
World of Bitchcraft (Harry Potter/WoW)

This is a spin-off story of Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements. Like that story, this is a commission. It was started three years ago and I will be posting a chapter a day until it is caught up with HF and QQ. Synopsis below: Harry finally goes too far. As a result, he finds himself in a whole new world of possibilities. A World... of Warcraft.

CambrianBeckett · Videospiele
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47 Chs

A Return to Azeroth

A/N: This is currently the final chapter prewritten of this commission. From now on, this story will update at the same pace as it does on my other websites.


It was good to be home. Though, part of Harry wondered when Azeroth had become his home. But then another part of him easily answered that question. It had been sometime around the point where he'd fallen in love with its people and decided that he was going to protect it and his loved ones with all his might. Harry had always had a Saving People thing… and a lot of Azeroth needed saving a lot of the time.

Of course, he ruefully notes as a certain High Elf bounces up and down on his cock, while a certain human Archmage runs her hand down his chest, there's also these two.

The return to Azeroth from Draenor hadn't been particularly harrowing or anything like that. Bidding Yrel and her new converts farewell had actually been pretty simple at the end of the day. After seeing just how fanatically devoted the young Draenei had become to him in recent days, Harry had been concerned that it might not be so easy to get her to let him go… but in the end, she had seemed all too understanding.

Telling him that she would see him again one day, and until that day she would spread his virtues all across Draenor and the stars beyond, Yrel had seen him off with a smile, all of the female orcs who she'd taught her crazy ideals to doing the same. Harry… Harry really wasn't sure what was going to come of that. He hoped that they didn't start a war over him or anything, but also couldn't help but want to wash his hands of the whole thing.

Draenor had been… a longer trek then he'd been expecting. He really was happy to be returning to Azeroth, happy to finally be putting that Alternate Timeline behind him. Sure, even Azeroth and its timeline weren't technically Harry's original world, but they felt more like it then Draenor did, that was for sure. He'd grown accustomed to Azeroth and all of its… oddities.

Returning to Azeroth with the Kirin Tor delegation, Harry had been met by the most powerful mages in all of Dalaran… and more specifically, Jaina Proudmoore and Vereesa Windrunner among them. It was a stark reminder that Harry wasn't some all powerful God-Emperor back on Azeroth when Jaina had greeted him with a soft smile and a single word.


Harry had smiled right back, honestly a little relieved to not be seen as some sort of Messiah Figure any longer. He'd ducked his head in respect towards his 'Master' in the Kirin Tor and answered as was expected of him.


From there, they'd done a debriefing, though Harry hadn't had to do much talking. Luckily, HIS adventures were not the focus of the Kirin Tor at this time. Rather, it was Khadgar who was the leader of the Kirin Tor expedition into Draenor, and thus Khadgar who was subjected to a grilling as the Council went over his every decision in great detail, making sure that there was no misconduct on his part.

… There wasn't, at least where Khadgar was concerned. A couple of mistakes here and there to be sure, but all in all, the Archmage had comported himself as was befitting a member of the Kirin Tor's elite, and everyone in the debriefing knew that. Of course, it probably helped that Khadgar was feeling contrite over his greatest failure, even if it wasn't necessarily in his control.

Gul'dan had escaped, and with him the threat of the Burning Legion still lingered. Having an alternate timeline version of the fucker who had caused Azeroth so much damage when the original Horde came through the Dark Portal did not make any of the Kirin Tor happy. Luckily, Khadgar was all too eager to begin hunting for Gul'dan as soon as possible, not even interested in taking a rest before he began his search.

Promising resources and their backing, the Council was all too happy to send him on his way… while Harry was equally happy to fade into the background so to speak, letting Khadgar begin his hunt while Jaina had pulled her apprentice aside for a more private reunion, one that only Vereesa ended up attending on the sly.

That was where they were now, of course. Jaina's private quarters in the Violet Citadel were as spacious and grandiose as ever, and the moment they were alone, both she and Vereesa had all but fallen upon him in very aroused need. Kisses, gropes, hugs… the two women had clearly missed him very much. But then, to be fair, Harry had missed THEM very much as well.

Currently, Vereesa was the one bouncing up and down on his dick as Harry sat on one of Jaina's many lounges. The Archmage herself was down on the floor between his spread legs, gargling his balls quite eagerly as she awaited her turn. Of course, all the while Harry was talking, regaling the two of them with his tales of the Alternate Draenor and what he'd gotten up to there.

