
Wolf bridegroom

"Yeon-nim deserves to be punished." The man appeared to be sincere. His face became solemn as she looked down at me, terrified. "After stopping a bachelor who had never wrapped herself in a pussy, you ran away for a year." But where else are you taking me?" "...... Are you fleeing?" Yeon had no idea what was going on with me. purr. His throat made a sound similar to that of an animal. The thick sound of something boiling, the amount of lye poured in. It was also something I'd heard a lot before. "I believe you are prepared to accept it properly, even if I inflate mine with a nail on it." The smell of the beast filled the entire room. Male cloves are ripe and ready to explode in all directions. "You will endure and become my kind female even if it is difficult and painful." "Can't you just run away in the middle?" He intended to do everything correctly after having waited so long, going through everything very carefully, one by one. To begin this heat period, gently soothe my clumsy young bitch, apply it to the bone, and eat it. This is a review of author .the wolf is the male protagonist. It is a wolf male protagonist who loses her heroine in a short moment and becomes obsessed with finding her again. , it was a novel with a male protagonist's obsession. ...enjoy

Arnnok · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Episode 6.5. First Snow


Kite and the three men's preparations for the winter progressed smoothly.

If I did it alone, I would have died of starvation, but now that we are together, tile-roofed houses are starting to get better.

The weather was getting colder and colder. However, Hwan carefully prepared for the winter.

"I'm going to oil the window paper."

Hwan took me one day and oiled all the windows in the house. Doing one of those things warmed the whole house.

The next day, they started making winter clothes with silk, cotton wool, and animal skins they had collected.

A whole week was spent making yarn, and the whole next week was spent cutting silk. Then, whenever I had time, I was sewing.

"Do you know how to do that?"

"Why not?"

From Yeon's point of view, Hwan was a mysterious man.

He gripped a needle shorter than his little finger with his rough, rough hand and moved without hesitation.

Yeon was by his side and helped him diligently.

"This is called a jeogori, and it is a jeogori with animal fur on the inside. This is a baeja worn over a jeogori, and that is trousers quilted with cotton... ."

Hwan knew a lot and knew how to make a lot.

"How do you know all these things?"

"Would you believe me if I told you?"

Hwan laughed and looked at the liver.

In response to his prank, Yeon pretended to draw attention by making a face or not talking about it if he didn't want to. She had a completely swollen liver due to the recent influx of her pain. The problem was that Hwan liked that side better.

Sure enough, Hwan started blowing softly with his own mouth.

"I once followed a clothing vendor. There was one time when I was locked in a barn for days and days, almost making clothes, and then barely escaped."

He was a man who had been through a lot.

Listening to Hwan's story about the continent across the sea, they made gloves and hats together. I also made cotton beosun.

It was the time when they blossomed into a heartwarming conversation from the inside. Jinpal was working outside sniffing.

Before the snow came, the old roof was torn down and a thatch was placed to connect the new roof.

"Jinpal, are you doing well?"

Hwan opened the door midway through to check Jinpal's working speed.

"Eh, etch! It's all over, etch... ! It's coming to an end! This is coming soon."

"Where are you coming in? After that, I'll have to fix the wall."

"Yes… ?"

Yeon thought that Hwan was especially harsh with Jin-Pal. To me, even if I make fermented soybean paste with red beans, I mean a nobleman who will roll up his sleeves and say he will get the red beans. Jin-Pal seemed to have the same idea, but he heard a muttering sound from outside.

"Don't you think that's too much?"

"I don't like it. Oh, I need to clean the furnace before I can use it."

"Are you crazy?"

"Heh heh, when you're done, sweep the yard and come in."


"Hey, did you throw the broom? In addition to organizing the warehouse."

But again, when I saw what Jinpal did to Hwan, I tended to buy it and earn money. When he sees him fighting like a brother, he doesn't like it, so he decides to turn his attention to the two.

After preparing all the winter clothes, it was time to organize the warehouse.

"Acorns are best stored after being ground into powder. The dates should be dried more closely."

Afterwards, they all went out together to help Jinpal fix the wall.

Of course, Yeon was sitting on the floor munching on the taffy Jinpal had brought from the street. It was because of the wind that prevented Hwan from escaping even one step from the floor.

"It is windy outside. Have a cup of hot tea or something."

At first, everyone was working, but it was embarrassing to rest alone.

However, after hearing Hwan's words, I came to some understanding.

