

Suddenly one day I remembered "I am a villain in a fantasy novel??!!" Me who lived my life as a mob character in my previous life is a villain now? well, what can I do? I will just live as I want or so I thought. Can my life be that simple as I wish?... A real life mob character. Maybe that's one of the way to describe my past life. But I never hated that kind of life, neither loved it. Cause it saved me from a lot of troubles. Peace was the only thing I needed. It was enough. No main events, no plot change, no trouble. Continued to live as a mob character and then finally die as a mob character. This shouldn’t be a teenager wishing. Maybe because I am an orphan and wanted to know what its mean to have a family. It always made me sad and sometimes this kind of thought made me realize, that I was living a meaningless life. To get out from that boredom, that's why I tried to step in to the world of books. That's where I met “Magic kingdom.” And in this novel what I really hated was the life of Londo Alexandria. He was once a man who only knew how to love. Losing his only childhood love to the protagonist was made him mad. From that day forward he saw everyone differently. Even his attitude towards his family changed. That was his greatest regret. After losing his family to the Monster invasion he lost his mind. The hidden power in him awakened and he was on a rampage. Unable to control his emotions, unable to control the power he destroyed everything on his way until the protagonist slain him. In short he was just a stepping stone for the protagonist to move on. Everything that made the protagonist stronger ,was what led him to his demise. Now I regain my memories?, before everything started?. By the way, how the hell did I die in my sleep??!! ........ Series [SACRED HEART] [FIRST BOOK] ..... cover photo not mine... .....

rinazaz_04 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 Family

"Oh! Lon(nick name), you finally decided to come out?"

It was Londo's mother. "Alicia Lancerot" Her long blue hair and beautiful eyes made her look more young than her original age. A real beauty. Now she's my mother? I don't really know what to say. Even it wasn't intentional, i was still feeling somewhat dizzy suddenly getting my memories back. I don't even remember my parents face in my previous life cause i was an orphan as long as i could remember.

Seeing no reaction from me she asked one more time.

"Hey are you all right?"

"Yeah I am fine"

It was a mistake for me to smile at that time. Feeling that I got over the trauma, she used this moment to tease me.

"He...he...who knows my son was this frail. He easily got depressed over a single girl"

Now even Neena was looking at me with curious eyes.

"Where is father?"

I need to change the subject or else this will be troublesome.

"The king summoned him"

It wasn't surprising. He was one of the dukes of "Veninsula kingdom". Nearly everyone in the kingdom knows him as he was one of the few seventh class magician and due to his contributions to the kingdom in battle against monsters and other kingdom. Maybe his only drawback was his son because of his average magic talent. But I am sure he didn't care about that and still loved him.

"I am hungry"

"Then let's eat"

The maids began to bring the food over. It really was a good food, so I ate until my stomach got full. I don't know why, but my mother was smiling at me. After finishing the breakfast I got out from the mansion. I am sure if I stayed there any longer I would cry. Everything I longed for all me life was in there. I was sure I won't be able to control my tears.

I walked through the narrow path behind the mansion. It lead me to the nearest forest. There were only low level monsters present there. If I need to find high level monsters, I need to go further deep. That wasn't the reason I was here. I came here to test my magic.

I can use four attribute now and a hidden attribute. Wind, fire, water, Ice were the four attribute I had. Having four attribute was considered as a genius. But Londo could only use water attribute. Since I know different methods of mana flow from the novel, It wont be a problem to use the four attributes. The problem was the hidden attribute space. I don't know how to awaken it. If I could get a eighth class or above monsters mana core, I could awaken different attribute. But it was impossible. If a 8th class monster appeared here it will be a catastrophe.

It wasn't time for me to complain. I only have two years more time until the monster attacks. Every second was precious so I could became strong. I checked my condition. I was only at the second stage. I was only sixteen, so it was considered average. Now, I had the best mana circulation technique. I sat under a big tree and began to circulate mana throughout my entire body. The mana in the atmosphere slowly started to gather around me and enter my body. The gathered mana began to form as a core near my heart. The core was small, but it had four colors. I knew each color represented my awakened attributes. I practiced till evening and head back. Even if I had the best technique, I would still take some time before I could fully form the mana core. Only then I could advance to the third stage. I was at the half stage of the second class before. But it will still take weeks. But I knew another method. I decided to wait until tomorrow, because it was already getting late.

I walked towards the house. I also needed to master my attributes, so only then I could become real strong.

The next day I ventured in to the deeper forest. I was searching for something, and Finally I could hear it. Inside the forest, there is a stream flowing to the west. Maybe towards the river. I stepped in to the river. It was cold and now legs were wet. Sigh... what a pain.

It was worth it. I found what I was looking for. I picked up a small grass with small blue flowers on it. "Water moon grass". At the early stages of the novel, it was considered as weed. But this grass which only grows on streams and river banks where moonlight was abundant, has the property to make mana flow easier. It will still take years till they find it out. So I could use this to make my self and my allies stronger.

Now I got water moon grass, I need two more ingredients two make the potion. Unlike water moon grass it was hard to get. I should ask father.

I decided to return to the mansion. Today was the day my father returning from the palace. I needed to be there. I wonder, will I be different from before?

There is no time to waste thinking about it. I should find out my self.


I was waiting at the front gate with my mother and Neena. A handsome man with silver hair stepped out from the carriage with a bright smile. "Victor Alexandria" I couldn't tell that he was a father of sixteen year old. So those who practices mana flow does look younger and lives a longer than a normal human does. Huh?

He stepped out and came toward us.

"Ha..ha... Lon, I heard duke 'Loren's' daughter rejected your love proposal. But I am proud of you my son, at least you had the guts to propose"

Hearing that I spat out a mouth full of blood. Really? what's up with this man?

I could see his mocking smile while him kept patting on my shoulder. Fine, I'll have my revenge.