His hands gripping Vereesa by the hips, he's not even hesitating to fuck her hard and fast upon his cock as he talks, the fullness of his energy leaving him a little overwhelming for the High Elf Ranger-General after being deprived for so long. Her squeals and moans have been silenced by Jaina's magic though so that Harry can continue talking over them, and he's just getting to the end of his tale as Vereesa shakes and spasms upon his cock in another explosive orgasm, going absolutely wild for his dick after all this time.

"So… yeah. That's basically it. Yrel was… she was a good one, but I do worry about her zealous fervor and what it might mean in the long run. I didn't set out to make a religion centered around myself as some sort of god but…"

Coming off of his balls with a final-sounding pop, the Archmage Jaina Proudmoore rises to her feet, her face pensive even as she slides a finger down her front, causing her robes to vanish from her body. Her beautiful bountiful breasts bounce free, and Harry's breath catches in his throat as he takes in the voluptuous leader of the Kirin Tor in all of her glory. From her white and gold hair to her gorgeous tits to her smoking body… she is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen.

She's also looking quite concerned, as she moves onto the lounge next to him, frowning deeply while at the same time leaning into his side with her naked body his for the taking.

"But it sounds like you may have done so anyways. Harry… I don't think I need to, nngh, tell you that there's danger here. What you described… it sounds distressingly like the sort of nonsense that plagues the darkest corners of our world."

Harry nods seriously, even as he fingers Jaina's ass, having reached around her beautiful body in the midst of her speech to slide a digit up between her gorgeous, bountiful ass cheeks. They're more than capable of multitasking a serious conversation alongside sexual antics. Or at least, he and Jaina are. Vereesa is still silently squealing her little heart out, the exceptionally tight High Elven woman still bouncing up and down on his cock at breakneck speeds even now that he's only holding onto her with one hand.

Leaning forward, Harry takes one of Jaina's tits in his mouth and she moans, pushing her breasts further into his face. All the while, he keeps his eyes on her eyes, making it clear he's listening as she tries to expound upon what she means.

"If you, mm, insist on c-continuing to, a-ah, use such powers… I can't, hah, be sure what will h-happen. Likewise, nngh, the consequences of your… followers and their b-beliefs might be, oooh, f-further reaching then we think."

Harry nods, something that makes Jaina moan given he has one of her big fat nipples caught between his teeth. As he watches her slowly fraying composure become less and less tenable, the wizard is forced to reconsider his original position. It would seem only HE is capable of having a serious conversation alongside sexual antics for long. He just got done telling an entire story, and while Jaina had clearly listened, she was now struggling to speak while he slid not one but two fingers up into her ass and suckled at her very suck-able tits one after the other.

Internally, Jaina was bemoaning the fact that her lovers seemed to be eternally at risk for becoming terrible monsters of some sort. Was it fate that made great men like Arthas and Kael'thas, and now potentially Harry, do terrible things? Or was it just her own terrible taste in men? Those thoughts don't last long though, slowly pushed aside the more attention Harry spends on her.

In the end, letting out a shuddering breath, Jaina shakes her head to try and clear it and finds she simply can't… and so she gives Harry a hooded, lustful gaze and licks her pillowy lips.

"Let's… talk more about that later. F-For now… Vereesa and I have missed you t-terribly."

Green eyes flashing, Harry grins around one of Jaina's nipples and nods, causing her to moan all over again even as the Archmage flicks out her fingers in Vereesa's direction. Immediately, the Ranger-General can be heard once more… and her shrieking fills Jaina's chambers as she screeches at the top of her lungs.


Harry and Jaina share a look of amusement. It seems that while Vereesa was silenced, she'd basically stopped bothering with a brain-to-mouth filter and started speaking her inner thoughts without even realizing it, given they weren't actually audibly leaving her lips until now. Still, it's good to be loved, even as Harry continues to buck his hips up into the incredibly tight High Elf, giving her every last inch of his cock.

After months of sexcapades with all those thicc Orc and Draenei women, Harry has grown accustomed to enacting a certain level of brutal, roughness to his fucking. He hadn't even noticed, honestly, but the difference between how hard he'd fucked Vereesa when he'd first came to this world and gotten into bed with the Ranger-General, and how hard he'd needed to fuck, say, Kaz the Shrieker in order to break her on his cock… it was night and day.