"Aren't you the smallest among the four of us? To be honest, it's just beans. It would be faster if we just did it ourselves. and… ."

Hwan glanced into Yeon's eyes and added.

"If I order a bean to work, my back hurts."

Hwan said that and put his hand on my chest.

It was an obvious joke. At his prank, Yeon muttered to himself.

"… It is bigger than a pea."

'It's not because I don't want to grow, it's because I can't eat... .'

Yeon sincerely thought so. Isn't the lang that took her mother's milk so big now.

Thinking of Rang unnie suddenly made her face feel depressed, so Yeon hurriedly followed Hwan's figure.

Hwan thought that Yeon would be bored while sitting alone, so he gave explanations in between.

"It is to apply soil in the airy gap and put reeds or fallen leaves inside the earthen wall to prevent heat from escaping."

Needless to say Jin-Pal, I just worked silently to finish quickly and come in.

After finishing the repair of the wall, everyone rolled up their hands and made kimchi. It was a job that I had been working on for several days, so I finished it easily.

Under the leadership of Hwan, cabbage kimchi was mixed and kkakdugi was made. Dongchimi and bachelor kimchi were a bonus.

Even when making kimchi, Hwan kept an eye on Yeon to keep him from doing the hard work. The hard and dirty work was done by sin or made to be sold.

Yeon just thought so. It's funny, I felt a little guilty at first just receiving it like this, but after repeating it several times, it became natural at some point.

'The wolf's heart is so cunning.'

Before he knew it, Yeon was hoping that this kind of favor would continue even a little longer.

Just like Rang did, Hwan's heart could suddenly turn around like this. Still, it can't be helped, Yeon repeated to herself.

'At that time, there will be another way to live.'

Of course, if Hwan changed his mind, he would be a little, no, very sad.

'Let's not think.'

Kite broke, trying to avoid such thoughts. He decided to eat and live comfortably while staying in this thatched house. Complicated things just sucked.

That evening, Gungil returned with a bunch of frozen vegetables instead of meat.

"Chi-it, on the day of kimchi, it's pork meat."

Jinpal grumbled, but quickly rolled up his sleeves and helped with dinner.

Thanks to Yeon-eun learning from Hwan, she now knows how to cook rice and cook soup.

That evening was wild vegetable bibimbap and mushroom miso soup.

"I'm a meat lover, but I can't stand bibimbap with wild vegetables in the middle of winter."

Yeon replied, "Yes, yes," and added another spoonful of gochujang to Jinpal's bowl. It was stir-fried red pepper paste with meat. This also taught me how to make a ring.

Suddenly, I remembered what Jinpal said the other day.

"But didn't you say that eating pheasant meat would cause diarrhea?"

"… A pig or cow is fine."

Jin-Pal replied, unable to make eye contact with Yeon.

Why on earth can a pig or a cow work, but not a pheasant? I didn't understand what the difference was, but Yeon thought so. It was a kite that I came to accept quite a few things naturally these days.

As I paid attention to Jinpal's bowl, a man next to me looked at me with pitiful eyes. As expected, it was a ring.

I was afraid to say something about being sad again, so I quickly spread red pepper paste on his rice bowl.

Only then did Hwan's expression brighten when he poured half more alcohol than Jin-pal.

Yeon thought inadvertently that such a hwan was cute, but changed her mind. Even so, she couldn't bear to keep her eyes on her.

Hwan said that Yeon gave him red pepper paste, and he ate it without mixing it properly.

'I'll make it.'

Yeon frowned and thought.

"Ouch, ooh! Hey, Mr. Yeon. That water, some water... ."

Sure enough, Hwan was looking for water, so he quickly brought a bowl.

Hwan was dignified in front of the other two men, but he only did that in front of me. He complained like an immature child, and when he did it, he would play around on purpose.

Jinpal looked at Hwan as if he was pitiful.

"You are acting again. Isn't it creepy when you look at it like that, Mr. Yeon?"

Hwan smiled wide-eyed at Jin-pal while accepting the water Yeon had given him.

"Jinpal, when you say something nice."

Shut up.

Yeon looked at the ring suspiciously. He didn't say anything behind the scenes, but just by looking at Jinpal's expression, it seemed like he knew enough about what was going on.

As usual, Gungil was ignoring them and serving the Bibimbap with wild vegetables.

Yeon looked at Hwan and let out a deep sigh.

How can a man be so easy to understand?

If it's just about yourself, just die.

