
A new body

The phycotic tone and the devilish grin made Inshal take a few steps back, a natural respect formed in Inshals heart. "Relax, I know that I'm the most intimidating at the first introduction but I won't harm you" Marlo relaxed his grin and loosen his hold on her. "Nice to know that I still have that natural leader look" he chuckled to himself, "you should go out in the forest, look for some blueberries".

"Why blueberries?" Inshal asked, they are the most random of fruit.

"Turns out it doesn't stick too well anymore, you shouldn't asked questions that most will see as traitorous!" Marlo hissed and it send all of the other demons turning back or making a distance but Inshal felt nothing from it.

"What use are blueberries?" Inshal asked again but not in a disrespectful way. Marlo frowned.

"Just get as many blueberries as you can and don't asked questions about your orders!" Marlo snapped and it caused many of the demons nearby to flee back a bit.

"Alright no need to be all defensive" Inshal took of to the forest to look for blueberries. It felt wired, 'why blueberries' Inshal then began to remember anything to do with blueberries and why he is so defensive about it. She walked around for what felt like forever, she checked every bush, every little nic and crany but nothing. She saw the sun was setting and decided to have and last look around when she saw a movement.

'What creature could this one be?' Inshal asked herself in excitement, she felt a child again. Inshla jumped on a tree branch and looked down. It wasn't and animal, it was a furry, a beautiful pink fluf on her belly, below her knees and elbows and the tip of her fox tail furry. Inshal found herself mesmerised by her, how tue rest of her body was a very light silver that anyone could mistake for pur wight. The furry turned her head and Inshal saw that her snout had that pink fluf and her canines are thinner and sharper then the normal. The furry was without doubt a female and she wasn't holding anything, wasn't do any task, just wondering around enjoying the forest. Inshal snapped one of the smaller branches and the furry jumped up, Inshal only had a few seconds to hide behind the main trunk. "Who's there?!" she called. Inshal didn't move a muscle. "I'm not asking again!" the furry warned. A few seconds later Inshal felt something crash into the tree and she dashed of to a more distant tree, anuff to be out of sight but she can still see her figure.

"Aa I'm losing my mind, I'm threatening birds now" she sighed and continued with her walk. Inshal kept a greater distance as she followed her, the way she moved, the way she hummed a beautiful toon and the way she kept so calm to herself made Inshal feel something new inside. Her heart felt warmer and she can feel every heart beat... Inshal felt something that made her hole body melt. This new emotion, this new feeling it made her feel as if she wouldn't care about anything but that furry girl. Inshal kept quite as she followed her, seeing where she would go. She walked for a good half hour before reaching a small but advanced town. It was night by the time she reached it, Inshal kept to the forest that kept this town rather hidden from view. The furry went to large building near the edge, she had a key to the front door and she saw a younger furry walk behind her.

"Hey FunPup, how was your day?" the younger one asked.

"Alright yours?" FunPup answered. 'FunPup, that's a beautiful name' Inshal thought to herself.

"Good, for a day at college" the younger one sounded and looked exhausted.

"You'll get use to it" FunPup giggled and booped her nose.

"Stop I have a cold" the younger one covered her nose and shook her head.

"Again? isn't this your 4 one this month?" FunPup asked.

"Yep they come and they go" the younger one sighed, "we going in or not?". Both of them went inside and Inshal couldn't see FunPup anymore. 'Now what? I didn't find any blueberries' Inshal flew back into the forest. She stopped after a long while and started thinking about 'FunPup'.

"What is this?" Inshal distressed, the more Inshal thought about it the more the warmth in her heart grew. Inshal kept thinking of the furrys, what their bodies were like. The two in the town she saw were foxes but Inshal knew that they can be anthropomorphic animals. Foxes are beautiful, majestic and cunning. Perfect. Inshal felt her body change and grow, it felt wired and the grey smoke from her childhood returned. Exhaustion flooded her and she blacked out.

Inshal blinked, her wings were now in a difficult spot on her back and she had six limbs. She was in a large tent, with a lot of covers and a hot water bottle. Inshal used the new arms with dark grey fur and dark claws to cover herself more. It wasn't all that cold but she found it hard to keep her eyes open and she wanted to sleep. She couldn't though, her body felt different and it felt wired to sleep that way. Inshal sat up to exsamon her surroundings, it was definitely no mortals tent, nor an angels so it had to be a demons. 'Many it's dads' Inshal guessed thinking that he found her passed out once more. After a little while thinking she heard someone walking towards the entrance, the fabric doors opened and it Marlo stood there smiling at her.

"Good morning, sleep well?" Marlo asked in a surprisingly kind voice, "I found you passed out in the forest in your new form. You didn't show up for the hole night so I went looking for you, and wow you are beautiful this way" Marlo licked his lips looking at her up and down.

"Thanks?" Inshals voice is as tired as she felt.

"Still tired? need me to help you asleep?" Marlo asked and Inshal wasn't sure if he was joking or being serious.

"No I'm good thank you" Inshal declined.

"You sure? I'm good at getting young girls like you asleep in no time" Marlo tilted his head, 'not creepy at all' Inshal felt her ears drop as he said that. "I'm sorry was that too strong for your little angel brain to handle?" Marlo chuckled slightly, he then moved next to her and sat down.

"I would prefer to be alone when I sleep" Inshal frowned.

"Don't worry I don't bite" Marlo giggled while putting himself into a cuddle with her, Inshal tried to resist but she was too tired.

"What do you want?" Inshal asked with her ears pinned back to show she was uncomfortable.

"Is it not obvious?" Marlo then began to pet her side, "I want a little something from you" he whispered in her ear. His nips smacked on each other as he talked, she could feel his grin and his hand went up a little higher towards her brest. "No" Inshal spoke trying to pull his arm away.

"What do you mean, no?" Marlo pulled her in closer and she can feel every one of his breath.

"I don't want it" Inshal shook her head violently.

"That's... a little odd" Marlo loosen his grip, "most girls would kill to get in a bed with me".

"Well I'm no ordinary girl" Inshal pulled further away.

"You don't say" he amused, "but why no?" he exsamend her. Inshal moved to sit infront of her.

"I'm not into that" Inshal felt her ears instinctly pin to the side her head.

"What kind of demon are you?" he looked as if there is nothing more confusing in the world.

"A hybrid" Inshal replied with confidence. Marlo began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Yeah, that sums it up doesn't it" he began to laugh even harder.

"Why so funny?" Inshal said harshly.

"You're so proud of it, as if it is not same" Marlo calmed himself now, "I would be ashamed if I was a hybrid".

"Why? what's so wrong about my blood?" Inshal challenged him.

"What's not wrong with it?" Marlo challenged back, "you're too unholy to be a true angel and you're too holy to be a true demon, what are you?" Marlo grabbed hold of her waist.

"I'm not a prostitute! that's for sure" Inshal tried push his hand off but failed miserably.

"You would make a great one though" Marlo joked.

"No! get of me!" Inshal snapped and she felt as if she needed to bit him.

"Alright but I'm not mot leaving empty handed, care to join me for a night's rest?" Marlo sat back and gestured for her to join him.

"Why? why would you want me?" Inshal hufft, if he saw her as a mistake then why be friendly to her.

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