Now, Harry was instinctively using that same strength and vigor on the lithe Ranger-General atop his lap, and it was driving the High Elf wild. Vereesa's inner monologue eventually dies down as she realizes she's no longer silenced by Jaina's magic, but that doesn't mean she stops squealing and shrieking like a banshee as she bounces like a rag doll up and down on his mammoth-sized bitch breaker of a member. Choking on her own spit, barely able to get a grip on his knees to hold on with, Vereesa's eyes are almost certainly rolled up in her head as she rides him reverse cowgirl style, until finally, Harry can't hold back any longer.

With a loud groan, Harry unloads inside of Vereesa… and the High Elf, almost tiny in comparison to his recent lovers back on Draenor, pops off of his cock like a fucking bottle rocket, squealing as she explodes into the air… and then falls right back down again, impaled on his dick once more and her cunt clenches down hard enough to stay put as he finishes unloading inside of her.

Needless to say, from the way her entire body shakes and spasms, her toes and fingers all curling involuntarily, there's absolutely no doubt in Harry's mind that Vereesa has just experienced a mind-blowing orgasm of epic proportions, while squirting a veritable fountain of pussy juices all over the floor of Jaina's sitting room.

"By the Light…"

Jaina's exclamation is soft but no less astounded, even as she shakes her head, mouth bone dry at the sight. But then she moves, pulling away from his mouth and his questing fingers as she pulls Vereesa off of his cock and sets the elven woman down on another nearby lounge to rest and recover.

"My turn now, I should think."

She sounds both eager and trepidatious, and part of Harry almost wants to… take her to task? It's like part of him can sense her momentary fear, and wants to take advantage of it, wants to… to dominate her. But Harry is getting better at telling when certain whispers in his mind are part of that… budding darkness inside of him.

With ironclad control, he doesn't do anything as Jaina comes back over. Although, he does jolt when she smirks at him and her fingers flicker with a bit of frost magic that coils around his cock. The momentary biting cold does make him jump, before she grabs his cock directly and gives it a good long stroke. The second of freeze does its trick alongside her pumping and in no time at all, Harry is once more back to life, his cock throbbing and pulsating with purpose at the potential of getting to be inside the absolutely gorgeous Archmage in front of him.

"You've certainly been growing since we last saw each other, Apprentice. This cock of yours is much the same, but the vigor you used on Vereesa was… new. And your seed… why, I do imagine that you've had to adapt to the harsher conditions of Draenor and its peoples, haven't you?"

Harry grunts as he slowly nods, making Jaina smile wickedly. She climbs aboard then, causing him to have to turn and lay down along the lounge instead of sitting against it's back. Crawling atop him, the naked Archmage crouches over his massive pillar of meat, teasing it with her slightly loosened anus for a brief moment. Just the head of his cock pushes into her puckered rosebud and Harry groans, his eyes nearly going crossed at just how tight she is back there, even after his fingers had done their work. It's been so long… and he says as much to her.

"F-Fuck Jaina, it's been too fucking long…"

Giggling, Jaina's eyes twinkle as she nods.

"That it has, Apprentice. That it has."

He's a little annoyed by how she seems intent on calling him by his title instead of his name. Once again, that urge to dominate and put her in her place rises up. This time, Harry doesn't fight it off quite so successfully, his hands going to Jaina's hips as he fully intends to drive her down onto his cock and give her an anal pounding she'll never forget.

However, before he can make good on that intention, Jaina's eyes flare with arcane power and a quick snap of her fingers has arcane rope spooling out around his limbs and holding them down. Well aware of his aversion to being tied up, Jaina snaps her fingers again before he can truly get angry and vanishes the rope, having made her point.

As she continues to grind her anus down on just the head of his thick fat cock, Jaina shakes her own head at him.

"No, I don't think so. Lay back and relax, Harry. You need a reminder of what it's like to not be doing all the work."

That… did sound nice. Slowly, Harry allows himself to relax. Smirking, Jaina continues to gyrate her hips as she crouches over his massive member, big enough to be a third leg after a fashion. Her tits are shaking and bouncing up and down with her movement as well, making her look less like an Archmage of the Kirin Tor and more like a wanton whorish slut.

