

Opening his eyes, Daniel finds himself in a crib with little toys stringed up and spinning atop him. Looking around he sees other cribs with babies in them and assumes his in the maternity ward. Once he has confirmed that he is, at least at the moment, safe he begins to think about what happened and how he got here, wherever 'here' is. He remembers confronting his ex and her 'gang' but before anything could really happen, the world was suddenly white. Then he was drifting with just his soul, fight to keep himself from dispensing and truly dying. Through all of this he managed to instinctively take in the basic elements into his soul to reach an equilibrium, with the elements effects compounding off of each other to just barely keep him from coming apart. After stabilizing, he noticed that his soul somehow got connected to another but this new soul felt like a part of him, one that seemed to have been lost or hidden from him until now. While exploring this connected soul he saw a much 'bigger' soul that he made out to be an entity of sorts like the supposed gods of legends.

As he was think of this the word 'Gia' came to mind and with that he hears a soft whisper said in a warm tone, ("My name is Gia and I give you this gift for reaching my realm when it should be impossible with your current ability and I hope to meet again little one.")

Those words came with the gradual stream of energy pooling in his chest that brought the feeling of serenity, relaxation, and soothing nature. Building off that he felt his affinity towards nature reach new found heights almost as if he was one with nature. Expirencing this put him in a deep meditative state that made him look as if he was in a deep sleep with a slight green glow forming around his body.


In another room, Isabella was talking to her husband Robert with excitement in her voice, " I awakened!, I feel like I awakened as a psychic since it feels like my mind expanded. There was also a screen that said Gia gave me her blessing..."

They both looked at each other at that not knowing what to think but decided to ask Gia herself when they got their communications bracelets.

Gia is an A.I. that is in every com device and was designed that way to help. Though this wasn't very popular when this feature came to the public the government made an announcement stating that this feature would help with identification and act as your go too source of credible information. She also able to help and direct in an emergency situation like one of the mutated beasts breaking through the barrier dome and causing havoc before being put down. Later on Gia was found to have a growing amount of source energy. This was investigated by the government and awakened organizations alike only to find that they could not find where the energy was as it was in almost all her system. After a bit of time thus caused Gia some obvious changes form having emotions to being able to materialize in the real world on occasion. And with her new abilities she was able to strengthen the energy barrier that surrounds the city and lead to a higher energy concentration in the city.

Robert is actually already an awakened with dual talents for mature elements and spirits. This supported him in his job as a farmer. He is able to use magic spells and runes to help him with the fields while also giving his corps more energy consisting of mana and spirit energy which made his crops more expensive and profitable. Using this money and more they have been saving up for the last year even selling some of their things to be able to buy a [Calm Energy elixir] that can safely boost the potential and health of those who take it while also having the added affect of increasing the base chance to awaken if taken by those below the age of ten, with the younger giving higher chances.

A few hours after giving birth to Daniel, Isabella was allowed to leave to hospital but not without checking with the healers to make sure she and her baby don't have any detrimental affects from the birth. Nothing was abnormal though there was a higher energy reading in the baby but while that's uncommon it just means the baby is more sensitive to energy than most.

Walking out of the hospital to their car, they put on the com devices and contacted Gia only for her to say she would come by later when they reached their home to talk to them. Slightly excited and worried at what she had to say they drive home.

They lived on the outskirts of the city with about 30 acres of land for their farm. Their house was two stories tall with three bedrooms including the master bedroom, a walk in closet, two bathrooms, a large kitchen with a connecting dinning room, living room, and a basement that's mainly used for storage. Outside the house tilled fields could be seen growing crops along with a tool shed not far from the house and a few farming technologies that makes it easier as they don't have servants to help.

Arriving home they went into the living room and sat on the sofa with Daniel next to them having come out of his meditative state and was looking around curiously. With there com bracelets on they called Gia causing a green light to start growing from the ground from a sapling into a tree before forming to outline of a woman as the light faded to reveal Gia.

She had a green with light and darker shades here and there. There were colorful flowers growing out of her green hair and along her dress that emphasizes her curves. Her eyes were aquamarine green with amusement glimmering in their depths as she looked at them.