
Guns aren't that Powerful

[Word Count: 3957]


"So... I assume we've reached an agreement, then?" Leo's voice was steady, his gaze fixed on the figure seated across from him.

The man's white suit was now a tarnished mess, smudged with dirt and grime that marred its once-pristine appearance. Blood trickled down from his nose, evidence of the ordeal they had just been through. The room they occupied had lost its grandeur and transformed into a chaotic scene of destruction as if a whirlwind had swept through.

In response to Leo's inquiry, the man nodded with a solemn air. His posture was slouched, elbows resting on his knees, and his hands cradling his head as he looked downward.

With a solemn expression, the man nodded in agreement. "When the time comes, my body will be at your disposal," he muttered, his posture slouched, and his gaze fixed on the ground.

Leo's response held a hint of dry amusement. "Don't make it sound weird," he remarked as he turned to exit the room.

The man's voice quivered as he nervously sought clarification. "Just one eye, right?"

"Just one eye," Leo affirmed before stepping out of the room. His departure left the man in solitude amid the disheveled surroundings.

Left alone in the room, the man repeated the phrase to himself, his voice trembling with a mix of anxiety and resignation. "Just one eye."












Strolling through the Tokyo streets, Leo glanced at his imaginary wristwatch and let out a tired yawn.

"Way too early for this nonsense," he grumbled to himself, approaching what appeared to be a cordoned-off crime scene with police tape barring entry to a home.

A man wearing a green jacket seemed frozen in place as Leo's indifferent gaze fixed on him. The man's hand twitched involuntarily, torn between his instinct to flee and the compulsion to reach into his jacket. Beads of anxious sweat formed on his forehead as he wrestled with his decision.

Pushing against his primal urge to escape, the man cautiously reached into his jacket, then blinked as he gathered his nerves.

As his eyes reopened, they met a pair of ominous crimson orbs, staring deep into his panicked soul.


Within the confines of the crime scene, two familiar devil hunters, a woman with a cropped brown pixie cut and a bespectacled man with thick black frames, were engaged in conversation with an individual clad in a blue hoodie.

Suddenly, the sound of something substantial hitting the ground diverted their attention. Turning their gaze towards the source, they were met with a gory sight at Leo's feet. He held a firearm aloft, regarding it with an expression of disdain.

"How fulsome..." he mumbled distasteful.

The trio's eyes widened in shock, the person in the blue hoodie particularly alarmed. Acting swiftly, he reached for his waist, prompting Madoka, the man with the glasses, to react instinctively.

In a swift motion, Madoka tackled the person to the ground, causing the dropped firearm to clatter on the pavement.

"What are you..." Madoka began, but his words trailed off as he was greeted by a ghastly sight – the man's head disconnected from his body, blood spouting from the severed neck.

Madoka stared at the surreal scene in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what had just transpired.

Surveying the scene with an unmoving posture, Madoka saw the decapitated head come to a stop, no longer rolling. He shifted his gaze to his right, spotting the fallen gun, and then to his left, where he locked eyes with Leo.

Leo hadn't budged an inch; he still held the firearm aloft as he maintained an unwavering gaze directed at Madoka and his partner.

A sudden explosion erupted in the distance, jolting their focus from the gory tableau before them.

Without a hint of concern, Leo nonchalantly let the firearm slip from his fingers, allowing it to fall into the grotesque mixture of entrails and blood. He then turned his back on the macabre scene and began sauntering towards the source of the explosion.

Madoka's throat tightened as he witnessed Leo's casual detachment. The image of the War Fiend discarding the gun and striding away etched itself into his mind as he remained rooted in place.

Baffled and unnerved, his partner let out a shaky breath. "What the hell just happened...?" she uttered, her voice laced with disbelief.

Madoka's mind was a whirlwind of confusion as he continued to kneel beside the headless corpse, grappling with the inexplicable events that had unfolded.

"I... I don't know," Madoka muttered, his words a mere echo of his partner's sentiment. The weight of disbelief and bewilderment hung heavily in the air as they tried to make sense of the surreal and gruesome encounter.












Aki's movements were swift and calculated as he deftly evaded Katana Man's blade, a testament to his honed skills. Dodging the lethal swing, he maneuvered behind his opponent, his nail sword poised for action.

With a fierce battle cry, Aki commanded, "Fire!" His voice resounded in the decrepit surroundings, accompanied by an unseen force that propelled his nail sword toward Katana Man's exposed back.

