
World Quest

Jacob Springer a human from earth met his end during the global extinction. Met with no other choice, before he died he asked for a single wish. A single wish for another life. Who would have guess that right after he died, his wish will be heard. This is the story of Jacob Springer, a human flesh in another world. This is , WORLD QUEST

dionescuyn · Fantasie
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25 Chs

He is an idiot

lvl 2. Jacob


Str. F--

Agi. F--

Vit. F

int. F--

Luck. S+

Title: Son of a Coward

Skill: Unmeasurable Luck, Heavenly Comprehension, Godly Façade.


jacobs status quo finally went up to level two, however for jacob, the unexpected thing did finally happened. As soon as jacob saw everything in his title, his dream was shattered into pieces.

Last night Jacob had a great dream. Him being recognized by the goddess, not only that, the goddess even fall in love with him. On his dream because the goddess was in love with him, he was given with a very unique skill, a skill which is called radiant strike. It is a holy strike that gather the life essence of the world and turn it into one massive and destructive slash that could instantly kill any lord and monster kings.

On his dream too, he even made love with the goddess. They were married in a grand church and had a bunch of childrens. He had also dream of travelling the entire ancient world, when suddenly he was called by the call of nature.

As soon as jacob woke up, his status quo popped up. The first line of his status quo made jacob jump with excitement.

Jacob: Yes i finally got my level up to 2.

claimed by jacob as he jump several times with happiness.

Jacob: Its because of that goddess that i was able to level up, so i have to thank her in response.

However as he search for the second line, third line, fourth line. His mood drastically change from happy to sad. Then, he channeled up his title and a very beautiful title pops out. It literally provokes jacob to the deepest of his hell.

His energy drops off like a slug.

Jacob: Son of a Coward.

Then he got up once more to check out his new unique skill and got even more frustrated. A definitely unique skill was given to him. It was even given a word that belongs to the gods "Godly".

Jacob: Godly Façade. Nice... nice, you've really done it now.

His memories then runs back in a flash and everything was shattered into pieces at an instance. The word of the goddess then pops out on jacobs mind for several times.

"Take this as a sign of my love for you"

Then eventually like a glass, hits with a giant hammer, it shattered into several shards. To his frustration, jacob took out his sword and his set of knives and went back outside the kingdoms wall to train his body to his limits. Seeing his current stats which is double negative, he has to do something with it, or else, he wont last long in his journey.

Jacob: To hell with this level thing, i have to work on my own, if the deities do not recognize me, then id rather stay low level forever and train my body to the limit.

Claimed by jacob with frustration to his heart.

Thus jacob finished his daily chores and took care of himself. He then immediately move his feet to the exact place where he have slained the massive snake and to do it, he has to go out of the kingdom of atlantis. So jacob started to move his feet out of his residence.

Jacob: This time, im gonna make sure that i would trained myself as hard as i can.

With a sword on his back, jacob passed by the market place. On his way, he saw several strong adventurer like him. He cant help himself but get impressed on their shiny armors. On his way too, he witnessed something new to the kingdom itself. It was the sky tower at the middle of the kingdom. Jacob was outspoken of how tall it is. It even reached the clouds above them.

Jacob: What a tower.

There is a huge tower at the center of their city which is quite new to his eyes. A tower that reach the sky.

Jacob: But i didn't noticed that one yesterday? im pretty sure there is a massive lake out there before.

For some reasons, jacob is not mistaken at all, for that tower was just created last night while he is on his fairy dream. Not far from it, jacob could see several adventurers and atlantean entering the massive tower. Despite of the temptation, jacob proceed to his task and moved on.

With his sword on his back, he immediately went to the left wing where the Knights Guild is located and where the Kingdoms gate is also nearby.

Not far from the gate were a new couple of guards. They were stationed on guarding the kingdoms gate, and seeing the face of the young man, they just let jacob go out of the kingdom freely. After several steps out of the kingdom, jacob stretched his arms and claimed.

Jacob :Im out once again, now my goal for today is to find rare monsters for me to battle with. I'm no longer afraid , I'm brave , bravest adventurer you've ever met. I will gain monster core, That way, i would be able to enhanced my agility and physique. This is the only thing i knew for now, at least it would be able to help me out of my current situation. If not, im afraid i wont be able to live my life to the fullest in this era.

Never did jacob knew that he is already living his life to the fullest. So jacobs second adventure to the nearby forest starts. With his feet, he tracked the deep shadowy forest hunting out for his prey.

On his way, he had a fateful encounter with an ownerless bag which is filled with antidotes, water and potion. He basically needed those things, and with luck, he easily obtain it. He also had somehow manage to avoid several death traps from the couple of hunters who were somehow waiting for their prey.

It was beyond imagination for jacob to avoid those traps, however he was able to do so. Jacob is very lucky indeed.

Jacob: Im being covered with bad luck, even today.

when all of sudden he was swallowed by the earth and was caught of guard. Jacob screamed out so hard. He was just lieasurely walking around, searching for a rare beast and monsters when all of a sudden, a massive underground tunnel swallowed him as a whole.

Jacob on a free fall.

Jacob: AHH!!!!

The free fall never did end for a period of time until a loud splash of deep water resounded. Jacob then could feel a comfortable cold feeling flowing through his body. It felt refreshing for jacob that he felt himself being raised up to the heaven. It was water, jacob is under water while being bathed in darkness.

"it feels so refreshing" claimed by jacob to himself as he tried to float himself up.

Apparently this is the place where all of the water from the surface of archipelago flows through. They would travel several miles underground, collecting cold essences above the grounds surface of the atlantis and eventually be transported down to the soil, only to met to the exact spot where Jacob is currently in.