I met the eyes of the man who took a sip of water and exhaled.

'Look at me. You laugh like that again.'

How can a man have such a good laugh?

Yeon turned her head.

What was even funnier was my reaction. What is it about such a strange man that makes my heart beat so fast?

'I'm sure he'd be in tears just because he turned his head.'

Jin-Pal might be glaring at him with unanswerable eyes.

While spending the winter together, Hwan gradually entered Yeon's heart. That was an undeniable fact.

While eating, Yeon became restless and gulped down a glass of water. Both cheeks were already flushed red.

It was like that at some point. Thinking of her wish, Yeon felt like a butterfly was flying in her chest, but she suddenly felt a tingling sensation as if stung by a bee. Even though her heart was cold as if struck by frost, it became warm as if under an ondol. I felt like my body didn't belong to me.

'Obviously it's because the estrous season is right around the corner.'

Kite blamed it on the heat. It was a time when it would not be strange even if it really exploded tomorrow.

'So that's what I'm going to do... . No other reason.'

Her body has been really weird lately. To be precise, it was as if Hwan's body had broken down, confined to her man. It wasn't just that his personality became soft due to the limited Hwan.

Even if I just glanced at him, even if I accidentally touched my fingertips, I felt a burning sensation in the nape of my neck.

When I looked at Hwan, my skin felt tingly and my lower stomach was strangely clumped together. I felt chills and a fever.

When I talk to him, my throat gets dry, but my throat gets damp, and even though I can't sit still, I almost collapse between my crotch because it's soaking wet.

'It's because it's in heat... . Because it's in heat... .'

Lately, Yeon has been consciously filling the sachet with more incense.

As human men, even if I was in heat, I wouldn't notice the scent, and I wouldn't need that much, but I did it for my mood.

'This is how I eat a person.'

It was the thought of a woman who would not have even snorted if she had been sick, but Yeon was serious.

"Yeon-nim, would you like to make a bet with me?"

It was like that even now. Just then, Hwan was approaching with a wicked smile.

The big man who approached me with a grin grinning and spoke kindly, and my tongue dried up.

"yes yes?"

How handsome is the face again?

People thought that all humans were arrogant, but it wasn't Hwan.

I thought he was a handsome man with fair skin, thick black eyebrows, and a sharp impression even though he had no double eyelids.

How straight the jaw line is again, how fine the line under the topknot on the forehead is again.

I didn't know when life was hard and full of worries about making ends meet. However, when the arms were stretched and the stomach was full, the eyes went smoothly elsewhere.

For example, like the clavicle of the ring.

It was a kite that I thought the veins and red wrists exposed under the man's sleeves, which were still rolled up, were so hot.

'I want it, I want it.'

I wanted to be a human man without a man-eating monster.

'When the white fox becomes a human, he will be like Mr. Hwan.'

Yeon thought to herself and hurriedly asked Hwan.

"What did you just say?"

"Let's make a bet with me."

Hwan smiled. Kite wanted to knock on my beating heart again if I could.

"A bet? Me and Hwan?"


Hwan raised his head and looked up at the cold sky. His expression was strange.

"I think it will snow tomorrow. How is Yeon?"

Kite looked up at the sky.

It is a clear blue winter sky without a single cloud. Clearly, the entrance to the water dock was frozen and there was frost on the windows, but there was no sign of snow.

"The water was definitely frozen, but… . It wouldn't be easy to see snow in a sky like that."

"So let's bet with me. Isn't it fine if Yeon-nim wins?"

It smelled like a scammer for some reason, but Yeon nodded.

I wanted to listen to what Hwan had to do.

These days, Yeon was happy to be able to do this. Not too long ago, I didn't have a lot of persecution, but why, now I can't think of any of the difficult and lonely days.

'I was indeed a cunning wolf.'

The owner of this thatched house, which happened to be put on top and spent the winter together, changed the kite.

'Now I can't even think of a thatched house without Hwan-nim.'

To the extent that I am afraid that he will leave this thatched house.

Yeon opened her mouth with her nose reddened by the cold air. Her breath gushed out.

"all right. I bet."

Hwan's eyebrows lifted slightly.


It was a surprised expression that Yeon accepted my irrational number. Yeon smiled and replied.


Hwan's mouth seemed to harden slightly, but soon it was released mischievously.

"Then, what are you going to bet Yeon-nim on?"

Yeon swallowed her saliva.