Still, there's a definitive authority to her as she laces her hands behind her head, groaning and moaning all the way.

"V-Vereesa… Vereesa wasn't wrong. Your big f-fat cock HAS been missed. Oh, by the Light has it been missed. You don't know how many nights I spent, thinking about you Harry. My fingers were never good enough. Not even my magic was good enough…"

His cock throbs at that, both at the dirty talk and the foreplay they're currently engaging in. Fuck, Jaina looked so fucking sexy right now. He just wanted to take ahold of her and… but no. He would refrain, he would let her set the tempo, let her control the pace. It was the least he could do after so long apart from her.

Jaina Proudmoore was more than just the first woman he'd slept with after finding himself thrust into the world of Azeroth. She was more than just his lover at that. She was the closest thing he had to an equal in a lot of ways. And… he thought he might actually love her.

"H-Heh, w-what's with that look, huh Apprentice? You've got a strange glint in your eye."

Unsure for the first time in a long time for a moment, Harry… eventually decides to just say it.

"I'm just realizing how much I missed you, Jaina. And how much I love you."

Her eyes go wide at that. They might not have ever said it before to one another, Harry can't remember. Certainly, it's been implied for a long time, but it wasn't like they were monogamous with one another. Rather, they both engaged in polygamy, though Harry was pretty sure Jaina hadn't been with another man since he came along.

No, she was his fully and truly, but there were plenty of other women that they'd shared and not shared with one another, weren't there? And Harry didn't doubt that Jaina and Vereesa at the very least had taken comfort in one another's arms in his months long absence.

Letting out a shuddering breath through those full pillowy lips of hers, Jaina slowly pulls herself off of his cock, dislodging his cockhead from her anus as her eyes sparkle with amusement and lust.

"You always know just what to say, Harry… I missed you as well. And… I love you as well."

Their heartfelt confessions having thoroughly derailed Jaina's teasing, she finishes up with the foreplay, sliding backwards a bit so that his massive bulbous cockhead now lines up with her gushing, dripping wet pussy lips instead of her puckered back door. Finally, the busty, beautiful leader of the Kirin Tor sinks down onto his cock, filling her cunt with his much missed member in all of its meaty glory.

Both of them groan and moan in sync with one another, and Harry's hands can no longer stay idle. He grabs Jaina by the hips but refrains from doing anything other than that. She's still in control, she's still deciding the pace of this whole thing. But he can't NOT touch the beautiful woman after what they just confessed to one another. No, he needs to feel her, he needs to be able to dig his fingers into her soft, malleable flesh.

As powerful a woman as Jaina is, she's no Orc, no Draenei. Her body is what one would expect of an Archmage of the Kirin Tor. Soft, and so very… pliable. Still, she is by no means weak. Jaina rides him with a ferocity and tenacity that Harry likes to think would have impressed his orcish lovers back on Draenor, especially when they saw how little muscle the voluptuous Archmage had on her.

And indeed, that lack of muscle makes the view of her bouncing up and down on his cock and indulging in his massive meat pillar all the sexier. Jaina's breasts are certainly the most visible and wildly moving as she rides him, but the rest of her is shaking and jiggling as well, her ass cheeks clapping together as she moans up a storm, her eyes going crossed from the pleasure.

Jaina is making no secret of just how much she missed him at this point. Harry had been surprised that she'd been so willing to let Vereesa go first to the point where he was left wondering if there had been some sort of behind the scenes wager that Jaina had lost. But no, now he thinks he has a better idea of why Jaina would let Vereesa tucker herself out on his cock first… so that Jaina could in turn command his full focus and attention while the High Elf Ranger-General was passed out over on the other lounge.

Of course, that plan did have one flaw to it… Vereesa had already recovered. However, while the elven woman HAD regained some consciousness, she seemed content to masturbate across the room, her glowing eyes filled with mirth and mischief as her lips curl into a wicked little grin. As Jaina sensually squats up and down his cock, Harry groaning up a storm and Jaina moaning lewdly and wantonly all the while, Vereesa calls out from her spot across the room, giggling airily.

"Enjoy your exclusive time with our lover while you can, Jaina. I'm sure that my sister's many spies have already alerted her to Harry's return."

