
Within the world

" Ever wonder what lies ahead of you? Well your on the right path my dear lads and milady, This is a story based on a certain person accumulating what lies ahead of him, to know more find out and read for more epic adventures"

OriginsGod · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The reminiscence of the oddly figure


October 15, 2021 7:00 pm.....

"Hey, wake up! wake up! we are nearly there, about 30 minutes interval until we get there" "Huh? what the what is this gooish thing under the chair? it smells rotten or somewhat fishy" "Don't mind that, its just a little old spunk under the chair boy" "Huh? ok ok, here's the payment" ~30 minutes later~

"Mom!!! what's for dinner?" "An omelet rice and a little side dish of vegetables and onions, lately the product by that grocery store is spoiling a bit faster nowadays I don't know why?" "Maybe the products they get are over the year, that's why they are selling it just to remove the excess stuff" "Maybe, but look honey, the expiry date is so far until now" "Weird! It almost looks like a magical thing is happening, no one knows hahaha!" "I mean just throw it out and buy in another grocery" "Alright might as do that as well honey so go on and finish your food now" ~After finishing dinner I brush my teeth, took a bath and got inside my bed~ ~tucked in and dream about what to do in the next day~ ZzzzzZzzzz....ZZZzzzzzz.ZZZzzzzzzzz.Zzzz

10 minutes of sleeping.....

~dreaming of using the computer~ BANG!! "Huh damn what in the world is that freaking glory of a shit doing outside? ~Realized something~ What in the goddamn world is that! looks like a turd ball that... Ewww! what the heck are you eating little.... guy. Holy bazzingoes you can fly? So are you like a person or an alien going to abduct me and experiment on me like a subject or something? Let me just pinch your cheeks and see if you're real, "So can you stop now? Look I am real you know" "Holy Cheese! You are real? nah hell no?, are you like a magic genie or something or a system of a game aren't you?" "Anyways let me explain to you what you must do" "Explain to me what?" "Like why are you in your underpants while talking to me do you wanna look like spongebob squarepants or something aren't yah, you little wussy"

"Oh right let me just change very quickly" ~30 seconds later~ "Alright so can you exponentially, substantially, perfectly, oddly explain this situation right now please dear sir immortal or some sort of experiment z" "Alright, might as well transfer you this memory that is stored within me"


"Reminiscence Starting"

Loading memory..."50%" "70%""99%"

Memory Installation has been completed proceeding to

flashback of a certain memory on year 2036


"On year 2046, the day where all the living beings, creatures, and the whole world, had evolved into something monstrous, it was vast, and yet dangers lurk inside the abyss of the whole world, evolution have been widespread globally, animals begins to run rampant, people whom enjoying life, began to scratch their knees and begin to beg for favor of the strong to protect them, billions of perished in 1 month due to the sudden movement of evolutionized animals causing certain countries on their downfall, making mankind almost extinct and all people have lost hope on that certain day making chaos on each side of every crannies of the world, but the day the government cannot carry on with their protection, mankind also evolve making them evolutionized and they began to move on to secure the future, making bases in certain areas not full of evolutionized pests, making various advances in protecting mankind, And On the future year of 2043 almost at new year, all the promotion and all the hardwork I did and gained was lost by some man whom Is allegedly brim to the core, I lost my hope, lost all my finance, lost all my loved ones, and mostly I lost my whole family in this new age of terror and this past few days I've tried to reconcile it all but all I gained was another term of garbage everywhere, people rotten to the core, even those whom I became friends with is rotten to the core when they see someone receive their downfall, but I have a friend whom is my best friend since we are in kindergarten, but he died due to a car accident caused by a rampage of people, and now all I have left is myself, I ain't got no point in living now so might just as well di..e..........." "End of Flashback"


"As you can see the oddly figures life that you have reminisce is the one last bit of fragment that he have, still you might not know who he is but I tell you, you must conduct a special mission in order to save humanity in advance, and stop evolutionary solstice extinction" "So In order to save humanity, you just showed me a recollection of memory of someone else?"

"Seriously dude, it is a hint! A Hint God, you are you as ever" "What do you mean you are you as ever?" "Nahh nahh! Don't mind what I just said just now, anyways let's gear up you got 15 years to elapse the main mission" "For real 15 years? So I'm ganna be like chilling my ass, sitting up thight and drink some booze while waiting for 15 years? Are you god damn out of your mind? hahaha" "Well that might be the problem, 15 years is too long for you to wait but it is better to do it now than to feel sorry later, but before that you got to be strong so I'm ganna train you everyday and get you buffed up until the big fight, and also we might as well do some side missions which can compromised the whole situation"

========================Continued at next chapter=====================

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