
With Love As My Witness

Torn from her family and everything she has ever known, Jenna Mitchell has to try and make do pretending to be someone else for her own safety after nearly being killed by a mob boss. She hates everything about the Witness Protection Program and wants nothing more than to go home. Falling in love under a fake identity was never part of the plan! Bryce Fitzgerald, a handsome accountant, falls head over heels with the lively yet mysterious girl he meets at a smoothie bar near his work. She clearly needs a distraction and he's more than happy to give it to her, though he wishes she would tell him what bothers her so much. Can love flourish under the weight of her secrets? Read on to find out! *cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urban
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215 Chs

Their Final Stop

The drive down to Louisiana was possibly the worst sixteen hours of Jenna's life, which was REALLY saying something. 

Killian came by to see them off before they left to give them the information about the agent who would be in charge of them from here on out, who had already picked up their apartment keys and would be meeting them there to help unload the truck. He wished them both well, told them to keep his number in case they ever needed anything, and shook their hands. That was the end of that. 

The drive was miserable for several reasons. Wesley hated being cooped up and she had to keep him entertained as best she could. That involved a whole lot of storytelling, playing little games like I, Spy, and listening to every baby CD they owned on repeat. 

The only times they were able to turn it off and listen to something decent were when he was asleep. If Jenna ever had to listen to "Baby Shark" again, she might tear her own ears off.