The mention of Sylvanas Windrunner causes Jaina's lewd expression to morph into a huffy one, and she scowls a little bit, though she doesn't slow down as she continues to ride his cock. Harry raises an eyebrow at her, but when the Archmage sees his expression, she goes red and averts her gaze, turning her head to the side and refusing to look him in the eye while still bouncing up and down on his dick like there was no tomorrow… or rather, like his attention would be stolen from her TODAY.

He's half-tempted to force the issue, half-tempted to make her stop until she talks… but luckily, that isn't necessary. Vereesa, sensing his curiosity, giggles again and finally deigns to rise from her spot on the opposite lounge. The lithe, nude High Elf woman saunters over at a languid place, eventually sitting her perky little posterior down right beside Harry's head.

As she cradles his head in her hands, running her fingers almost lovingly through his messy mop of hair, Vereesa leans down and whispers rather loudly into his ear.

"The Banshee Queen has been visiting Dalaran regularly for months now, ever since you've been gone. Ostensibly, she always has a reason for the public visits… but when she doesn't, she arranges a more… private arrival."

Harry blinks owlishly, even as Jaina whines at Vereesa.

"M-Must you be such a gossip, Ranger-General?! Does Harry really need to know EVERYTHING that happened in his absence?"

Well, not everything, but certainly the things that seemed to pertain to him! Vereesa agrees with his inner thoughts apparently, because she laughs.

"Certainly, he should know when two of his lovers regularly wrestle one another to the ground in a display of sexual prowess, and the winner fucks the loser with a double-sided replica of his big fat COCK!"

Jaina's silence is telling as she grumbles grumpily and huffs moodily but continues to ride him constantly. Harry, while enjoying the Archmage's beautiful body and absolutely amazing cunt wrapped around his cock, has admittedly shifted quite a lot of his attention to Vereesa by this point. And so, she begins to regale him with quite the… lurid tale.

"The two of them can't help themselves around each other. The hate-sex is absolutely legendary. I should know, I've gotten to slip in and make a number of their… meetings into threesomes."

Scoffing, Jaina interjects with a mutter.

"M-More like you turned a number of our more platonic meetings into sexual encounters, you little skank."

Not at all put out by Jaina's tattling, Vereesa indeed has a wicked smirk on her face.

"It does the heart good, seeing my sister and friend so… lively with one another. There are of course some ground rules, or Sylvanas would likely win every wrestling match the two of them have… but indeed, it ultimately boils down to whoever can dominate the other with that dildo of theirs. Only, they don't ever share it with lil ole me, the bitches!"

Vereesa pouts mightily at that, while Harry's mind is filled with… numerous mental images. Jaina, seeing the look on his face, only scowls more prettily, seeming a little upset that his cock is throbbing and pulsating more at the thought of her and Sylvanas hate fucking each other, rather than just her by herself. But Harry can't help it. Jaina and Vereesa came first, but Sylvanas Windrunner… she was a bit of a pet project of his.

More than just a broken woman, the Banshee Queen needed someone like him to give her what he had, Harry felt. Without his presence, who knows where Sylvanas' path would have led her? He certainly didn't, but he liked to think he'd done an awful lot to keep her from going down the Path of Damnation. Certainly, she and Jaina wouldn't be… this weird sexual version of frenemies if not for his interference.

But one question more than anything niggles at his mind, and a curious Harry glances up at Vereesa and asks it, even as he fails to notice the shadows beginning to coalesce under him.

"Who came out on top more often, Vereesa?"

The elven woman's eyes light up even more than usual and her already wicked grin widens as she opens her mouth to answer… only to stop and freeze up, her eyes widening in surprise. Harry doesn't have to ask what's shocked her so… he feels it now, or rather, he feels HER under him. Coalescing out of the shadows beneath him, Sylvanas Windrunner abruptly interposes herself between the lounge Harry was laid out on and his body.

Her massive breasts press into his back and a pair of gray, pale arms wrap around his chest. A sultry voice whispers in his ear as Sylvanas' cold breath sends shivers down his spine and her bared feet press along the bottom half of his cock, the half that Jaina hasn't impaled herself on quite yet.

"It's been a tie, actually. We're currently neck in neck, Harry~"

"Sylvie! Here!"

