
1. There's a new student joining !?

intro of the main characters :

name : Milika

age : 16

lives : England

subjects : maths, bio, chem

random things : wants to do vet med at uni , hopeless romantic and unrealistic expectations of love , worries that she isn't enough, born in India but lived in UK her whole life, loud and bubbly

name : Hakim

age : 17

subjects : bio, chem, physics

lives : formerly Pakistan, now England

random things : aims to do med at uni, observant, top of his game academically, not much of a social person


Milika groaned, resting her head gently on the table. She'd been in college for just over a month now, and she'd watched as the once emerald leaves gracefully fluttered to the ground over the course of a month. it was now a week into October, and Milika felt like every day was a constant battle with her head, as her a level courses constantly reminded her of how stupid she was ( or at least that's what she thought ). Although she felt quite lucky that she knew and liked the people in her classes well, as each class was quite small, it felt more like a family than just classes.

She lifted her head up the desk at the sound of Knora, one of her most beloved and closest friends, who happened to be british indian too and had recently come out as gay.

" Mil guess what ! "

Followed closely behind Knora was the rest of her dear friends. They were a tight-knit group of 8.

" You finally found a girl ? " Milika playfully questioned

" Haha,very funny but no, there's a new student from Pakistan coming over. He's starting tomorrow! "

"And.....? "

" he could be good looking,"

Milika shook her head gently, " Yeah, but you know my expectations in a guy are never what you see in reality . "

Lilian slid onto the bench , with the rest of her friends sitting down to.

" Yeah, but...."

" You never know !" Ethan finished off.

Milika smiled, and her mind began to wonder about the new student. What was he like ?

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