I didn't have too much to bet on.

This thatched roof, the water cup in front of him, and even the warm winter coat he was wearing belonged to Hwan.

When I thought about it like that, I was pretty embarrassed. I wondered if I had been well-liked with someone else's.

Seeing Yeon look embarrassed, Hwan quickly opened his mouth.

"Please use that sachet."

Yeon opened her eyes wide in surprise.


Hwan hastily replied. At that moment, he seemed a little nervous.

"Please take off that sachet just once. That's it."

Yeon opened her mouth.

You want me to take off the sachet? Yeon was a little embarrassed. That request somehow came across as more obscene than asking Yeon to take off her clothes.

Yeon thought to herself.

'Are you okay? Since he's a human, he won't find out.'

It would be a big deal if other male beasts came down the mountain because of the smell of the kite.

When Yeon seemed to be worried, Hwan added coldly. His knees twitched a little nervously.

"Come on, Yeon. It's just a sachet."

For some reason, I had a strong impression that he wanted to get rid of this sachet quickly.


In fact, even though the male wolf in front of me was ready to devour me in one bite, the naive female mistakenly thought that it was just an obedient dog wagging her tail.

Yeon, who did not even dream of the truth, replied without knowing why.

"Then, what will Hwan-nim give me?"

Unbeknownst to me, a provocative tone came out.

Hearing Yeon's question, Hwan raised his eyebrows as if he was a little surprised.

'Are you a little careless? .'

Well, it was a bit like listening to it with kite ears.

Aren't you the man who has already given me everything?

They gave us a big room in a thatched house, a water jug, a fireplace and an ondol, food in the storeroom, firewood, and even clothes.

Hwan also seemed to think so, and he kept his mouth shut for a moment. Soon, her voice sounded like she was struggling.

"… I thought I gave it all up, but I guess our Yeon-nim is not an easy woman. Well, that's even better."

Hwan lowered his head for a moment, then abruptly thrust his face in a voice full of aspirations.

"Then let's do this, Mr. Yeon. If I lose the bet, I will give you this thatch."

"yes yes?"

Yeon opened her eyes wide.

Will you give me this thatch?

I knew he was a crazy man, but I thought he wouldn't even think about it.

"Mi, are you crazy?"

Unfiltered words came out of nowhere. But Hwan did not back down.

"Instead, there are conditions."

The corners of his mouth parted as he said that, showing the playfulness in his heart.


Yan looked up at him with suspicious eyes.

"Yes, conditions."

Hwan suddenly reached out his hand.

"If I lose the bet… . I will give you this thatch. instead… ."

Yeon tried to put her hand behind her reflexively. Sure enough, Hwan crawled all the way to where Yeon's hand was bitten behind and grabbed it with a snap.

Hwan opened his mouth.

"You must have me with you."

Yeon narrowed her eyes in despair.

I didn't seem to hear what he was saying now. Only the inexhaustibly hot and large hand he held was embedded in his mind. Big, hot, fervent... . affectionate at the same time.

Just like his eyes looking at me now.

"Did you hear, Mr. Yeon? You should have me with you."

The corner of Hwan's mouth drew an arc. The corners of Yeon's mouth parted open in a wide smile.

Hwan's hand, which had dug into her hand, slowly intertwined it. She even felt sorry for her little fingers that hid themselves in his palms as if they were about to be eaten.

'Cow, your grip strength is too strong.'

It was terrifying. A small drum was making a fuss in her chest. I was ashamed to stand naked in front of this man even though I was holding one of his hands and only making eye contact with him. The fact that this man's fingers were squeezed between my fingers, one by one, was so obscene.

Hwan slowly wrapped his fingers around the back of Yeon's hand. It was wound up to the point where there were no gaps without pulling it out. Soon, even the palm of his hand touched him, to the point where not a single part could be separated from him.

"Will you?"

In that state, Hwan drove a wedge.

Yeon couldn't even pay attention to his trembling fingers and just gulped down his saliva.

I barely nodded.

Something was strange.

'He's obviously human. You're human.'

Hwan felt the energy of the giant-headed wolf, which Rangi used to exude when she was very angry.

It was so big that it couldn't even be compared to Lang's, and it was brutally strong.

'Even when I'm in heat, it's hard.'

Yeon only thought so.

To feel the energy of a male wolf against a human.

It was a sensitive body that even showed signs of imaginary pregnancy. Yeon did not forget the incident at that time and remembered it.