Thrusting three digits up into her well fucked gaping quim, Vereesa scoops out a whole dollop of cum and forces those same messy fingers right into Sylvanas' mouth. Not that there's much forcing involved actually, the Banshee Queen already has her mouth open and her tongue out to receive her sister's MOST generous gift.

Upon getting her first taste of Harry's cum in months, Sylvanas' eyes very nearly roll back in her head, the undead shuddering in orgasmic bliss as she feels that suffusion of life energy inherent in his INCREDIBLY magical seed. For just a second, her skin grows livelier, her body pumps blood, and her heart beats… and that's enough to drive the undead woman nearly mad with lust.

Luckily, Vereesa has more where that came from, and feeds more of Harry's cum to her older sister as the precious treat takes effect and her long denied hunger becomes uncontrollable for a moment.

As Vereesa helps Sylvanas get that hunger back under control, the Banshee Queen's bared feet continue to stroke Harry's cock… pointedly prodding into Jaina's pussy lips from what he notices, as if to point out that the Archmage hasn't gone all the way down his impressive length just yet.

Needless to say, Sylvanas' sudden appearance in her private quarters did not improve Jaina's mood in the least.

"Banshee Queen. I see that you're still intruding upon places that you are neither welcome nor wanted like the bitch you are."

"Archmage Proudmoore. I'm not sure what it says about your talents in the arcane that you can't keep me out. Or perhaps you can, but you simply don't want to."

"W-Well, for claiming to have such an independent streak, you certainly act like a magic-addicted whore from Silvermoon's Murder Row whenever you get so much as a taste of my Apprentice's cum!"

"Hmph, your Apprentice must be growing bored of your loose, human cunt if you haven't even managed to make him cum by this point…"

"It's called 'savoring the moment', you undead skank!"

"Or perhaps it's called 'not being good enough', you stupid human bitch!"

Despite their vitriol, both Jaina and Sylvanas haven't stopped what they're doing. Jaina is still bouncing up and down on the first half of his massive, meaty member, and Sylvanas has been stroking the rest of his cock between the soles of her feet the entire while. The combined ministrations of both women prove to be too much for Harry, and even as they're scowling at each other, he unloads once again.

Jaina's angry expression immediately drops to be replaced by lewd ecstasy, her eyes half-rolling up in her head and her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth as her hungry quim takes in his seed eagerly. The Archmage coos, her extra weight and more… cushioned body allowing her to avoid Vereesa's bottle rocket-esque fate of being blasted up off of his cock and then landing back down on it again.

Instead, she rides him through his climax and takes every last ounce of his utterly massive load of seed into her belly, leaving her abdomen swollen and a little distended as well from the sheer amount of white, hot jizz she'd taken from him.

"My turn."

Deeming it long past the point where her patience needed to continue being tested, the Banshee Queen vanishes from beneath him, swirling in shadow and the like to appear at the side of the lounge. While Jaina is still basking in their mutually satisfactory release, Sylvanas pushes her off, causing the Archmage to let out a particularly undignified yelp as she's all but thrown to the floor.

Without hesitation, the leader of the Forsaken People, the Banshee Queen, climbs aboard the lounge and atop Harry. Facing away from him, she brings her globe-like ass cheeks down so that he's hot-dogging her ass crack with his massive cock and rocking them back and forth along his spent length, she gets him back to full mast a third time in absolutely no time flat.

"Oh yesss… you have no idea how much I've missed this, Harry. I might just snatch you away and never let you leave my sight again, you know."

Snorting, Harry reaches out and grabs Sylvanas by her hips, taking hold of her a bit more forcefully than he had Jaina. Jaina might be in a position of authority over him, but Sylvanas decidedly was not. And so, he lines up and slams her ass down onto his cock, his massive mast enveloped in her back door in no time at all as the undead lives up to her namesake and shrieks like a banshee. Once she's done, only then does Harry answer her with a chuckle.

"You can certainly try."

Then, he begins to ram up into her from above, while Sylvanas moans wantonly and gyrates her hips, beginning to twerk her fat booty up and down his length without hesitation.

"D-Don't… nngh, t-tempt me, d-damn it! A-ah, s-so good to have you b-back! Give it to me! Give me your seed! I neeeeeeed it~"

Whiny and high-pitched, Sylvanas sounds and looks less and less like the Queen of the Forsaken by the moment. Even more so when her begging mouth is abruptly silenced by an angry Jaina, who upon recovering from being unceremoniously tossed off of Harry's cock, has now gotten up and decided to go for revenge.

