
Winged birds

Mihraskoduvally · Urban
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37 Chs


*✿═══════════════✿* *Winged wings* *Part :28* https://mihraskoduvally123.blogspot.com/2023/05/blog-post.html *✿═══════════════✿* https://instagram.com/she.is.dream.maker?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ== https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o7hsgxz71i40&utm_content=8ex74zs It must be said that Kulsu has come to terms with everything that happened. All the guilt, shame and blame of the loss stopped and now slowly she became RashiHas started talking. They were busy seeing the house and the country with their children. Hashim and Haya were busy teaching Hisham every single thing. At first he was reluctant to get along with his new family, but gradually he became close to them. He knows love and affection and maybe because his heart shows a great closeness to Petumma, now he is in her shadow more than other children... This time, Rashika did not need to bring anyone to listen to the storyHe didn't come, the children reached there before him and are waiting for uncle, they are waiting for him to step on the door in the excitement that they will be able to listen to stories as soon as his resting time is over... When he opened the door, he saw his children waiting for him and smiled. "My children came and called me, I was going down there to see where you all went... He accepted the children with a full smile, gave them Mittai and started telling the story. "Listen to the story in the tentBy the time I arrived, everyone was awake and looking for me. Suddenly they were looking and questioning me and her as if it was a miracle because I was taken with a girl. At first, everyone looked at me and her as if I had committed some terrible crime, but when I heard the stories, everyone became sad. However, we were discussing where to take this girl and stay. They are so that these girls do not become itchyThe moment we felt for the first time that it was a mistake not to include . Anyway, he took her and walked to the room. On the way, he went to the flat of each of the women who worked with him and asked her. But they all left after giving different reasons. To tell the truth, it's all right. No grip. They say that they will come wherever she goes, she takes a room alone and says that she is afraid to leave.Even before that time, I have gone wrong. My friends are also blaming me for not being good enough. Then, as luck would have it, I noticed that a Malayali family in the flat next to me was skipping the room, so I called the house owner and set it up. Oh calmly went to the office and told everything to the boss and set a small task for her there. Then there was a potathi in Kottayam who was a new comer and turned away without getting a roomPoor little Achayatti, oh what a relief when she was also set as her roommate. In our flat, almost all the staff stay here, so we all go home and leave the office at about the same time. At night, he wandered around the market and turned around and went to his room. Oh, that's all at once. Where are they now? "Well, that's it now... Laughing at Haya's eager question, the elder started again. "Ah,Hello. Olipo is near here and I always go to see it. I only leave this house now. Do you see it? "Ah... take us too, Dad... "What if... Uppapa and Rashi left the house with their children after drinking Chayem. Rashi because he was sitting in the car and didn't say anything. "Where, don't go, where is their house... "My dear, the car. I will tell you." Uppap said to Rashi as if lost in thought againPa was looking out. However, because the focus did not disappear, he kept talking about every twist and turn. All the children are eager to see them. "Ah, keep me aside, we have arrived. *Kannara Kandi Juma Masjid* Their eyes were fixed on the gate in front of them and they were looking alternately at Uppapan and that gate. Uppa walked down, hiding that look. They are behind their... Uppa went to the church, met the Ustadne, spoke and shook hands.We went straight to the Pallikati... The long spread Pallikati is full of forest, but we will quickly recognize the henna plants that are looking at us. They also walked behind the father. When Uppa stopped, they also stopped. *Naureen Farha* On seeing that name Meesan stood near the stone with his two eyes filled with tears, Yaseen recited and prayed. Rasha took her children with herI walked to the car. When uncle asked to sit there for a while, they were slowly removed from there. Now, how can the uncle answer the children's question without losing his temper? Uppa holding Meesan firmly on the stone. "You and my children came to see me that day. Inji (you) are not here. I went here with the same person. I did not tell you when I came yesterday, Rashin's mon, but I also came with you. Inji (you) did not see me. They are the old me.Remember I have to say that I didn't sleep yesterday because I remembered what we saw, knew and experienced, and you didn't allow me to kiss you. But why don't you come and sleep here leaving me alone, now I even leave our room sometimes. I'm so tired now that you're not here. Uppapan's groaning came in excess. Throat cleared. The words stopped and then the heart spoke. He sat there for a while. He wiped his eyes and walked to his children. As soon as I got into the car, there was complete silence. A hundred thousand questions remained in everyone's mind and everyone was drawn to the situation. Not only that. It must be said that the children bowed their heads in front of their father's words that they should not ask anything now. They wanted so badly to hear those words. Even after reaching home, no one spoke. Uppa entered the room and closed the door. Rashi sent his children outside to play and all the events that took placeShared with Culz. Kulsu's reply that everyone says Ummamma Aasiyamma, but I don't know who this is, Rashi is really taken aback. Don't feel like asking your uncle now. There is no peace in the mind. But they... *to be continued* *✍🏻mihras koduvally* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *ISHQE-MADEENA* ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