From the shadows, a pair of ominous lips began to count down. "Three," their eerie voice intoned.

Turning on his heel, Katana Man surged ahead, his arm blades whistling through the air as they aimed for Aki. With a swift motion, Aki avoided decapitation, his body instinctively contorting to evade the lethal arc of the blade.

"Fire!" Aki's voice sliced through the air once again as his nail sword found its mark, piercing Katana Man's chest with deadly precision.

Retracting the blade, Aki observed as Katana Man recoiled, grunting in pain as he stumbled backward.

"Two," the voice from the shadows continued its countdown, each word laden with an eerie weight.

Seizing the opportunity, Aki prepared for another strike. "Fire!" he commanded, his nail sword propelling forward to impale Katana Man's torso once more.

"One," the voice intoned, the suspense palpable in its cadence.

With remarkable speed, Katana Man retaliated, delivering a powerful kick that sent Aki hurtling backward. The force was enough to make Aki release his grip on his weapon, his body crashing into a pile of debris with a resounding thud.

Katana Man's voice, though strained, was laced with curiosity. "You're using something real ominous there."

"Curse! Finish him!" Aki's command was infused with determination, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

"Zero," the voice concluded, its finality resonating through the air.

An invisible force took hold of Katana Man, lifting him into the air and restraining his movement. He grunted in futile struggle as his arms were extended, creating a ghastly spectacle of him crucified midair.

Blood poured from Katana Man's wounds, his strength waning rapidly. The scene was a haunting one—within moments, he transitioned from being crucified to lying lifeless in a pool of his own blood.

Aki wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his gaze unflinching as he surveyed the macabre tableau before him—the result of the Curse Devil's relentless power. His attention then shifted toward Power and Himeno.

Before the fateful encounter with Katana Man, Aki, Himeno, Power, and Denji had shared a simple moment at a local ramen shop. However, that tranquility had been brutally shattered by Katana Man's swift and merciless attack. Denji lay motionless, struck in the head, while Himeno's chest bore the painful reminder of the firearm's impact, rendering her incapacitated and in need of urgent medical attention.

"How's Himeno!?" Aki's voice was tense, his worry evident in the sharpness of his words.

Power's response was surprisingly casual. "In need of a doctor, I'd say."

The weight of the situation bore heavily on Aki's shoulders. Katana Man's actions were a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked in the world, and the questions that swirled in his mind added to his distress. How had Katana Man acquired a gun, an item restricted to the police and devil hunters?

Aki's gaze fell to the ground, his expression tensing as he replayed Katana Man's ominous words in his mind.

"I hear the Gun Devil is after your heart."

Pushing aside the unsettling memory, Aki refocused on the present, his priorities clear. "Our first priority is getting Himeno taken care of," he asserted, grounding himself in the immediate task at hand.

The shuffle of footsteps behind him drew his attention, and he turned to face a petite young woman approaching. With short blonde hair and dark brown roots, she exuded an air of calm confidence as she moved toward the fallen Katana Man. Aki watched as she crouched down beside him.

"The Curse Devil," she observed, her voice carrying a detached quality. "I guess getting hit by that nail enough times means you die?"

Aki maintained his vigilant stance as he observed the newcomer. Suspicion tinted his words as he inquired, "Where'd you come from...? Are you with him?"

Akane, the enigmatic blonde, didn't offer a direct answer. Instead, she placed her hand on Katana Man's forearm, her actions raising more questions than answers.

Aki found himself taking an involuntary step back as he observed the scene unfold. Before his eyes, Katana Man, who had been dead moments ago, stood once again, fully revived.

Akane's gaze remained fixed on Aki as she spoke, her tone devoid of emotion. "Why did you lose?"

Katana Man's response was self-reflective, admitting his lapse in judgment. "I let my guard down... I didn't take it seriously enough."

"Better kill him this time then," Akane's words held a cold finality, her intentions clear.

With an intense determination, Katana Man assumed a crouched stance, poised for another confrontation. Aki readied himself defensively, and a sense of foreboding filled the air.

In a blur of motion, Katana Man lunged forward, his movements faster than the eye could follow. Aki's defensive stance proved futile as Katana Man deftly maneuvered behind him, arms outstretched. Blood poured from the large katana embedded in his forehead, a visceral scene that unfolded in mere seconds.

