
World's Blessed: World Mage

The line between reality and illusion is blurry. What actually is real? Atlas after a desperate turn of events gets an ominous task from a tree.... Could this be the only way to find out the truth? As the one blessed by the World, it is his duty to protect it but is he willing to? and what is he supposed to protect it from. And where does his GM authority fit into all this? PS. The main character is only interested in men and while there may be romantic tension and possibly long term romance if it fits into the plot it's not the driving force of the book. Anyone uncomfortable with this please don't read.

SmilingFrowner · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Roswald's Offer

The burly red haired man let out a snort as he stared down at Atlas, an incredible pressure descended on Atlas making him shake on his spot. The pressure didn't seem to affect the other two people in the room but it's full weight bore down on the young man. Despite the literal weight pressing down on him, Atlas raised his head and glared hatefully at the older man, who wouldn't? Especially after being oppressed for no reason. The burly man retracted his oppressive aura, his gaze becoming a little less hostile.

"My apologies young man." He said though he didn't sound like he meant it. "My name is Robert Roswald, the current Head of the Roswald family." The two girls? in the room looked at each other questioningly wondering why Robert was apologizing.

"My name is Atlas. Thank you for allowing us to stay here." Atlas said with gritted teeth still feeling the effects of Robert's aura. He estimated that the man was at least at the Magician level.

"It's the least I could do after you helped save my daughter."

"... What?" Atlas said confused.

Roswald shook his head. "The bandits intended to sell my daughter to one of my enemies, without you starting that fire my men would've never been able to find her."

'Oh! Okay.' Atlas shook his head as he thought.

"I was merely trying to save myself and my sis- Alya." He said quickly shooting Alya a nervous glance, he still had not come to terms with Alya's identity.

"Ah! I haven't introduced myself." The red haired girl exclaimed. "I am Axelle Roswald, the second daughter of the current Duke Roswald. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Axelle curtsied, behind her Duke Roswald gave an approving nod.

Atlas gave a friendly unassuming smile. "No it's my pleasure, young lady."

As Duke Roswald opened his mouth to speak, a scrawny black haired man entered the room in a rush, he nodded at the everyone before whispering something in his ear. The Duke nodded at him to go and sighed.

"It seems that we must cut the introduction short, excuse me." He left the room. Before he left, for some reason unknown to Atlas, he suddenly thought about his skill and muttered to himself.

"[Analyze]" The word left his mouth unintentionally.


- NAME: Robert Roswald

- RACE: Human

- AGE: 65

- ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

- CLASS: Magic Swordsman LV 51

- JOB: Magician LV 10


- STR:90

- AGI: 75

- DEX: 86

- VIT: 116

- INT: 94



Atlas read everything before frowning although he managed to confirm Robert's Rank, the stats he saw were far higher than his own. It made him wonder how high Al- Annalise 's stats were and why he couldn't check their skills.

While he was deep in thought, the two girls in the room were conversing with animated expressions on their faces.

After a while Duke Roswald came back but he discovered that they had all fallen asleep. Atlas was pretending but he didn't notice. He grinned and carried Axelle away probably to her room. After he heard the sound of the door closing Atlas slowly stood up and waited for two minutes before opening the door and walking out. He quietly closed the door, discovering that the room he was in was at the end of a long hallway. After thirty minutes of walking he was still in the same hallway.

'Is this an illusion of some sort.' He wondered as he touched the walls. No, they felt too real. As he was trying to find a way out of his current predicament he heard footsteps coming and.... well stood still since there was no where to hide. The owner of the footsteps was revealed to be Duke Roswald who was clad in a simple black shorts and a brown shirt which was stretched to the limit on his body, he raised an eyebrow at Atlas asking a silent question.

"I was trying to find the washroom, Sir." Atlas said respectfully.

"Follow me." The large man turned around and walked forward with heavy yet silent steps. The looping effect seemed to have vanished as they arrived at a large hallway decorated with things that seemed to glitter in the darkness but Atlas couldn't make out their shapes.

"There." The Duke said pointing to a small door at the side.

"Thank you Sir." Atlas said gratefully and rushed off to relieve himself.


After relieving himself, Atlas was surprised to see the Duke still standing where he was before Atlas left. He was about to attempt to sneak out of the hall but the Duke had other plans.

"Atlas, if you would please follow me." The man asked but it felt more like an order though the amusement in his tone downgraded the seriousness.

By the the time Atlas had woken up from his thoughts the Duke had already disappeared with the clicking of a door that Atlas had not seen. Not wanting to test the man's patience he hurriedly shuffled to the door. Atlas closed the door behind him, the man in question was currently perched on a bench overlooking the most beautiful garden Atlas had ever seen— and he had seen the Imperial garden — Flowers of different types dotted the landscape, Roses, Pansies, Sunflowers. A large plot full of Cosmos, Aster and Juliet Roses drew Atlas's attention. He muttered under his breath and moved to the bench where the Duke sat, he made no motion of sitting down waiting the older man to give him permission.

"Sit down." The Duke said without looking at him.

After a few minutes of silence, Atlas asked nervously. "May I know why you asked me here, Sir."

"I heard about your sister's letter. I assure you it's genuine. A product of the royal family it seems." The Duke paused to gauge Atlas's reaction but the other had his face turned away from him. "But if she goes there on her own, I guarantee you that she'll be swallowed whole by the Nobles there. I have an offer for you, you both attend the academy but as attendants for my children, Alya with Axelle and you with Axton."

"Will we be their attendants or their slaves." Atlas asked coldness seeping into his voice.

The Duke let out an amused chuckle. "Only if you wish, you won't even do normal attendant duties since the Academy provides their personal trained attendants. You being there as attendants is merely a formality."

"So what is your answer? Atlas."