3 Chapter 3: Good night...

Lizzy's mood had been great the whole day, this surprised her family, they knew that this was great news for her, but they didn't know how important it was. Night came, and Lizzy was almost too excited to sleep, tommorow her father had promised her that they would have a tour of New Islington. She stayed in her bed, awake for a while... she kept thinking about how if her mother was still alive, would she be proud of her? But slowly Lizzy's mind faded into a land of darkness, it looked like wonderland, except it was completely blood red and it looked completely desserted, when Lizzy's mother was still alive, she loved the tale of Alice in wonderland, because everything was so colourful and lively, but it also went away with her mother, now it was dull, and dead in her mind. and then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a little girl covered in blood, her eyes made her seem "dead", Lizzy tried to chase after her out of curiosity but before she could catch her, the little girl giggled then faded into the dark abyss, if she wasn't wrong that little girl looked a lot like her when she was just a naive little girl except she was covered in blood. Lizzy was startled when inveloped into a hole that formed in the ground, "AAAAAAAAAAH!" Lizzy shut her eyes tight, expecting to die once she fell but crashed with a thud, she somehow landed into a box, this made Lizzy feel suffocating because the box made Lizzy feel as if she had shrunken in size, the box was also very dark, she could feel someone or something watching her closely. Lizzy's skin felt cold, she felt scared, she just wanted to get out of this box, she struggled with edges of the boxes closing in on her, then she heard a sweet voice say "good night, and sweet dreams", after that her eyes started to droop, she bit her tongue in order to stay awake, the pain started to fade and her conscious gave in to that sweet yet toxic voice. Lizzy had a bad feeling of what she would dream of, like a child hiding under the covers scared to fall asleep because of the monster staring off at them in the corner.

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