In the throes of ecstasy and rising anticipation over taking Harry's hot, magically infused load up into her bowels, Sylvanas doesn't put up even the slightest bit of a fight when Jaina suddenly grabs her by her hair and yanks her head down, bending her over right then and there atop Harry's lap. As she's silenced, her nose pressed into a blonde tuft of cum-stained pubic hair and her mouth grinded upon by Jaina's cum-filled quim, Harry watches, eyebrows raised.

He can sort of imagine how Jaina might have won some of their hate-sex wrestling matches, if this is how easy it is to get Sylvanas to bend and submit. Of course, to be fair, the Archmage currently has the greatest of all secret weapons to use against her rival.

Namely, his cum filling her pussy, giving Sylvanas the best reason of all to stick her tongue into Jaina as far as she can and put up with the humiliation of being forced to eat out her rival if it means getting more of his seed into her system faster. And indeed, having a direct pussy-to-mouth conduit like she does now is making it much easier for Sylvanas to consume his seed then she was with Vereesa.

The undead pale parlor of the Banshee Queen's skin slowly begins to fade away as more and more life appears in her body. Her heart is beating now, and her blood is flowing continuously rather than in fits and spurts. Her anal muscles tighten up around Harry even further as her red eyes roll back in her head from the increased sensations and feelings she's currently experiencing.

Certainly, there was no doubt that Sylvanas had probably suffered the most in his absence. It was, after all, only Harry who could give her a taste of the life she'd once lived. He'd heard something about how, the longer undead existed, the more and more hate-filled they became. Even the best among them would slowly but surely become envious of the living and all that they had.

Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas, had indeed once been the best among the living. And then her life had been torn from her by the hands of Jaina's ex-boyfriend. Arthas had turned into a monster, and then turned Sylvanas into one as well.

Harry was the first one to truly make her feel in probably years at this point. He was the first one to give her that taste of life again. Was it any wonder that Sylvanas was addicted to his presence? Was it any wonder that she'd missed his cum so much?

Even now, Sylvanas and Jaina were glaring at one another… but the undead elf certainly wasn't going to complain about Jaina's treatment of her, not when it gave Sylvanas such an opportunity to get at a cunt full of Harry's magical cum. In the end, her defiant glare has little effect on Jaina's growing arousal as the leader of the Kirin Tor humps the Forsaken Queen's face, grinning wider and wider by the moment.

"This is where you belong, Banshee Queen. Stuck between a hard cock and my human muff. You love it, don't you? Yeah, you do, you fucking bitch… take it! Take as much of my apprentice's seed as you can handle!"

She thrusts her hips forward, but Sylvanas meets that thrust head on, and from the way Jaina throws her head back and wantonly moans, the undead elven woman is eagerly forcing her tongue as deep up into her frenemy as she possibly can.

Harry, for his part, is luxuriating in Sylvanas' tight back door. Her fat bubble butt bounces up and down on his crotch, her cheeks clapping with every thrust upwards he delivers to her. His hands on her slim waist give him good purchase to really give her his all, and unlike with Jaina, Harry is controlling the pace this time around. Certainly, Sylvanas doesn't seem to mind. Working her anal muscles up and down his shaft rhythmically, it's obvious that the beautiful and curvaceous Banshee Queen needs this, that she's needed this for months.

No wonder she constantly threw herself at Jaina while he was gone. If the Archmage had a replica of his cock in the form of a double-sided dildo, it was the closest thing that Sylvanas could get to feeling alive again. Harry actually felt just a little guilty over that, over not considering what would happen to the undead elf while he was gone.

… Perhaps it was time for him to start considering how to make the situation permanent, so to speak. Sylvanas Windrunner… and indeed, all of the Forsaken (though especially her smoking hot Dark Rangers) did not deserve to continue to exist in this grotesque and horrific state of undeath. Not to mention that their very existence was an ever-present, ever-growing threat to the living. The more hate- and spite-filled that the Forsaken became, the more likely they would be to try and turn everyone into them, to try and destroy the living wherever they could find them.

He wasn't sure if it was even possible, to be fair. But… the Deathly Hallows had returned to his hands sometime ago. He WAS the Master of Death, supposedly. Not to mention whatever the fuck was happening with him that had caused those… incidents back on Draenor. Who was to say that he couldn't do something about Sylvanas' state? Who was to say that he couldn't potentially save her and her people from their eternal damnation in undeath?

