (CD). He didn't even wait for her reply, and left.

Seeing him hastily leaving Ancient One frowned and thought.

"Looks like his previous experience is reason for such heavy smell of death on him but still, he managed to comprehend Death Concept is quite rare."

"At first there was some great power sealed inside him but, its traces been covered by something else and now he doesn't seem to be a pure human like before"

Sorry, but I don't want to write a full detailed chapter on his previous life. So I shortened it

_DIVINE_creators' thoughts