
World built by fire

I woke up from a dream that seemed to last an eternity, when I looked at my surroundings, I didn't recognize a thing. Wooden bed frame, hardwood floors, and a sword leaned against a wide open window, the wind blowing in from the window was a nice cool breeze. "Is this a lucid dream"? I had lucid dreams before but this felt more real than any lucid dream I had ever had before, I tried to do reality checks to see if I was dreaming and I wasn't. I didn't feel invincible, I felt extremely vulnerable. I grabbed the sword from the window and made my way out of the room. I was fully dressed in leather clothing with fur boots and leather gloves. My dreads were put into a bun using string. When I left, the room the door took me outside and I saw a lot of other people. They all looked as confused and shocked as I was. "Where are we" someone screamed, everyone looked confused. Some people started to cry, and others who had known stories like this in the real world tried to take on more leadership roles. I guess they wanted to be the main characters in this story. I decided to sit back and observe because I too had read fictional stories about people being transported to new worlds and fighting goblins and dragons. Everyone started walking in the same direction, the people who dropped to their knees in terror were convinced it was safer to be in a new place with a group of hundreds than in a new place by yourself. We walked and walked, This blue-haired guy with daggers straps on his legs led the way. The whole way saying "Don't worry guys, I'll protect you". Truth be told I was scared to all hell, even though I was familiar with novels similar to my situation, in those novels there was a lot of death, despair, pain, and blood. At the same time, there was always glory, fame, and money to go along with whoever could become the main players in the story. I then began to notice how there were such a variety of weapons people were using. The blue-haired guy had two daggers on his legs, There were people carrying axes, spears, long swords like myself, short swords, katanas, Bow, and arrows. Everyone had the same mostly leather protection gear on as well. I wonder how the weapons were decided when we were brought to this world, is it random and people can use whatever they want? Or is it set in stone what weapons you'll be good at by the weapon you started with? Just as I was putting my thoughts together someone screamed "Oh my fucking god there are goblins" Before you know it the group of hundreds were attacked by a group of 50 or so bloodthirsty goblins. The group split up with many people running in the direction we were going, around 80 including myself staying back seeking glory. The blue-haired guy with the daggers took them out and started directing people, and we surrounded the goblins. "Bow users to the back and shoot on my command" he shouted, around 8 the bow and arrow users ran behind the circle and drew their bows. "Shoot" and they shot, taking down 7 goblins, 1 badly wounded. Then it was the melee fighters turn, "Try to take off their heads in a single slice" I shouted. I dashed forward swinging my sword at a goblin's neck and taking it off in 1 blow. "Just like that" I shouted, To be honest, I had never held a sword in my life but this felt so natural, like my body was created to fight. I didn't even feel peak human, I felt superhuman. Then the blue-haired guy stuck his daggers into the biggest goblin's eyes and started stabbing at its heart. The rest of the group followed one by one gaining confidence, and realizing this batch of goblins wasn't so tough at all. Before we could break a sweat we had defeated all of the goblins and their bodies started to disappear. "So this world doesn't have normal science, it's probably more like a video game world," I thought to myself. "We should get going" someone else shouted "before it gets dark" We started making a good pace down the path we were going before the goblins attacked. The blue-haired guy spotted giant walls "Look that must be a city" We all proceeded to run to the walls and through the front gate. When we finally caught back up with the larger group that ran from the goblins. "You guys made it," a girl said excitedly. "Yeah no thanks to you guys," I said. The hundreds looked down in shame. The blue-haired guy then walked up to me smiling and put his hand out. "Hey, what's your name" he said, "June Ako, please to meet you" I responded. "I'm Dawson Gates," he said, "so what do you think this whole thing is?". "I don't know, feels like an Isekai and we've been transported to a fantasy world". We had been so distracted we didn't even realize there were buildings and people all around us. The people looked and acted like regular people but they didn't feel like the rest of us. "I guess they are Npcs," Dawson said. "Heyyy" a girl yelled at our large group, "The townspeople say the king of this world will make a speech soon". "They say to look up at the sky in about an hour". The confusion, and scariness of