
I'm not real, nor Am I the first...

<Diary of the first>

"So my story starts with the death of the original carrier of the name Caleb Thomas, the fact I'm not the original is confusing for you isn't it? Well I will explain that shortly however there is something I want to make perfectly clear before you send me down that rabbit hole and that is now that the original is dead, I'M THE REAL CALEB UNDERSTAND?"

"So the Caleb that died on Earth, died in an accident that was organised by a god of chaos, the exact one I do not know yet but hey I will avenge the original if the chance comes up. The original got wrapped up in businesses that were less than legal in an attempt to keep his childhood friend alive, the girl was the centre of Caleb's world, he went to extremes such as moving to China to make enough money to keep paying for her treatments in the states."

"One day, the Triad decided that Caleb had out lived his usefulness and had him killed off, the truth however is a very different story. Caleb has a very important ancestry that is near impossible to exist in the world and that attracted the attention of one of the gods that needed a new champion, that god was Ares, the god of war. "

"Caleb, I mean, I have the blood of Alexander the great, Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar running through our veins. Making us the perfect candidate for Ares, I assume that other gods didn't like that and influenced the world so Caleb would die before Ares could get his hands on him however before his soul dissipated Ares appeared before him and told him that if he vowed his soul in service to him then he would make sure his childhood friend would survive and prosper, he even allowed Caleb to eventually earn his freedom."

"There was a catch to all of this though and that is the original body had to die and clones would be made and separated throughout many different universes and they would earn their freedom and eventually divinity by using a device that Ares installed into them, he called it the 'World conquering System'. "

"This device would activate the dormant bloodlines of the clones and allow us to gain experience to spend on new abilities, buffs or grow our divinity. The systems also made it so we would never age however we could still die in battle, other gods had champions with similar systems that were related to the individual prowess of their gods or this is what Ares explained to me anyways. "

"If you are currently reading this then it means that I failed and you are the next clone that will be sent in my place to the world of Atoria, this world is a world where some counties have people like us, the champions of the gods ruling them and it is our job to keep the supporters of our god safe while expanding our influence gradually."

"I failed badly at this, we lost war after war due to me failing to run the economy of our country, I refused the system's advice and my Hubris lead to those I cared about being burnt alive in front of me before my head was cut off. Do you want to know how you are reading this if I died before it was written? Well Ares allows one clone from each world to write their memories down to pass on to the next one, unluckily for you, I died nearly 400 years ago so any information I have is useless for you but one piece of advice, DO NOT TRUST AR"

Caleb looked at the torn bottom page of the dairy that had a little bit of blood dripping off of the corner before taking a deep breath and entering the portal to Atoria, it was time he started to earn his freedom from Ares...

Hey peeps, hope you liked the first chapter of the novel. The novel will get regular updates however I can't currently dedicate a certain amount a week.

I plan to write a couple of fan fiction spin offs using some of the clones in already established universes, seems like a fun idea to me however I want to finish the first arc of this story before I start those.

Finally hope you have a good day!

MagicSympathisercreators' thoughts
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