'No, this is... .'

But because of that, Yeon only reacted to Hwan. The other human men, Gun-gil and Jin-pal, did not feel this way.

'This is what I need... .'

Yeon hesitated to bring out the emotions he had been denying from before.

But I couldn't hold it any longer.

'I'm truly in love with Hwan-nim.'

Even that is irreversible. a lot.

At the same time, Yeon became nervous.

After realizing his feelings, what Hwan said remained in his mind and did not leave.

Are you kidding me that you gave me this thatch? If not, does that mean there is no need for this place anymore? Is that why you bet so casually? You want to go down to the human village again after winter?

Hwan set the condition that he should have it too, but in Yeon's ears, it was just a joke added at the end of the conversation.

Only the word that I would give you a house kept ringing in Yeon's head. It sounded as if Hwan-nim was leaving me and leaving me far away.

Yan's heart skipped a beat. When I imagined that Hwan was not in front of me, somehow a cold wind filled a corner of my heart.

"… Yeon?"

When Yeon did not answer, Hwan lowered his head to examine her expression.

Yeon raised one arm and hid her expression.

"Ah, I understand, so please let go of this hand."

"Ah, yes… ."

Hwan's hand trembled and barely came off.

If it was like usual, 'Did you really promise? Don't you have anything to say?' Hwan, who should have been wagging his tail, was silent. Yeon also kept silent.

'It's useless to worry.'

Yeon tried hard to soothe her heart. Isn't Hwan-nim still by his side now? Yeon thought that was enough. He said he couldn't ask for more.

However, Yan's shoulders visibly drooped. As soon as I realized my feelings, the thought of Hwan-nim leaving made me so nervous. If she had had her tail sticking out of her now, she would have been so downcast that she would have been dragging her floor.

'Ah, what's for dinner tonight!'

Yeon thought about dinner to avoid revealing her broken heart. I tried to cheer myself up, imagining what Gungil would catch this time.

It was a cold day, but I couldn't bear to touch them, and their hands, which were about a span apart, became cold.

* * *

"oh! This time, it's a big deal!"

Jinpal greeted Gungil, who had been hunting, with socks on his socks.

It was truly a windfall day.

It was Gun-gil, who usually lifted the harvest of the day with a blunt expression.


Today, however, he raised both hands above his head. Just by looking at his posture, he looked confident.

Unknowingly, Yeon ran out with her eyes wide open.

"Okay, pig… !"

It was a wild boar the size of a man's mound that was lifted up in Gungil's hands.

That evening, a party was held in the thatched house. It was a pig feast.

Jinpal, who always grumbled, prepared dinner while dancing that day. I also cut the garlic and red pepper I saved for making ssamjang.

Yeon also quickly regained her energy and started preparing for pork bossam. I had to eat my worries and thoughts first. That was Yan's motto.

She took out various kinds of kimchi while humming with excitement. Hwan matched her rhythm to her hum in such a kite, and coated the meat with wild boar meat.

Now they were four people whose limbs fit perfectly together. One statue was completed in no time.

"thank you for this food!"

Yeon was the first to open the spoon this time as well. I wrapped freshly made kimchi in pork meat with white rice and put it in a bite.

The crispness of the cabbage kimchi and the moist texture of the meat made Yeon shudder with joy.

'it's good… !'

Hwan was only concentrating on making Bossam to fit in Yeon's mouth rather than putting it in his mouth.

Hwan was always like that. He didn't eat his own food and was busy taking care of kites.

Kite, pricked by his conscience, secretly put a piece of meat that was slightly smaller than his share of meat into his mouth.

"Hey, Mr. Yeon… !"

Then Hwan made an overly thrilled expression and pressed his face against him, so he had to blush again.

It was fortunate that I couldn't see Gun-gil or Jin-pal, who were busy throwing meat into their mouths.

Hwan, who was moved by such a small thing, was just cute and nice. If he had been in wolf form right now, he would have been wagging his tail. At the same time, I had a gloomy thought that if Hwan left, I would miss that figure very much.

'Eh, I don't know.'

Yeon put a little bigger piece of meat in his mouth next time. It was even bigger than what would fit in a kite's mouth.

I don't know about Hwan, but it was the highest level of affection for Yeon.

'It's as if I've really given it all.'

Yeon really thought so. That's why my feelings for Hwan were sincere.

I wonder if my sincerity reached me, and Hwan showed a bigger reaction than I expected.

