
Winter Rain

Xiao He Ling could be called as the heartthrob of his hometown, a ball of sunshine loved by all~ But the one who made his heart throb to the point that...he couldn't even breath properly...was that one boy who appeared in his life out of nowhere and made his whole life upside down...

MayDreamer · LGBT+
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29 Chs

Chapter 16

"Okay Bye Brother, you take care too." Ling said as he ended the call and sighed.

"Brother is so busy always...the adults life are so hectic."

"And yet you have the time to whine about your friend to him?" Xian said as he sat beside him with the tv remote.

"Are you starting again!?"

"I am telling the facts."

"I better not talk with you."

"But you only have me here." Xian said as he smirked at Ling who rolled his eyes,


"But what was my phone with you?"

"Brother Shen called last night to ask about your condition but you were so drunk that I had to pick up his call and then I forgot to return your cell back to you." Xian said as he looked at Ling who still looked at him suspiciously.


"Don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything funny with your cell and nor did I invade your privacy. I only used the search engine to search for porridge recipes."

"If you say so then I will belive your words. And be ready by 2 pm today we need to visit the hospital for your weekly checkup."



"I will go and cook lunch till then." Saying that Ling went to the kitchen counter while Xian let put a breath of sigh, his eyes focusing on the news that states about the missing case of a rich hier of China's one fo the most richest and influential business family.

His eyes looked stone hard and full of feelings that can't be conved.


"Vasileios Corporation" He murmered and quickly switched the channel when Ling came towards him,

"What's with the grudgesome look on your face?" He asked and looked at the TV screen.


"You! How can you male such a face while watching Doremon! That's an insult to this legendary cartoon."

"Now you are even ready to fight for a cartoon?"

"Yes I am! And that's not just a cartoon! But my whole childhood. So think before you speak." Ling said and quickly ran back to the kitchen as a burning smell came form there.


"I almost burnt the rice!" He said as he turned off the gas and then looked at Xian again whose attention was on the TV screen, but his eyes looked unfocused and thinking about something else.

"Why am I feeling as if like, he is hiding something from me..."


At the checkup,

"Gu Xian, you have recovered very well, although the wound in your head feels like it was hit again...would you like to tell me about it?"

The Doctor asked with a friendly smile.

"Doctor, I fell from my bike and hit a rock but luckily the helmet saved me."


"By your tone, it feels like you think of it as no big deal, but please don't be careless again. The part where you were hit was a sensitive one...if not protected well you may face complications in the future."

"I understand, I will take care of it."

"Good now with this, I hope to never see you again. Be healthy and safe always. Goodbye young man."

Xian smiled at his words and marked his exist.


"What did the doctor say?" Ling aksed as soon as he came outside.

"Congrats, you don't need to walk over here every week anymore. All my wounds are completely healed and I am good to go."

"That's good!" Ling said as he smiled, "...But what about your memories?"


Xian smiling slowly disappeared and Ling regrets asking it out loud, "I---"

"Stop him!!!"

"God, What are you doing, come down, please!!"

There conversation got cut down in between, as another commotion started happening near them.


"What's happening here?" Ling asked the person near him,

"A boy just came too know that he is diagnosed with cancer and the chances of his survival even after the operation are very slim, on top of that his family members too have abandoned him...such a poor boy...he is..." That man said as he sighed.


"Go away!! I don't want anyone near me!! I hate you all!! " The boy said as he sat on the window panel, with a knife in his hand, his eyes were red and his skin was as pale as sheet of paper.


"Xichen, please come down and listen to us." The Doctor said as he took a few steps before him.

"I don't want to listen to anything!! You all are just pretenders! Whats the point of lying in bed, doing all the tests, when in the end the ending will be the same!! Just let me go!!" The boy said with tears in his eyes.


"Xichen, it's not like that, please control yourself. Or else your body--"

"My body won't be able to handle it so what!!"

"Doctor, if he keeps being like this...he might have another arrest.." The nurse wispered, and the doctor bite his lips in frustration.


"Hey you! Do you know how precious life is?" Ling said as he came forward but stopped before Xichen could shoo him away too.

"Who are you and what are you talking about?"


"Me? Another human being who got nothing but just this one life. You know, to become human we have pass through 7 other lifetimes with different tests...so think yourself how special Life is. Yes, there are hardships, that will break you and make you bound to take such steps...the pain must be so extreme that dying would sound like a better option...but tell me if you give up now, will you ever able to know what your ending is? Not the ending you want to put but the ending that us written down for you?


You think with this you will leave a mark...but you are thinking it all wrong, your life will be incomplete, we all will forget you....you will just vanish...like you never existed..." Ling said, the boy hands that we up in defence slowly were put down and he looked kind of lost.


Ling took a few steps ahead and with a deep breath he placed his hands over his,

"But if you make this heart a little stronger and put trust on your real trustworthy persons no matter how hard life gets, you will get through it and if you have no one then make yourself the one for you."

Ling other hand reached his face and wiped the tears flowing down his eyes.

"Just don't give up on life and on yourself."


As soon as Ling said that, the knife slipped through his hands and he brusted out crying right there.


"Thank you so much...if not for your words...he might have.." The Doctor said as be bowed at Ling.

"I just did, what I thought will be right to do. Now please take care of him." Ling said and after looking at the sleeping figure of Xichen he fianlly left the hospital with Xian.


"You did a good job there." Xian said as he glanced at Ling.

"I don't know...but I hope he won't try to something so rash ever again."

"And you too."


"Don't jump on such situations without a proper plan, espically when the other party is equipped and you are not...or else you can get some serious injury." Xian said as he flicked his forhead.


"How can anyone hurt me, you are there to protect me aren't you, my strong Mr. Stranger?" Ling said as he smiled while Xian just sighed.

"So chessy.."

"But you don't dislike it~"