How lucky for jacob to be sent down to that very hole at that very moment. The water where he is right now, is a highly condensed water particle that refreshes once sensory nerves. It even helps someone to enhance his senses beyond its capacity. A fruitful encounter was given once more to jacob.

Even the goddesses of the world would definitely took years to find this hidden water, and right now, the lucky guy, jacob is hogging the entire water by himself.

Jacob finally managed himself afloat and gather his breath.

Jacob: Refreshing.

Jacob then closed his eyes. He then feel the flow of his blood and sync it with flow of the refreshing water around him. While doing so, he is experiencing a new type of cleansing. If previously, when jacob cleansed out his physique with the use of the monster core, he felt like he is in raging hell, right now, with the underground concentrated water, jacob could feel that he is being lift up in heaven. His neurons are being electrified by the cold sensation of the water. Undergoing another transformation.

With the current event, jacobs sensitivity gradually leap out by several times greatly boosting his mentalility. Jacob opened his eyes. To his surprise a great change in his status quo appear. He

Lvl 2. Jacob

str. F--

agi. F--

vit. F-

iNT. F

lUCK. s++

Title: Son of a Coward, Curious cat.

Skill: Immeasurable Luck, Heavenly Comprehension, Godly Facade.

Jacob: Curious Cat? What kind of title is that?

Never did he noticed that a dazzling golden ray of light is coming out of his eyes. Nor he did noticed that he could now clearly see everything while he is in the dark. This phenomenon is the eagles eye.

Eagles eye are commonly used by martial artist of the future world from the 17th century. This is obtained thru a fateful encounter and not thru martial training. It is rare type of phenomenon that are rarely seen even in the 17th century. It only prove how lucky jacob is.

Later that moment, his eyes turned even more sharper that he could clearly see the opening of the hole where he fell. Even though its 110 meter tall and was hidden by the mechanism itself, he could still see it. He could also clearly hear the eagles flying up above him. He also somehow sensed that his fear no longer exist, and he can now basically do anything he wants.

Normally, any guy who would be fallen in a trap, fall in such a deep hole while being bathed the darkness, and would be isolated on a deep water would fail to gasp his breathing pace since the air inside is compressed and light is not present. However, jacob is different, after undergoing several cleansing and upgrades, he no longer had difficulty of breathing under such circumstances. Thus, he was able to manage himself, and regained his composure. Not even a trace of fear is present with in him.

Jacob: Strange, but im gladly liking this situation.

claimed by jacob as he strides for more swim, he even dive down the deep cold spring to see how deep it is. Yet for some unknown reason, jacobs instinct told him that a great danger awaits for him if he reached the surface of the spring. So he stopped right there, and remained himself afloat above the cold spring.

Several hours later, after he has finished all of his activity inside the massive hole. Jacob finally climbed up the wall.

Jacob : I feel like, Indiana Jones. Searching out some hidden dungeons,and treasures.

claimed by jacob as he finally stood up out of the darkness and gasp the sun light reflected by the deep forest itself.

With his new sensory nerves, jacob could now clearly gasp the things that are happening around him with in 120 diameter. Such a great distance of trajectory senses. He is like an eagle able to clearly see anything that is happening around him. At that moment too, jacobs hunt, finally started.

Jacob: Hunters time.

As fast as how the wind blows, jacob vanished in his standing position. Then strange cries of monsters being slained by jacob resounded inside northern forest of atlantis.

Several hours later jacob returned to his residence, feeling satisfied for his second great hunt.

Jacob: I would have never thought that i myself would be able to handle two massive pythons at the same time. I feel blessed.

It was jacobs first short trip outside the kingdoms wall, in just two days he was able to refined his physique even better. Though he doesnt look that musculine, but his bones were tampered into great perfection. People called it once as the red skeleton.

In the future, archeologists will record it in history, and they will name these people as the redbone people from the ancient times. However this is just the beginning of jacobs body transformation.

Bathed by the red sky of the afternoon, jacob is leisurely cleaning his house, trimming the grasses and collecting dried leaves and branches around his backyard. Near his house was a dense forest.

In his previous life, this type and heavy dense forests no longer exist, orange clear sky of sky were already covered with dark clouds, and the fresh green forests air can no longer be felt. It was already severely polluted that it could kill hundreds of people in a day.

It is the main reason why, people from the future had to vacate the planet earth and had to find another planet to live with. Which is a terrible decision to do so. Eventually not all of them were able to vacate the planet earth, and among the casualties of being left behind, is jacob, himself.

Thus right now, he is hoping that the current planet that he is into would not suffer that same fate that he encounter from his previous life.

Jacob: for two days, i have roam the forest. i find it very fascinating, the current generations is able and capable to protect this type of shelves. With such a dense life essences too.

Jacob then look up above him and gave out a big sigh.

Jacob: I felt very jealous. If only the people of the future earth would see this, then there will be no people dying from any severe disease. Then there would be no people dying at the age of 50, perhaps, they might be able to live to hundreds of years. Perhaps we wont be left behind and end up being dead.

Jacob pondered for awhile as he starts to lit the bonfire of the late afternoon. He then sat beside it waiting for the sun to set his last light down. Everything passed on as jacob gathered himself sitting right next to his bonfire, waiting for the night to come up.

Jacob: I guess, i know now what am i gonna do tomorrow.

Claimed by jacob as he turn over the green dry grasses behind him to the great fire of the burning bonfire.

Jacob: For now, ill have to give myself first a great break. Such blessing from the graceful evening is rarely insight, i wont hold myself back and obliged myself from such invitation.

Night finally arrive. Jacob then fixed himself sitting on a chair not far from his bonfire, watching the dazzling stars above him being brightened up by the graceful white light coming from the great moon of the night, blessing him with a great sight of a beautiful night sky.

Jacob: A beautiful evening everyone.

claimed by jacob as he make a smile.