
Why am I in Marvel?

This is a story about a guy goes to the afterlife and gets lucks out on a lottery and won the chance to get a wish granted from ROB and get reincarnated. *Warning* The story has a slow start. If you are not a fan of one please reconsider reading this book. The only thing belongs to me are MC and any OC I introduce. The cover doesn’t belong to me.

Rolling_thunder_ · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Training Partner

The next day.

The nap didn't end short. The girls occupied the bed and I slept in the sofa. After waking up in the same time as usual, I finished my morning routine and went to the gym.

I was doing the same exercises but with increasing difficulties as the day progressed. The improvement isn't large by any means but compared to normal people it was huge.

My limits increased a little bit.

The highest speed I could run now is 65km/hr ( 40 mi/hr) {previous limit- 60km/hr (37 mi/hr)}

The highest bench press I could do now is 420 kg (925 lbs) {previous limit- 400 kg ( 881 lbs)}

The highest weight I could lift while doing a squat is 540kg (1190 lbs) {previous limit- 520 kg (1146 lbs)}

The highest dead lift I could is 630 kg (1389 lbs) {previous limit- 600 kg ( 1322 lbs)}

It might be a monumental increase for normal people but with my potential it's a slow increase. Slowly but surely I'm increasing my limits. This is slow but it's good.

After the routine exercise I went for the body control exercise and martial arts. The improvements in those were quiet good. I could use the movements of the martial arts very well and the body control techniques are very helpful in my balance and flexibility.

Comparatively I don't have much strength to hold back. It's quiet the opposite, I'm practising body control in scope that I could use my whole body's strength.

I'm repeatedly practising every moves in every techniques. I use every part of my body good amount of control.

*3rd pov*

As Justin was immersed in practising, He didn't notice a figure that was observing him from the time he started practising martial arts.

It was Arora. She was woken up to his sound. She was observing him for quite a while. No one knows whether she was watching him due to the attraction or because she was going to teach him how to fight and was analysing his moves.

She was standing there for 20 minutes. She couldn't hold herself back and went towards Justin.

*Mc pov*

As I was going to finish my routine I saw Arora approach me with a smile. I looked at the comms it was 6:30 in the morning.

"Hey Arora, good morning. Are you here to get some exercise?"

She nodded at me and answered me.

"Good morning, Justin. Yeah, I just got up and watched you doing workout so I kinda wanted to do too."

"Sure, go ahead. I'm almost finished with my routine. And by the way, when are going to do sparring?"

She just glanced at the comms and contemplated for a while,

"Well, today we can spar in the evening. The bar is messed up, it needs a great amount of work to get it cleaned up and running. I'm not a morning person, so I only wake up to have just enough time to get ready and reach the bar. So expect me to train with you only in the evening after the work shift is done."

"Sure, I'll finish my work and wait for you here in the gym. Just give me a message before you come here."

"Okay, continue doing what you were doing, I'll go start my workout."

We soon separated as she was using the machines for weights and I was using the metal pillar. I soon finished my routine. I bid Arora farewell and went to take a bath.

After I took my bath, I went to my room to get ready. I saw komiko still lying on my bed asleep. After she woke up from the nap yesterday, she ate some of the food I cooked and drunk a lot. I could still see a lot of empty bottles lying around.

I slowly walk up to her to wake her up but she just ignored me. I looked at her face, she was sleeping with her mouth a little open and hugging her tail. It looked adorable at the same time stupid. So I did what a good friend would do. I took pictures of her face.

That's going to be a teasing material for a while after I got stronger a little bit. For now it's a secret.

I shook her pretty hard, she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hey, komiko. Get up, you are going to be late for work if you sleep anymore."

She woke up groggily woke up and looked around. At first she was confused and then looked at me and she came to realisation it seems.

"I have work to do today, bye. Don't be late."

Then I left for the cafeteria to eat some breakfast. There was way less crowd right now as it was just dawn. I finished up my dinner and went to the winery.

Then I went on with the usual routine and finished them up. Next I started preparing for my next brew the newly modified "cyclone". I found the ingredients and picked up the good ones fast.

I finished the initial step of the brewing today. The juice had to be fermented for 12 days to get it to the required amount and then I can move on to the next step.

By now, it was already 18:00, I went to cafeteria to have my second lunch and went to my room. It would be a lie to say that I'm not excited to fight someone. I want to check myself where I'm standing in terms of fighting capabilities.