Shock rippled through the air, Power and Aki watching in stunned silence as the unthinkable occurred before them. In the distance, Akane's expression remained unchanged, devoid of any immediate reaction.

Suddenly, a searing pain tore through Aki's chest, blood gushing forth from a deep gash that appeared on his torso. The force of the impact sent him to his knees, his world reeling as he grappled with the overwhelming agony coursing through him.

With a deliberate pace, Katana Man turned to stand behind Aki, his presence poised with an air of sinister intent.

"He's still alive, y'know," Akane's voice cut through the tension, her observation punctuated with a casual tone. "Those devil hunter suits are pretty sturdy."

Her words hung in the air like an unsettling promise, hinting at the continuation of this macabre encounter.

"Finish him off," she ordered, her command devoid of any remorse.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, out of the immediate fray, Power and Himeno watched the unfolding scene with varying degrees of concern. Himeno's expression held a gravity that contrasted with Power's more impulsive demeanor.

"Power, forget me... go help Aki," Himeno's voice held a weak urgency, her concern for her fellow devil hunter evident.

"I can't..." Power's surprising admission revealed the depth of her unease. "I couldn't even see that guy move."

"Ghost..." Himeno's voice was a whisper, acknowledging the presence of the Ghost Devil next to her.

Ghost Devil materialized next to Himeno, its words resonating with a mix of fear and caution. "No way. That woman is scary..." it murmured, its gaze fixed on Akane, who remained an enigmatic figure.

Himeno's condition was deteriorating, evident in the blood she coughed up and the toll her wounds were exacting upon her. With a blood-stained hand, she surveyed her surroundings, her gaze eventually settling on Aki, his vulnerability laid bare.

Summoning her inner strength, Himeno steeled her resolve, a determined furrow of her brows highlighting her determination.














"I'll offer..."













However, before Himeno could complete her thought, a sudden, distinct sound cut through the air, overpowering the moment's tension.


The distinct growl of a chainsaw coming to life resonated like a clarion call. Denji's impassioned shouts echoed alongside the cacophony of chainsaw blades whirring to life, a dramatic interruption that transformed the scene.

"The hell are you doing, Chainsaw?" Leo's voice carried a mixture of frustration and paternal exasperation, akin to a guardian reprimanding a wayward child for their missteps. "Bitches don't like a guy who lays around!"

Amidst the unexpected chaos, Denji's spirited battle cry reverberated, his determination fueling his charged response.


"See that ugly motherfucker over there!" Leo's voice rang out, a mix of frankness and fervor as he pointed at Katana Man, a symbol of the obstacle before them. "He's trying to get in your way, he doesn't want you getting bitches!!"

Denji's response was a passionate outburst, his anger igniting as he bellowed, his voice carrying a fierce determination. "WHAT!!?"

"Sick 'em, Chainsaw! Rip that fucker apart!!" Leo's command resonated with a blend of urgency and aggression, pushing Denji into action.

"I'll rip you apart!!!" Denji's declaration surged forth as he propelled himself toward Katana Man, his fervor a palpable force driving him forward.

Amid the charged atmosphere, a sinister smirk danced upon Leo's lips, his anticipation evident as he observed the unfolding clash.

Denji's chainsaw arms met Katana Man's katana arms in a symphony of metal striking metal, the collision of their weapons producing a sharp resonance that reverberated through the air. The relentless clash of their blades painted the scene with a vivid display of confrontation.

The relentless exchange of blows generated sparks that illuminated the battlefield, a mesmerizing display of kinetic energy and determined wills. Denji's unrestrained aggression pushed Katana Man onto the defensive, disrupting his more organized fighting style with the unpredictability of his own.

With every kick and slash, Denji's attacks generated explosive sparks that underscored his fervent assault, each strike a testament to his raw power. Yet, even amidst his assault, Denji's challenge was far from an easy one.

While Denji's unorthodox approach momentarily caught Katana Man off-guard, the latter held the advantage of sheer strength. Each swing of his katana produced a destructive force that resonated with a thunderous impact, sending gusts of slicing air that sliced through anything in their path.


Meanwhile, Leo nimbly leapt down from the rubble pile where he had found Denji sprawled out moments ago. With a composed stride, he approached Aki's fallen form, gripping the man's suit by the scruff and unceremoniously dragging him over to where Himeno and Power were situated.

"What's wrong?" Leo's question resonated, the casual inflection of his voice mingling with a teasing note, though his expression remained a mask of neutrality.