… If he could permanently bring the Banshee Queen back to life, then it would certainly help solve some problems, Harry figured. But that could end up being a big 'if'.

For now, he settles on working towards giving Sylvanas what she truly wants. A hot, thick load of his cream in her bowels, to revitalize and rejuvenate her for the next few days at least. And indeed, his cock is throbbing inside of her at this point as he fucks her with all his might, pounding up into her from below nonstop and near-continuously.

Meanwhile, giggling at the entire debauched sight, Vereesa makes her presence known again quite suddenly when she caresses his face in both hands and leans down, making out with him upside down. It's a strange experience, kissing a woman while they're facing the opposite direction of you, but it's not an undesirable one. The High Elf woman's lips are sweet, and the Ranger-General expresses just how much she missed him as well through her actions.

As the fuck fest continues, Vereesa eventually pulls back to give Harry a chance to breathe, blue eyes twinkling as she gazes down into his green irises.

"What will you do next, Harry? What are your plans, now that Draenor is no longer the threat it once was?"

Panting heavily, somewhat out of breath by this point, Harry settles for grunting out single words as Sylvanas' ass cheeks continue to clap down on his crotch and her bowels tighten up exquisitely around his cock.

"Rest. Eat. Adventure."

Letting out a bit of tinkling laughter at his caveman-esque speech, Vereesa goes in for another protracted upside down kiss, before pulling back again to lick and smack her lips together.

"Sounds good to me. I'll be joining you, of course~"

Blinking at that, Harry must look surprised because Vereesa giggles and answers his unspoken question.

"Did you think I didn't miss you just as much as these two reprobates? It's been far too long since we got to spend time together, and while I have no intention of locking you up in a tower or a dark dungeon like they might be contemplating… I don't want you to leave my side just yet."

Shrugging her lithe shoulders, the Ranger-General smirks.

"Which means I'll be traveling with you, at least for the immediate future. It's been so long since I've had an adventure of my own, honestly… it'll be fun~"

Still using most of his remaining physical might on fucking Sylvanas' ass, Harry nods as he continues to grunt out one word replies.

"Yeah. Fun."

Vereesa beams at his agreement, and grabs one of his hands by the wrist, yanking him over so that he's palming her slick quim. Realizing what she wants, Harry doesn't hesitate to give it to her, sinking three of his thick meaty human fingers into her freshly fucked quim, only to find she's already tightened back up considerably in the short time since he plowed her.

Indeed, High Elf physiology is fucking bullshit in all the best ways. Driving his digits in and out of Vereesa as she humps his hands, moaning and mewling and kneading her own small breasts, Harry gives both Windrunner sisters exactly what they need, while Jaina takes what she wants from Sylvanas directly.

In the end, all four of them reach climax together, a mutual sharing of pleasure that transcends Jaina and Sylvanas' rivalry. Indeed, the Banshee Queen and Archmage moan out at the same time, and as Jaina squirts her pussy juices all over Sylvanas' soaked, cum-stained face, both of them are adopting fucked silly expressions. That same expression can be found on Vereesa's face, while Harry just groans, going cross-eyed briefly as he fills Sylvanas bowels with his seed.

The infusion of cum directly into her body is exactly what the doctor ordered for the Banshee Queen, as the last of the undead pallor leaves her features for the time being, her life reinstated… for a short while. Just as it never has been before, it's not permanent now. She is still undead, it's merely like she's got a battery that's keeping her breathing and her heart beating and her blood pumping for a short while, allowing her to interact with and feel the world around her in a way no undead could hope to do.

But Harry likes to think he's getting closer to making it permanent. Perhaps the power within him that he's so afraid of is the key. Perhaps he just needs to master it in order to be able to give Sylvanas and all of her people life again. Perhaps… perhaps an adventure is precisely what Harry needs to go on in order to explore these new facets of himself and find out.

As they all effectively collapse into a bit of a cuddle pile upon Jaina's bed a few moments later, the Archmage having unceremoniously teleported them all there, Harry just smiles and hugs the three beauties to him with ease.

Tomorrow. He'd go on that adventure tomorrow. For today and tonight… he'll rest.


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