
Wisp in marvel

Amare woke up in her crashed Scimitar orbiter on earth trying to get up she realized that this isn't her body but rather her operator from warframe

Ravenbabymama · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Crashed orbiter

~Ugh..where am I~ I thought as I was trying to get up I banged on the door and it opens "oof" I fell to the ground and tried to get up "what the hell is wrong, where am I" I looked around while trying to get up off the floor "oh...my...god... AM I IN WARFRAME" I hopped up real quick and ran to the front of my shop " oh my God oh my God this is amazing" ~I should be freaked out but this is amazing~.

When I got to the front something wasn't right " operator is everything alright" said ordis I ignored him and looked out the window "this....isn't the world of warframe" I could tell right away because of the avenger's poster I saw "this is kinda great the MCU wow" ~uh right now I need to do something about my ship it's fine really but it needs to go somewhere~ "her ordis you think you could like find an empty hanger and hide the ship let me know when you're done and tell me" " right away operator" after that I went into my warframe (wisp) and got out of my ship

After getting out of my ship ordis left "wow being in a warframe feels weird but it's... Like I have always been in it I already knew how to go into it...weird" I began "walking" finding my way to the city

After walking for what felt like forever I was still not close to a city ~hm let me just-~ the equipment wheel appeared in front of my face ~now this is what I'm talking about~ I clicked on my arch wings and I materialized on my back I started flying into the stay "WHOOOHOOOO YAAAA this is what I'm talking about" I did a little roll in the stay and "hey Ordis you think you could mark New York City" I started flying around waiting to see if he could hear me "right away operator" suddenly I could see a yell marker in my Field of view ~now this is what im talking about~ I started flying in the direction of the marker this shouldn't take long right

After what was an hour I was in New York

I landed on the ground in an ally and equipped my archwing ~hm how should I do this I mean seeing as that-~ just as I was about to assume that they have already seen aliens I forgot I don't even know what year it is ~hey in ordis what year Is it?~ waiting for him to answer I need to make sure no one is watching me "it is the year 2018"

~ok that's good...that means infinity war is this year~ knowing that I need to be careful but also people shouldn't be that scared of me..right

So I decided to walk out of the ally way soon after that people started giving me looks some were scared some were annoyed for whatever reason and some were...cat calling?!?! ~oh shit I remember my warframe is wisp popular for her thickness~ I facepalmed and kept walking and while walking I have been wondering if I could temporary join the avengers so I could fight in the infinity war

So I decided to go and make a quick visit but before I could a huge shadow of a doughnut appeared in the sky ~oh no~

Sorry for the short chapter just wanted to. Get it out Amare might go to other universes to suggestions are nice