I was waiting for Arora in my room. I heard a ping in the comms. It was Arora, it seems she was at the door. I opened the door and invited her in. Then we went straight to the gym.

"So, Arora what are you going to teach me?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing to teach. In our planet we just fight and we learn to fight eventually. That's what I'm going to do." She said as if it was an obvious answer.

Ofcourse. I heard in warrior tribes in ancient times, parents just taught their children how to hold the weapon. The remaining things have to be learnt by the child him/her-self.

I didn't hesitate. I took my stance. And she did the same too. She motioned her finger for me to come to her.

I did just that.

Went running towards her with my right fist clocked at the side of my chest and I put a guard on with my left. I threw a punch and I miss. I followed it up with a kick with my left leg. She doges that deftly by getting to the ground and did a full leg sweep which completed its intended purpose.

I was on the floor. No damage whatsoever, only physically.

I soon get up and charged at her. This time I was steady and not excited too much. I threw a jab as soon as I closed in on her but she dodged deftly. I didn't stop at that, I threw an another jab with a foot in, closing her.

She dodged that too. I closed in on her again and tried to knee her but that was a faint soon I threw a full on kick as soon as she tried to dodge. The kick connected but she already put up the guard.

"Well, stop showing off and fight me seriously." I said in frustration.

"I'm not showing off, per we. I mean I showed you that I could dodge almost all of your attack effortlessly." She said seriously. She then continued . "You have never fought in your life but you have got some moves you are using, that's okay but don't know how to let them flow continuesly."

"I don't get it." I asked confused.

"The technique you were practising, you were pretty good. That is just the each individual attack or defence or counterattack. Fighting not about doing perfect postures, it's about the flow. Continuation of one attack to another or attack to defence or defence to counterattack.

Fighter usually don't think about much when they fight. They just move their body according to their instincts which gained upon countless fights and spars. That's what we are going to do. I'm going to fight you until your body learns all the move that it moves by itself in any situation present."

From what she said, the only thing I understood was there is going to be a beatdown for a foreseeable future. Right, good. Fantastic.

I just shrugged off. This is going to take a some time but it's worth it.

Then we kept sparing with each other. I kept throwing every moves I know at her. She dodged it some times, sometimes she blocked it. If chances presented she would just sweep my leg or throw me away.

This went on for 1 hour. I soon started adapting to her dodging and she went for a lot of guards. The falling decreased quiet a bit. Another hour passed I fought her with everything I got and adapted to her dodging. I can slightly predict whether she is going to dodge left or right or any other direction.

My attacks almost always connected with her guard and the dodge rate reduced dramatically. I was getting tired. This was a strenuous for me. So I decided to give a last chance at landing a blow on her.

I put a little distance and looked at her. She had a little bit of sweat on her head and that's it. It seemed she wasn't that tired.

I went towards her slowly. As soon as I reached her proximity I twisted my body and gave her face a kick. She soon caught my leg and as she was about to throw me off balance, I moved my other feet. I was bent and my upper body was near the floor which was balance by my left hand.

I used my leg which was balancing me a moments ago to sweep Arora of her feet. In which I succeed. She almost fell off balance and she let my leg, which she was holding, loose. Just as she was about to steady I brought my left leg which just sweeper her off balance to her head by supporting my body with both of my hands.

She was caught off guard. Just as the attack was about to land she kicked me in my stomach, who was upside down. It was a considerable force. I was thrown across the floor for about 4 metres and my body slid for about 3 more metres.

I just put my hand on the stomach, hoping it would alleviate the pain. She is strong. Not only in technique wise but also strength wise. I just laid there on the floor for a few seconds and slowly stood up.

"It's enough for today. We will continue tomorrow. Eat something and get some rest."

As she said her piece she just walked away in silence. I couldn't bring myself to say anything, I just stared her walk away.


A/N: Hey guys, Author here. I hope you are all doing well.

There is a problem that I encountered.

Measuring Justin's strength is getting a little bit awkward. The amount of weight he lifts ~ strength is not that appropriate.

So I just want to add a new measuring method. It involves the tiers.

Basically it's about the energy required to the destruction of particular things or emitted during the attack.

So for example, an ordinary man can output about 40-99 joules of energy in each attack (punch)

An athletic or trained person can output a damage of 100-299 joules of energy in their attack.

Please read the power level 2 chapter to give an opinion. So that I could decide whether I should implement it or now.

Thank you guys have a pleasant read.