"Ha, Mr. Yeon. You touch me many times today."

He covered his mouth and pretended to be impressed.

Yeon didn't know what to do with Hwan's infusion. Every time I listened to it, my whole body twisted. Then, thinking that I might never see that reaction again made my heart ache.

Yeon wrapped her arms one more time for Hwan and soothed her heart that kept sagging. Hwan, too, put the meat in Yeon's mouth.

"Oh, don't you two have hands?"

Only Jinpal looked at the two males with an expression of disapproval. As usual, Gungil silently emptied the bowl.

The time for a harmonious dinner, in which ssams containing different feelings of love came and went, ended quickly.

The four of us ate all the pigs the size of a house and chewed on apples picked in late winter.

We were all sitting on the floor together, but Hwan insisted that I be the only one sitting next to Yeon. So Yeon sat at the far left end as if he had become a captain, and then Hwan sat down astride. Behind them were Gungil and Jinpal.

Yeon laughed. In order of size, I was the youngest, but the seat was the most senior.

Bellflower ginger honey tea made with pills was also boiled. Everyone sipped tea together and shared the winter clothes they had made.

"Wow, this is discrimination. How do you sell Yeon's clothes? How are we in winter?"

"noisy. do you get cold? Even if they sleep in the snow, they won't die and will only go back to their mouths."

"Then do you think it's okay to go back?"


The clothes seller was very partial, but as everyone expected, it ended up being a small commotion.

Yeon put on the top that Hwan had made sure to match and even a skirt made of cotton, and sipped tea while drinking.

I also ate tangerines. My stomach is full and the stars and moon are bright.

"Your eyes, nose, and mouth are brighter than that moon."

As usual, Hwan-do, who was working on me, was also by my side.

It was a winter night that could not have been more perfect.

Hwan peeled a tangerine into Yeon's mouth and promised again.

"When the river freezes over, let's go ice fishing together."

Knowing now that those words weren't the right words, Yeon almost laughed bashfully.

Because Hwan-nim was a man who kept his promises.

Red bean porridge, winter clothes, bellflower ginger honey tea.

But at the same time, the thought that Hwan would leave me after all the promises I had made throughout the winter made my heart ache.

He hurriedly lowered his head to hide his expression.

"Ice fishing is good. Hwan-nim is also crazy about fish."

Instead of the silent kite, Jinpal intervened.

Yeon, who was in a good mood, replied yes. She wanted to listen to anything that Hwan liked.

"Yeon-nim, it seems to be today."

At that time, Hwan secretly attached himself to me with a serious face and let go of his luck.


Yeon looked up at him with suspicious eyes.

"On a day like today, you should wet your mouth with fresh wine."

Bokbunja liquor protruded from behind him.

When did you get it from the warehouse?

Jin-Pal and Gun-Gil's eyes shone when they discovered the alcohol.

He must have greased his stomach with pigs, and to finish, it wouldn't be bad to taste the bokbunja liquor he calls Sinseonju.

'I'm curious about the taste... .'

Soon after, as Hwan said, an ornate drinking party took place.

With tangerines and leftover meat bossam as snacks, bokbunja liquor was filled to the brim.

"First of all, have a drink with our kite!"

"I've never had a sip... ."

"Ehehe, one sip is enough. I won't recommend it any more."

At Hwan's words, Yeon thought to drink just one sip and passed the alcohol down her throat.

'Oh, that's fine... ?'

The taste was sweeter than I expected.

Soon after, Hwan drank a full glass, and Jin-Pal and Gun-Gil emptied their glasses in turn. Then it was Yan's turn again.

After a few laps, Jinpal jumped up from his seat and started singing. Gungil, who was usually expressionless, also clapped his hands. As if Hwan was starting again, he looked at them and shook his head.

I also felt something strange. She really felt like her body was tingling, just like Hwan said. She seems to be floating around, and she seems to be riding on clouds. It seemed like my body was tired and languid, and it felt good and bad.

I didn't know if it was because I liked the taste of the alcohol or because I liked the people who shared a drink with me.

Suddenly, Jinpal's performance was reaching its climax. She rolled forward, rolled back, and was very flying. Yeon was applauding with Gungil and laughing with Hwan, not realizing that time was passing.

Before I knew it, the moon was floating in mid-heaven.

It was when Yeon's hand habitually tried to fill an empty glass.

"Yeon-nim, stop now."