the situation only continued for the next hour, as myself and Dawson tried to get our bearings of the town. We went into building after building, shop after shop. There were shops to buy weapons, armor, and potions. There were shops to buy food and medicine crafting equipment. There were even empty stores that said for sale. We tried to talk to as many people as possible in order to get information. We were told by townspeople that we were in the second largest city in this world called "Alaina" and the capital where the king lives are called "Yupa". Of course, we got some funny looks and many asked us if we had lost our memory in battle but we also learned there were 10 other cities of varying sizes with walls that surrounded them. We had all made an agreement to meet back up at the front gate in an hour so 1 by 1 each person returned, some stayed there crying. Others knew it was smarter to learn the layout of the city. Then out of nowhere 10 loud bells started to ring (bang) "holy hell (bang) that's loud" The townspeople started to look up so we followed suit. Then a tall pale old man appeared in the sky "GOOD EVENING HEROES, THIS IS KING DAMIAN SPEAKING" his voice roared across the sky louder than anything I've ever heard in my life. "YOU ALL MAY BE SCARED AND CONFUSED RIGHT NOW BUT IF I COULD HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF YOUR TIME THIS WILL ALL BE EXPLAINED". "I AM BROADCASTING MYSELF TO EVERY CITY IN OUR WORLD, I AS KING HAVE SUMMONED YOU HERE TODAY BECAUSE OUR WORLD IS IN GRAVE DANGER , MONSTERS ARE ON THE RISE , SMALL VILLAGES ARE ABANDONED AND PEOPLE ARE FLOCKING BEHIND THE CITY WALLS CAUSING OVERPOPULATION" I looked around to see how everyone was reacting , most people had a look on their faces that was one of unhappiness. "IN OUR ANCIENT TEXTS IT TELLS OF A TIME WHEN OUR WORLD WAS COMING TO AN END, SO THE KING IN THAT TIME SUMMONED, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF HEROES, WHO WENT ON TO SAVE THE WORLD". "What about our world, to hell with yours , send us back to ours" someone shouted. Even though the king couldn't hear him it was how a lot of us felt. "How could you destroy and risk the lives of thousands who know nothing about your world, instead of saving it yourself" the same person shouted "I SPOKE WITH THE PRIEST AND THEY TOLD ME OF THE RITUAL SAVED IN THE TEXTS AND I ATTEMPTED IT, THAT WAS A MONTH AGO AND THINGS HAVE ONLY GOTTEN WORSE". "IT IS STATED IN THE TEXTS THAT THESE LEGENDARY HEROES WHERE GIVEN GREAT POWER BY GOD IN ORDER TO FIGHT MONSTERS. "Yeah, but that also means we could take over your world if we wanted," I thought to myself "Maybe they are banking on summoning more good people than bad and the good people overcoming the bad". "The issue with that thought process is that this summoning to other world trauma might change a lot of good people into bad people," I thought to myself. "SO PLEASE MAKE OUR WORLD YOUR HOME, THERE ARE HOTELS, AND BRAND NEW APARTMENT BUILDINGS WE BUILT FOR YOUR ARRIVALS. START FAMILIES IF YOU WANT, VISIT OUR BROTHELS AND TAVERNS". "IF YOU WANT TO MAKE DECENT MONEY YOU CAN WORK ODD JOBS IN THE KINGDOM, IF YOU WANT TO MAKE GOOD MONEY YOU CAN KILL MONSTERS, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SACRIFICE, I WILL UPDATE YOU IN DUE TIME". I was stunned by how brazen the king was "Thank you for your sacrifice" as if any of us were given a choice to make the sacrifice. "To hell with this shit" someone screamed and the crowd started getting rowdier and rowdier. "Start families ? What about my family you piece of shit", "I'll kill him myself" people were shouting. I walked off to gather my thoughts and explore the city, in a situation like this I could see former military, police officers anyone of higher standing in our world taking charge right now. How receptive the crowd would be to that is based on how charismatic they were. These first few days are crucial to decide who will be the leaders of our new society, If we really are much more powerful compared to the people of this world, we could end up ruling this world and the people who take charge in these early days will be prime candidates for those top positions once we get established. "I think I'll be having one of those top positions, thank you very much," I thought to myself with a giant grin on my face. I walked into this large 3 storied bar, there were townsfolk drinking and making a ruckus over a card game. I looked to my right and saw a big board that said "Quest" in bright blue letters. I picked up the lowest-ranking one possible. It said it should only take a couple of hours so it will only pay 100 silver coins. "If this world is like video games from my world there should be gold, silver, and copper coins," I thought to myself. The quest read "Please kill 5 goblins from the nearest forest outside the city" and "Bring back 5 goblins right hands as proof of your accomplishment to the guild hall down the road". "Well seems easy enough," I thought to myself. "Off to kill some goblins"...… Prologue ends