
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · Bücher und Literatur
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203 Chs


Read up to chapter 38 on Patreon - patreon.com/Dark_sym

Thank you [Leinhart31],[Renee Bruffett], and [124f5] for your support on Patreon.


At this moment, a petite witch burst into Ethan's office, abruptly interrupting his conversation. Hermione, gasping for breath, clung to the door frame, her face flushed from sprinting, and her sweat-soaked hair adhered to her forehead.

"Sorry, Professor Ethan. I overslept," Hermione hastily explained as she paused to catch her breath, standing still.

Observing Penelope and Ethan's surprised expressions, Hermione felt a deep sense of embarrassment. Her usually disciplined nature made her tardiness on the first day as Professor Ethan's assistant particularly unacceptable.

In response to the awkward scene, Ethan kindly urged Hermione and Penelope to take a seat together at the table. Once settled, Hermione promptly apologized for her tardiness. After Ethan repeatedly expressed forgiveness, Hermione's mood finally stabilized.

"Not yet breakfast time in the cafeteria. Are you hungry? How about some candy?" Ethan eagerly pushed a plate filled with wriggling cockroach-shaped sweets towards the two young witches.

Hesitant, Hermione, and Penelope stared at the peculiar sweets. Penelope declined Ethan's offer, citing breakfast in the lounge. Hermione, feeling awkward due to her recent tardiness, reluctantly accepted. At Professor Ethan's warm invitation, she picked up a cockroach candy, enduring its discomfort, and closed her eyes as she placed it in her mouth without scrutinizing it.

The sweet blend of coffee and chocolate sauce enveloped Hermione's mouth, surprising her with its unexpected deliciousness. Ethan, noticing Hermione's evident relaxation, resumed outlining the assistant's tasks. Hermione, watching Penelope jotting down notes, suddenly realized her oversight in forgetting her notebook in her haste. Ethan's offer of a blank notebook spared her further embarrassment.

After outlining the specific tasks and working hours for his assistant, Ethan provided the two young witches with a few research-related books for their study, concluding today's arrangements. Penelope, holding two thick books, bid Ethan farewell politely and left his office. In the corridor's corner, a tall red-haired man awaited Penelope with his head slightly bowed.

Hermione, however, didn't leave hastily. Her face portrayed hesitation as if she wanted to convey something to Ethan.

"Any questions, Miss Granger?" Ethan inquired first.

"Professor Ethan, I came across some unusual information in a book the other day..." Hermione began tentatively.

Startled by the conversation's familiarity, Ethan feared Hermione might ask about creating a Horcrux.

"Some young wizards may inexplicably hear strange whispers, while those around them remain oblivious. I don't understand why," Hermione said, looking at Ethan expectantly, hoping for a reasonable answer.

Ethan sighed in relief, realizing Hermione was inquiring about Harry's encounter with the Basilisk.

"There are various explanations for this phenomenon. First, the young wizard might be experiencing hallucinations due to hormonal and endocrine changes during puberty," Ethan explained seriously.

Hermione was somewhat surprised by the seemingly Muggle-oriented response. She hadn't considered Harry's situation about endocrine disorders.

"Alternatively, it could be an inherited ability. Some young wizards are born with the ability to communicate with animals. Perhaps the young wizard simply heard the voices of two underground mice chatting," Ethan decided to drop some Parseltongue hints.

Hermione finally received a magical-sounding answer. She thanked Ethan and left his office.

Upon sharing the information with Harry and Ron, Harry promptly dismissed the notion of an endocrine disorder and thumped his chest to assert his health.

Upon hearing the second explanation, Harry quickly recollected his conversation with the snake at the zoo with Dudley, immediately sharing the details with Hermione and Ron.

"Oh my God! Harry, you're a Parseltongue" Hermione exclaimed in a hushed voice, clearly surprised.

Ron quickly chimed in, "Parseltongue is an incredibly rare talent. Salazar Slytherin, the school's founder, was a Parseltongue. Harry, you might have Slytherin blood" Ron said excitedly, pounding Harry on the back.

"If you were a Parseltongue, you might have heard a snake slithering around you," Hermione reminded, but the three young wizards didn't take it seriously at that moment. Snakes seemed mundane to them.

"But you should keep it a secret, Harry. Many people don't like Parseltongue, and it's said that You-Know-Who was a Parseltongue" Hermione cautioned.

Hermione's words startled Harry and Ron, prompting them to agree to keep this matter confidential. After all, anything related to the mysterious man could easily invite criticism from others.

Ethan settled into a routine at Hogwarts, engaging in the daily grind of studying and deciphering magical models with his two assistants, attending potions class with Professor Snape, taking regular classes, and organizing his upcoming magazine. The only interesting event, according to students, involved Ron hexing Malfoy with a slug spell due to a Quidditch pitch dispute, causing Malfoy to vomit slugs for a considerable time. Of course, Gryffindor also lost 20 points for this, deducted by Snape.

Halloween arrived swiftly. As tradition dictated, Hogwarts hosted a grand banquet for the occasion. The school was bathed in a festive atmosphere, with pumpkins toppled over, carved into menacing grins overnight by house elves.

One particularly large pumpkin was crafted into a carriage, with a few daring first-year wizards hopping inside to play around.

The Hogwarts auditorium was decked out in Halloween-themed decor. The floating candles transformed into jack-o-lanterns, and bats flitted through the air, delighting and startling the students. Occasional surprises, like a large spider descending from the ceiling, added to the excitement.

From his seat in the auditorium, Ethan watched with pleasure as the students reveled in the festivities. However, he didn't spot Hermione, Harry, or Ron. After some thought, Ethan assumed they might be attending Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party.

A group of skeletons, clad in Mexican-style costumes, entered the auditorium. They skillfully played lively tunes with a distinct Mexican flair on their guitars, adding a vibrant touch to the dinner. After their performance, the students erupted in warm applause. Ethan, too, applauded, appreciating the lively atmosphere. The band of skeletons bowed to the students and vanished in a puff of black smoke.

The banquet officially commenced. As Dumbledore clapped his hands, the tables filled with sumptuous food, and the young wizards relished their favorite dishes with satisfaction and excitement on their faces.

Ethan noticed Dumbledore seemed to be watching him. When their eyes met, Dumbledore smiled and raised his glass in a salute to Ethan. Ethan reciprocated the gesture, raising his glass in acknowledgment.

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