Aki emitted a strained grunt as Leo released his grip on the suit, the sudden motion causing him to collapse onto the ground. Amidst the vibrations echoing from Denji's fierce battle, Aki lay there, his body worn and fatigued.

"You scared...?" Leo's words floated, a wry comment directed at Himeno as he crouched down, aligning his gaze with hers. His crimson eyes locked onto her distinctive turquoise ones.

At that moment, Himeno felt herself ensnared by the unfamiliar intensity within Leo's crimson gaze, a departure from the ordinary black hue she was accustomed to. As Leo's gaze bore into hers, it triggered a distant memory—an exchange she once had with Kishibe, a veteran devil hunter.

"The hunters that devils fear... are the ones with a couple of screws loose," Kishibe's words echoed within her mind, resonating with the current situation.

Himeno's mind retraced those words to a time when she stood before Kishibe, laying down a bouquet of flowers on a grave. The scene materialized in her memory, the weight of Kishibe's words now more poignant.

"See, Sahara was pretty normal, that's why he's dead," Kishibe's voice reverberated as he pointed to other graves, each adorned with their own bouquets. "Kinouchi was normal, same for Subaru, and Sasaki. Because they were normal, they were scared of devil attacks, and fear makes the devil stronger."

His inquiry shifted to the trail run she took with Aki. "How about that Aki guy you took on a trail run? Is he normal?"

Himeno's retort echoed with a hint of defiance. "Can you say anyone looking to kill the Gun Devil is normal?"

"You joined the bureau because you wanted to kill it too, didn't you? Are there a few loose screws in your head?" Kishibe's counterpoint echoed.

Himeno's response was a resolute denial. "...No."

Kishibe's conclusion was matter-of-fact, revealing a layer of insight into the enigmatic devil hunters. "Exactly, and it's not just you. Every devil hunter thinks they want to kill that fucker. They're frank and straightforward, that's why devils know how to make them scared. But they can't tell what the crazy ones are thinking, devils are scared of things they don't understand."

Kishibe's reflection continued, recounting a particular individual. "In all my time training dogs for the bureau, only one of them is completely crazy, though I can tell, his screws are slowly starting to tighten. Then again, he only became a devil hunter because he was forced to, but he adapted easily enough."

Himeno's matter-of-fact rebuttal spoke to her skepticism. "Those kinds of people only show up in mental homes."

Kishibe's parting statement invoked a sense of revelation. "I heard the two of you went to school together. I'm going, Aki's still a small fry, so train him up."

Himeno's gaze followed Kishibe's departure, her thoughts swirling with newfound insight. She had attended school with a supposed "nutcase." The realization left her temporarily speechless, grappling with the idea that someone she knew could fit that description.

In the present moment, Himeno gradually pieced together the truth—Leo was the very "nutcase" she and Kishibe had discussed. While he had transformed into the War Devil, the remnants of his former self persisted in some form. His fiendish existence was bound by the limitations of his decomposed brain, a stark reminder that Leo's body had only remained dead for no more than a few minutes, a revelation Kishibe had shared.

Leo's inherent headstrong nature shone through even in his current form. He had never been one to mince words or pretend to like someone he didn't. Himeno understood that if Leo held a grudge against someone, he wouldn't just voice his displeasure; he would ensure their existence was fraught with torment until they understood his disdain and retreated from his path. It seemed unlikely, in her estimation, that some random devil could simply replace Leo's distinct persona.

The War Devil was crude, but so was Leo, if not more so.

Even within the enigmatic aura of the War Fiend, Himeno detected a trace of Leo's essence. Though diminished, it was undeniable—a vestige of his original self still lingered, a silent testament to his enduring identity.

"You're a nutcase," Himeno mumbled, the words escaping her lips with a mix of exasperation and reluctant acknowledgment.

Leo emitted a disapproving scoff, his retort playful. "Rude, help someone out and this is how they repay you." With that, he relinquished his crouched position in front of her, his attention diverting as the reverberating echoes of Denji's confrontation with Katana Man gradually faded. The settling dust indicated that the fierce battle had reached its conclusion.

In the aftermath, Katana Man stood as the lone victor, while Denji lay defeated on the ground, his form severed cleanly in half, his legs scattered amidst the rubble.

"Figures," Leo's muttered comment encapsulated the predictable outcome of the skirmish.

