
A corpse and wind magic!

Deep underground of the basement of the labyrinth of Grazúl, in the cave structure that was colored with a light blue hue due to stalactites and mushrooms, there lay a creature so obscene no man had ever laid their eyes upon it. But while in its slumber the ground underneath started shacking and the mana veins in the earth started to change directions violently, it was to be known as the calamity of Grazúl. The creature woke up silently and started roaming the labyrinth while soaking in the mana for years, but it didn't mutate like normal creatures, it gained something only a few creatures had and that was intelligence and sense of self. Years after the calamity humanity above started to rebuild their nations under the protection of the 5 guardians, humans had started to regain their lost lands but many lands where still claimed by the wilderness where creatures mutated by violent flows of the mana veins, becoming violent and murderous. Above the labyrinth of Grazúl humans had rebuilt some of the ruins of the once capital of magic and wizardry and they had found the entrance of the labyrinth. Curious they would adventure down and often loose their lives but sometimes come back rich. But there was an unfortunate woman, lured by her curiosity to adventure deep down the labyrinth of Grazúl. She got separated from her group by an old trap, a hole that lead even further down the labyrinth where your chances of escape would be non-existent. The labyrinth no longer had any structure to it and it was more like a cave, luckily for the young female there was mushrooms and stalactite she had never seen before because they were giving out a low light hue of blue, so she could at least see directly in front of her. Afraid, she didn't know if she should walk somewhere in hope of finding a way out or stay and hope no monsters would find her to be a delicious meat stick. So she decided on what seemed to be the safer decision and move in hope of finding a way out of this cave, but she was unaware of the horrors even the monsters would face in this cave. Afraid, she would continue walking not knowing where she will end up, sometimes taking a left and sometimes taking a right when the cave would split. It seemed like she had been walking for an eternity and started to wonder how big this tunnel complex was, but then she ended up at something that wasn't natural, it was a man made doorway. Hesitantly she would walk in for she had yet to meet a monster and if it was somewhere it might be one, it was in there. Walking through the doorway she could smell the foul smell of death lingering heavily in the library like room, the library wasn't illuminated by the same things that illuminated the cave outside, instead it was some sort of orb lightly illuminating the library like small weak suns. With great caution she continued walking past old bookshelf's left behind by those great mages she had been told about in stories sung by bards, their great deeds for mankind protecting everyone from monsters. But now she was walking past the knowledge they past down to their disciples, or so she thought thinking it was a library forgetting where she originally was. After a minute or so of walking she found 2 bodies, or 1 body split in 2 with dark red blood dried on the stone tiles and a decomposing body emitting the deathly smell she could smell. Not knowing if she should be happy such a dangerously looking monster was dead or scared of that something had ripped it apart. Worryingly she kept slowly walking around until she found a perfectly intact round table with an undecaying male body calmly sitting in an equally intact chair with an open book in his hands, it looked like he had been reading the book with dry yet living eyes for an eternity. Slowly walking closer to the round table in an attempt to take a look at some of the books scattered across the table, but not daring to get too close to the dead body. When she got as close to the round table as she dared to get she noticed the dead yet living eyes looking at her, her body went limp not knowing when her final breath will be drawn. Then a deep and loud voice echoed in her head saying to her

"you are the first half elf that has come here ever since I became this library's guardian and I want you to become my pervious life's successor, walking in my footsteps before I was placed here, I want you to learn my wind magic, Janna"

Janna didn't know what to think, why does he know my name? What does he mean with half elf? The elf's are nothing but a fairy tale. With a tad bit very confused facial expression all she could do was nod in agreement, it seemed to be enough for the voice to come back echoing in her head.

"I can see many things about you, Janna. But do not fear I am but an old man reaching the end of his lifetime, sit down at the empty share at the round table and read the books before you. Do not worry about food or sleep, you won't feel hunger not feel tired within my aura"

Not daring doing anything else Janna sat down on the chair hoping it wasn't very effected by the passage of time, luckily it wasn't. She picked up the book closest to her with the label 'Wind magic elementary book of magic' who named these books she thought and the voice quickly answered

"I did, these books contain everything I know"

Baffled at his terrible naming sense she read it. Hours flew by very quickly at first when she read the book, thinking it was interesting but as she got longer and longer into the book, time seemed to have stopped and she felt like she wasn't progressing thinking it wasn't incredibly boring to read it for hours at end... and there was more than 5 books left. Nonetheless Janna kept reading slowly and trying to remember everything she read about meditating, drawing runes and... singing, these books are very odd. Hours became what felt like days but whenever Janna thought like that the damned body would say "5 hours" or something. So Janna decided to close the book and ask if she could practice what she has been studying and the body just said "draw runes, meditate or sing if you feel like it" So she decided to draw. The runes Janna would draw were complex and very odd, so she would sometimes just end up drawing cute ducks instead but every time she would do that, the corpse before her would have a deathly stare directed at her so she quickly ceased with the ducks and continued to draw the odd looking runes. Finally after many serious hours of hard work she managed to make a rune that would redirect small things thrown at it with a gust of wind. Feeling very proud of herself she decided to work harder with the delight of the corpse! She got lost in her newfound will to study and even forgot of her fears whatever many hours ago. Under the protection of the corpse she begun singing, horribly at first but after many hours of singing and reading about it, it started to take shape and gusts of wind was starting to form in the library. The feeling of success overflowed and she continued day in and day out without the need for food or sleep, she was incredibly productive! Janna was starting I feel more clarity in the mana that was around her and she was starting to feel more and more ashamed of herself whenever she thought about the dead body's calm aura, thinking about how strong he was when he was still in a living body. After what was probably months of productivity she had begun singing while meditating, the singing would attract the mana and while she was meditating she would get to know and infuse herself with the mana. When she started to do it she could feel a stare of astonishment from the dead body so she felt like she was doing good. But sadly theses days didn't exist to last and one day the corpses aura started to diminish and he began to speak in her mind "this is my last conscious day and I have prepared a couple of presents for you"

I don’t know if anyone will want to read this or find it good, I just want to have something to do but if someone for some reason enjoys what I am writing and asks for more I might feel motivated to write more at a faster rate.

If someone finds enjoyment in this, please come up with a better name, my naming sense is really horrible.

AnAnorexicDuckcreators' thoughts
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