
World Maker (Dropped)

*This novel has been dropped No memories, no identity. Just a blank canvas of existence. A boy wakes up in an unknown world and tries his hardest to survive. He then realizes that this world is actually his personal one that he can freely control? Need water? Just use the System to change the weather to rainy! Need food? Just use the System's market to buy some plants! This is the story of a man's path to true divinity as he turns his shabby world into a bustling metropolis. /// Note: The MC is not completely overpowered, he still has to work to get the items he needs, he can't just spawn them in as he likes. The start of the novel focuses more on the MC's personal growth, so if you want a novel that's only about kingdom building, then this is probably not for you. :) Updates: 6 Chapter / 1 Week

Carpo · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Magic Heart

After disposing of the glowing crap, I washed my hands with rain..


The smell isn't coming off…


Whatever, it looks like the portal didn't pull me in today, just as I had thought.

I guess I should do my daily quests now then?

I looked at the Quests tab and saw that everything was still the same, so I began completing them.

After 2 hours I was done with my quests.


〖Reward: World Points x10〗

〖Reward: World Points x10〗

〖Reward: World Points x10〗

〖Reward: World Points x25〗


I don't really have anything to do now…

I guess I'll meditate a little bit longer then.

I found myself becoming addicted to the pleasure I got from my daily meditation and began doing it more than the Quest had asked me to.

After a few minutes of entering the Mana Gathering stage I was taken out of my flow state by a familiar noise.


〖Magic Casting: Level 1 ➤ Level 2〗

〖Reward: World Points x25, Magic Heart〗


A sudden pain assaulted my upper body as it started to glow in a bright white light.

The feeling was similar to that of my brain gaining new techniques so I decided not to fight it and instead endure it with all my willpower.

After a long minute, I found myself drenched in sweat, still sitting in a cross legged position.

I wanted to find out what the System had done to my body as soon as possible, but something interrupted me.


〖Magic Heart: Personal Affinity │★★★│Lightning〗

Personal affinity? Lightning?


Not knowing what to do, I decided to act on the only clue I had, which was Lightning, and changed the weather to Stormy.

After waiting for a little bit, I could see dark storm clouds forming in the sky and a wild dance of yellow lights inside of them.

Sometimes, the yellow lights would escape from the clouds and strike the ground, causing a loud boom and scorching the earth.

Okay, so I can see the lightning, what now?

I looked at the place where my heart was and saw it faintly glowing yellow.

As I kept staring at the weird glow, I suddenly felt my head starting to hurt.

It only worsened and worsened, until it suddenly stopped.

I could now feel that some knowledge had entered my brain again.

As I turned to look at the lighting once again, my hand instinctively moved upwards, facing the storm clouds.

I could feel some weird energy moving from my heart to my hand and a moment later..


The lightning struck at the exact place where my hand was facing.

Holy crap, did I just do that?

I tried doing it again, this time pointing my hand at a nearby tree..



Sure enough, the tree split into two and was instantly scorched black.

I wonder if I can use this without the stormy weather?

I turned the weather to Snowy once again and focused on my heart and hand.



Surprisingly, it actually worked, although the strike was much smaller and less powerful than previously.

This is pretty useful..

I wasn't thinking of its usefulness in combat, I meant its usefulness in making my sweet potatoes even tastier..

I bought 2 sweet potatoes and fertilizer spells from the market, planted them, and then harvested them.

I placed 1 of them on the ground to experiment on it..

I aimed my hand at it and then..



The potato was no longer there..

I don't know what I was expecting to be honest..

Of course a sweet potato couldn't survive a direct lightning strike..


Plan B it is then.

I removed 2 wood planks under my bed and cut them into multiple pieces with my Great Iron Dagger.

I then, once again, commanded lightning to strike at the planks.


The planks erupted into fire, as a wide smile appeared on my face.

Finally, I have fire!

Without wasting a second, I grabbed my remaining potato and stuck my dagger into it.

I then proceeded to hold it over the fire for a few minutes, until I felt like it was completely cooked.


〖Cooking: Level 0 ➤ Level 1〗

〖Reward: World Points x5, Basic Cookbook〗


Completely ignoring the system, I took a big bite out of the cooked potato, as my vision went black for a second.


It was delicious!

..Too delicious..

I could definitely see myself getting addicted to this..

Nah, I'm sure I can control myself..

Unbeknownst to me, I had already become a victim to the allure of the potato..

After buying and cooking 3 more sweet potatoes, my stomach couldn't handle anymore of them.

I decided to meditate until my stomach had digested the food.

After an hour or so, I decided to stop as I suddenly remembered something.

Right, the reward for leveling up my Cooking?

I saw an average looking book laying on the ground beside me.

I opened it and started reading the cookbook..

An unknown amount of time later.

I closed the book as I was finally done reading all of its content.

The book just seemed to suck me in, giving me no chance to stop reading it.

My head was now filled with hundreds of weird recipes that contained ingredients that I had never even heard of.

A dragon's toe, A troll's ear, 20 angel feathers, 20 demon claws.

The book said that by combining these mystical things I could make a thing called ''God Pizza''..?

It sounded delicious, but sadly, I didn't have any of the needed ingredients in my possession, and neither did the System's market..

After my stomach had digested the majority of the potatoes, I decided to finally try to eat the polar bear's meat.

I cut out a fairly large piece and started cooking it over the fire.



It was delicious as well, but obviously not as delicious as the sweet potatoes.


〖Magic Heart: Acquired Affinity │★│Ice〗


I can get affinities by eating food?

That's pretty convenient..

I obviously realized that it was most likely the polar bear's meat that had caused me to gain a new affinity.

I finished my meal and then decided to test out my new affinity.

Since the weather was already set to snowy, I pointed my palm at the ground and waited.


I could feel my hand getting colder and colder until..


A small icicle formed out of my hand and was sent flying in front of me.

Its speed wasn't that great, and I was sure that I could dodge it if someone attacked me with something like this.

After traveling in the air for a few moments, it smashed into a tree, leaving behind no significant marks, only a small cut.


I guess the stars indicate an affinity's strength?

So I guess it's no wonder that my 3 star Lightning affinity is stronger than my 1 star Ice affinity.

I tested the Ice affinity out in sunny weather also, but this time, there wasn't even an icicle that formed.

The only thing I felt was my hand getting colder.

I guess I could use it as a cooler of some sort?

Anyways, I kinda want to enter the new Dungeon Portal and see if it works the same way as the old one..

I grabbed my bow and headed towards the center, where the red portal was located.


Just as I was about to jump in, I heard a noise behind me.


I asked the blue cow in confusion.


It pointed its head towards the portal.

''You want to come with me?''


''Sorry! I can't allow that.''

I answered, due to being worried that she might get injured or even die in the Dungeon.


Luckily, it looks like it wasn't even that interested in the first place and she returned to munching on grass as usual.

Jeez, no wonder your crap is so big when you eat this much..

After looking at the cow for a few moments, I hopped in the portal..