
The Case

Lucifer and Chloe are on a abandon house searching for the killer named Kurt. The house is empty but Chloe knows that kurt is hiding here.

"Let's split up" Chloe said to Lucifer.

"Are you nuts Detective, Almost all the movies that I watch spliting up always ends with one or both getting hurt" Lucifer said with a comedic but worried voice.

"Well Lucifer hate to break it to you, but this is not a movie this is real life and were in a real case so please I beg you enough of your lucifernes" Chloe said being a bit funny then serious.

"Alright Detective" Lucifer said rolling his eye with a lower tone voice. "Just call me when your in trouble, ok" Detective with a worried face.

"Sure" Chloe said.

Chloe goes down to the basement while lucifer go upstairs.

Chloe holding a gun while checking every corner being very careful.

Lucifer searching in the room.lucifer found a box full of girls naked magazine. "Jeez".He said. This are so old and not even great quality where did you buy this at the antic shop? lucifer said to himself while giggling. But still checks the pages.

Chloe's phone Vibrates..!! !! !!

Chloe pick up the phone.

"Yes lieutenant" Chloe said while holding the gun in her right hand and her phone on the left hand.

"Chloe be very careful... we did a background check on Kurt Villamor and we found out the he use to be in a military which makes him dangerous he's probably have a gun so keep your eye out" Pierce said to chloe with a tone of tough but worried.

"Ok lieutenant" Chloe said.

In this universe Marcus Pierce (Cain) is not the sinner man. He is just the lieutenant but still have the mark that keeps him from dying because of what he did to his younger brother. Detective Decker and Lucifer are still partners along with Ella and Dan helping them with the cases. In this universe Charlotte is still alive but she's with her husband and still works in the L.A.P.D. Chloe already know Lucifer's secret (the devil thing) but ella and dan still in the dark.

johnkenth_biscochocreators' thoughts
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