As he headed toward the glass, Hwan snatched Yeon's wrist in the middle and quietly rebuked him.

"You can drink it again later."

Whether it was because of the grinning face or because of the alcohol, the heat rose on his face. Unusually unorganized words also came out.

"more… . I want to drink, I want to."

Yeon insisted.

"Later, Yeon. later."

Hwan gently stopped her.

I didn't forget to add in a greasy voice.

"I will feed you even if you say no later. Just the two of us."

Yeon pretended not to hear and took the glass away. Then, I put the last drop in my share of the glass and passed it all at once.

My mind was hazy and my head hung down.

Unlike Yeon, who was stopped by Hwan in the middle, Jin-Pal and Gun-Gil, who emptied the liquor at random, seemed to be in a near-death state. In particular, Jinpal almost passed out, probably because the performance was difficult.

"why… . Hwan is... . Aren't you drunk?"

In the meantime, Hwan, who was fine, was strange, so Yeon asked.

"ah. I don't have the guts to get drunk like this."

Hwan smiled shyly.

He really didn't feel drunk at all from Hwan, who sat politely with his arms in his sleeves.

'So handsome.'

Yeon looked at the hwan and thought.

'Even if I wasn't that handsome, my heart wouldn't have been swayed this much.'

He leaned his staggering body against a pillar. It was hard, so I was able to get a comfortable posture in the end.

I could feel Hwan's gaze looking at me. For some reason, the lobe of my ear became hotter.

"… Why are you so cute?"

Hwan asked in a low voice.

Kite snorted. I tried to ask if I was cute, but I held back because I felt embarrassed.

"Hwan… . only in the eyes... . That's right."

My eyes were drowsy and closed.

"That would be nice."

Hwan muttered.

Yeon and Hwan's eyes intertwined in the air.

'I hope it doesn't snow.'

Yeon thought of words that he couldn't bear to get out of his mouth.

If it doesn't snow, winter won't end.

'Then Hwan-nim won't go either.'

Hwan said he wanted to see spring with me, but Yeon didn't want this winter to end.

You can't tell if it's a wolf job or a human job. When spring comes and Hwan suddenly leaves, I will be alone again.

Yeon just wanted to see this man for a long time. remain unchanged.

It was a moment when I was about to have tears in my eyes.


Gungil, who thought he was sleeping, pointed to the sky.

Something rustling was coming down from the sky.

It was sleet.

"It is snowing."

Jinpal muttered while laughing.

"Garbage is falling from the sky."

The person in charge of sweeping the yard laughed dejectedly with a twisted voice.

'eye… .'

Yeon wanted to lift her eyelids and look at her eyes, but she couldn't. She kept closing her eyes.

'Finally, it's coming...' .'

It was a law that a mere beast could not change the affairs of the sky.

In the end, it wasn't long before Yeon was captured by Suma.

Someone supported her falling head.

It was a strong hand.

* * *

Yeon woke up at dawn.

My body was hot. And I had a bit of a headache.

'Someone moved me to the big room.'

In case you catch a cold, it was clear that the ondol had been burnt.

'If I had been like this a little longer, I would have gained weight.'

Jinpal and Gungil were not allowed to touch me, so it was clear that Hwan had done this.

'Is this a hangover... .'

Yeon found the jar placed next to her and drank it in at once.

Even in the middle of the haze, I remembered the scene of the sleet rain yesterday.


Then something knocked on the long paper door.

Yeon looked at the doorway startled. Someone was standing in front of Yan's door. A long shadow, for sure.


The shadow outside the window asked quickly in a worried voice.

"Ah, Mr. Yeon. Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

"Yes, yes… ."

In the midst of being bewildered, Yeon replied sincerely.

"Does your head hurt?"

"What about this… ."

Yeon endured the throbbing in her temples and responded quickly.

'I lost the bet yesterday... .'

What did I bet on Hwan yesterday? I couldn't remember.

Hwan's voice continued to be heard from outside the door.

"Would you like to come out for a second, Mr. Yeon?"

Yeon paused for a moment.

Hwan asked again from outside the door.

"It will take a while. It's because I have something I want to show you."

Yeon hesitated a little, then walked toward Jangjimun on her knees. She stretched out her hand and hesitated.


When the door opened, a cold wind blew in.

Hwan, who was standing in front of the door, smiled broadly at her.

"The snow has piled up this much."

When he stepped out of the way, the whole world went white.

Yeon opened her lips involuntarily.