The fight had unfolded between a mere teenager and a grown man, a contest where the victor had been predetermined by the vast difference in strength. Whether by fate's design or mere circumstance, the outcome had been clear from the outset.

Yet, Leo's existence seemed to defy the notion of being bound by such cosmic forces, as suggested by the Cosmos Fiend.

  Himeno's realization came as a subtle surprise—the sharp pain in her chest, caused by the gunshot, had vanished. Instead, a sensation of renewed vitality coursed through her body. Glancing downward at the spot where she'd been shot, she found herself tethered to a floating blood bag suspended in mid-air.

Leo's gaze shifted back to Himeno, and he couldn't help but notice Power's avid gaze locked onto the blood bag. With an air of playful nonchalance, Leo conjured another blood bag, flinging it in Power's direction. It struck her face with a wet slap, eliciting an initial look of shock before her expression transformed into childlike delight. In a matter of seconds, her teeth tore into the bag, and she greedily devoured its contents.

Himeno observed this interaction, her attention momentarily diverted, but she couldn't help but wonder about Leo's motives. He then began walking toward Katana Man, yet not before giving Aki a brief kick to the side. Surgical implements materialized out of thin air, tending to Aki's gaping chest wound, as Leo closed the distance toward Katana Man.

Sensing Leo's impending advance, Katana Man swiftly turned, his posture crouched, ready to execute another rapid attack. katana Man's offensive strategy was clear; if he Man didn't act swiftly, defeat would be inevitable.

In an astonishing blur of motion, Katana Man materialized behind Leo. Yet, what transpired next defied comprehension—a gasp-worthy moment that left spectators and combatants alike stunned. Katana Man's left arm was abruptly missing, his loss an unforeseen shock. But this was only the prelude to his impending catastrophe.

Before anyone could process the inexplicable events, Katana Man erupted into a gruesome spectacle of severed limbs, blood, and entrails. The explosive violence of his dismemberment was both gruesome and abrupt, leaving those present in a state of horrified shock.

Amidst the chaos, Akane's body turned cold, a surge of dread coursing through her veins. Leo's composed demeanor was in stark contrast to the chaos surrounding him as he casually approached Denji, a severed arm from Katana Man's body in hand. The room was engulfed in an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of footsteps against the gruesome backdrop.

Just as Leo was poised to position Katana Man's severed arm over Denji's mouth, allowing the blood to aid in Denji's healing, a sudden cry from Akane shattered the tense atmosphere. "Snake!"

Leo swiftly shifted his attention to his right, encountering the sight of a colossal serpent. Its gaping maw was an unsettling collection of interlocking arms and hands in lieu of traditional teeth. Sunlight glinted off its vivid green scales, lending an eerie luminescence to its form. The serpent hovered overhead momentarily before gradually descending, the air stirred by its massive presence.

With measured composure, Leo lifted his right hand toward the descending creature, his fingertips brushing against the underside of the snake's chin once it drew near. An unspoken rapport passed between them, an unanticipated understanding.

"Clever one aren't you," Leo mused, a genuine note of amusement tainting his voice.

The Snake Devil, wordless in its response, nuzzled against Leo's small hand, forming an unexpected bond with him.

Akane stood aghast, her disbelief evident as the Snake Devil shifted allegiance in a matter of moments. A backward step she took coincided with an unfortunate collision with debris, sending her tumbling to the ground. A surge of anxiety gripped her as she met Leo's gaze. His eyes, a far more vivid shade of red than her own, betrayed a sinister intent. A chilling smirk curved upon his lips as he raised his free hand.

"Snake," Leo uttered, his tone laced with an undercurrent of restrained satisfaction. "Tail."

Akane's plea was barely a whisper on her lips before an instantaneous transformation unfolded. In the blink of an eye, a colossal snake tail descended with devastating force. The structure of the building crumbled under its might, and a neighboring edifice bore the brunt of the impact as well. Within the aftermath of the cataclysmic event, a mere splatter of blood marked Akane's existence. She had been denied the opportunity to command the Snake Devil again—an oversight that might have granted her a fighting chance for survival.

In the wake of the destruction, the atmosphere was one of eerie silence, save for the faint rustling of debris and the distant sound of a snake's hiss—a testament to the shifting tides and the unrelenting power of the devils that now dominated the scene.

"What a day," Leo muttered under his breath. "Snake, return."

In a blink, the imposing figure of the Snake Devil dissipated, evaporating from sight as if it had never occupied the space.

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