"Wow… ."

The floor that the thatched roof cannot reach, the yard, the warehouse, and even the water dam. There was no part that was not covered with snow.

It seemed that the entire mountain stream was covered in snow.

"Isn't it pretty? I haven't even taken a few footprints yet. Watch this and go to sleep."

Hwan said as he brushed off the hail that fell on the bridge of her nose.

"You haven't slept yet?"

"no. slept It's just that those two rude drunkards are snoring so much."

Hwan gestured at the small room with his chin and rolled his eyes.

It was worth knowing. Yeon looked at Hwan with sympathy.

"Do you want to try walking on the snow?"

Hwan held out his hand to me.

Yeon pondered for a moment.

Already at the hands of Hwan, Yeon was heavily armed with winter clothes. I was well aware of the fun of leaving my own footprints in places where no footprints had been taken yet.

"Well, just a little… ."

"It's fine."

Yeon looked at her nervously and slowly crawled down the floor and grabbed Hwan's hand.

The gloved hand squeezed the gloved little hand.


It was the first time I had walked on snow wearing snowshoes with a human body.

When Yeon admired, Hwan smiled and replied.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Yes, yes… ."

It really was. It felt like walking on clouds, not on snow.

The two of them held hands and walked slowly through the snow-covered snow.

We passed the area around the warehouse where the crock pots were lined up and the water jar. After passing the small room, I passed the back room. I walked along the wall that Jinpal had repaired. The snow that had accumulated on the roof finished with thatch was also shaken off together.

After that, a snowball fight started with Hwan's prank. After exchanging several times, the kite almost tipped over, so it was quickly interrupted.

After that, I put a stone in the snowball and started making a snowman.

"This is our kite, that is Jinpal's guy, that's Gungil's older brother… ."

Hwan, who has good dexterity with his hands, made three snowmen in an instant. He made a lotus ring. He was bigger than the other three snowmen and made with great care.

Hwan picked up a pine cone. Putting in her eyes, nose, and mouth made it look really good.

"Now these guys will protect this hut until the snow melts."

Hwan murmured contentedly.

Yeon laughed inwardly. It didn't suit him when he said such cute things to someone who had no other man among men.

"Ah, of course, Mr. Kite's snowman doesn't have to work. The other three will do it."

Then, he said, "We will protect you well," and smiled lightly.

If Jin-pal heard it, he would have shouted loudly that even a snowman would be discriminated against.

After making the snowman, Hwan told her to sit her on a straw sack and pull the sleigh. She exhausted herself trying to tell her that she was in love.

Then, Hwan took out a roasted sweet potato from his sleeve.

"You're busy playing."

There were people who took care of the food in case I was hungry because I lived and played.

She peeled off the skin one by one and put it in her mouth. In the meantime, he apologized repeatedly saying he was sorry for cooling off.

'Even when it's cold, it still tastes good... .'

Yeon took all the sweet potatoes he gave her and ate them all. He even recommended a few mouthfuls to Hwan. Hwan repeatedly refused, but at the end he bit off a bite.

After playing in the snow, all around them were their footprints.

"It will pile up again anyway."

Hwan smiled and took Yeon's hand again. They circled the yard again, slowly, just as they did when they first stepped on the snow.

Earlier, Hwan's pace was slow, but this time, Yeon's pace slowed down.

I hated going back to the big room. It would be nice to just hold Hwan's hand and walk around the house like this.

'I must be really crazy.'

Finally, Hwan, who had been fussing around for a long time, brought Yeon to the front door.

"Thank you for coming out tonight."

Touching Yan's nose, which had been blistered by the cold wind, with his index finger, he smiled.

He told me to go in and rest, and Hwan pushed me into the door.

Yeon realized. The night out alone was over. Now it was my turn to send Hwan-nim away.

It was the moment when the door was about to close slightly. The snow that had accumulated on the roof fell and the broom that had been standing at an angle fell over.

At the same time, something in Yeon's heart that was tightly closing the bolt collapsed.

So I made a mistake.

It was the biggest mistake of my life.

He stopped holding on to the hem of Hwan's clothes as he turned around.

"… Do not go."

Hwan's body stood still.

Tears trickled down Yeon's reddened cheeks, like falling snow.

"… come in with me Do not go."

The truth that he said he would not tell even if he died so far poured out of Yeon's mouth like a burst dam.

"Hwan… . I lied. It's all my fault from the start. It's my fault... ."