

Before stepping into the forest Lyle notices that there is no fog. Everything seems to be calm and lifeless. No sound whatsoever is coming from the forest. Taking a deep breath, he passes the threshold of the forest. Stepping into the forest rapidly changed the entire atmosphere in the forest. The fog that was nowhere in sight rushes at them from a distance like a wave. The group brace themselves for the incoming wave of fog. The fog engulfes the group making everyone panic before realizing it didn't sweep the group away. Shortly after the fog dies down to once again only cover the forest floor making the group breathe a sigh of relief.

"I really don't like this forest." Big D says before continuing to walk forward.

Everyone including Misha the bear nods their head in agreement before following behind him.

Everyone is on guard as they continue deeper into the forest. The fog responds to the group venturing deeper in the forest as if in protest. Far as the group can see the fog starts coalescing together, and form vague creatures composed of fog.

The group becomes startled seeing this scene of random assorted animals and monstrosities forming from the fog. Rob is the first person to respond, barking orders, "D your up front and I'll assist while holding left side. Van use your own judgment on to support who you think needs it as the situation progresses. Sasha cover the back with Misha, make sure Lyle doesn't get ambushed. Lyle, till we know what we are dealing with slow down the right side if you can."

Everyone complies with his order quickly going into a defensive formation, ready to respond to the encirclement. Lyle gathers magic in his hand shaping it to form what he wants. The fog creatures all face the group quietly standing there in eerie silence.

Lyle frowns after the group moves into place. 'Why do I not get a sense of danger from the fog? This is my first time coming across this yet, I'm not scared at all.' At this moment the fog creatures pounce at the group. Lyle instantly swings his hand in a claw going from his waist up to the air.

"Rise!" A wall made of stone and rock rises from the ground. The wall stretches for sixty feet long and fifteen feet tall.

Everyone's weapon except Lyle's flares to life radiating magic before lashing out at the fog creatures. Lyle blankly stares at the weapons realizing that he never looked closely at their weapons. The weapons have runes engraved into each one that come to life when magic is channeled through.

As each weapon contacts the fog it goes straight through without affecting the creature. The creature's attacks land on everyone except Lyle and Van due to their location in the group. As the creature's make contact with the party members bodies. The creatures dissipate instantaneously dissolving back into the fog on the floor of the forest.

"Is everyone okay? Does anyone feel something off with their bodies?" Rob instantly asks the group members while checking the fog around the group.

"Fine here." Big D responds while frowning.

"Misha and I are fine." Sasha cheerily responds.

"They didn't touch Lyle or me, so we're good here." Van answers cautiously while observing the fog.

"Lyle any ideas on what happened or guess on what's going on?" Rob looks at Lyle while saying so.

Lyle raises an eyebrow at Rob, "Why are you asking me? Though, I do have a couple ideas on what is going on. Surprisingly, ever since I had that dream my mind has become much sharper."

Rob smiles at hearing Lyle's response, "We are in the Underworld and you are priest. Also, you deal with magic more then any of us do. Also, that isn't surprising that you became smarter. All of us awoke realizing we weren't using our full power so to speak. I gained more military insight, I'm able to see the best option mid combat while leading. D awoke to realize he has always been using half his strength his entire life. Sasha was a shy and gentle baker. Now she has become baker who is more courageous than all of us put together. She will be first to jump into a deep dark pit before any of us will respond with who's going first. She also gained a pet bear which is a funny story by the way. Van went from a rat of the slums into a natural spy that sheds faces at drop of a hat. You can ask more from them after we get out of here. Give me your best assumption of what happened just now."

"… Best guess with having very little knowledge about all this. They are the souls of creatures who died inside of the forest, I think. Like I said I'm not for sure since I'm going based on they are just creatures instead of people. Or, this is all just an illusion to by time." Lyle responds after thinking about it more for a minute, "I would stay on guard against the fog in case I am wrong. If after a couple times that nothing happens after engaging the fog, then I would keep an eye on it rather than guard it. It could be just a rouse to wear our nerves down while we travel to the lake."

Rob nod his head in agreement at Lyle's deduction, "Makes sense. You guys heard Lyle. Stay on high alert for first couple times the fog attacks then just stay wary when fog attacks. Let's keep moving. Van make sure we are going the right direction and don't lose our way in this forest."

"Relax Rob when have I ever let us down when it comes to navigating the land?" Pointing in a direction slightly off to the left from where we are facing, "Head towards that direction till I say otherwise D."

D nods his head before cautiously moving in that direction.

Big D leads the front with Van right behind him. Rob follows behind the duo with Lyle right behind him. Sasha and Misha hold up the rear of the group.

"Hmm, this is different way then I came from. I wonder if we showed up at the same spot when we entered or different locations." Lyle ponders out loud upon seeing the direction they were going.

"Huh? You remember where you entered the forest at Lyle?" Sasha says with curiosity from behind him.

"Hm? Ah yeah, I've always had a good memory. Ever since I had that dream I found that my memory is eidetic now. It's slightly nerve-wracking thinking about my past since I see things that I missed. Regardless of whether what I missed was good or bad I now see it all. Some of the people I trusted are now shining in a different light. Betrayals I didn't understand before now, show clear signs beforehand that I just failed to notice. It's like looking through blurry glass all your life to only finally see through clear glass. You discover everything you thought was correct was in fact wrong in some minor or drastic fashion." Lyle's face saddens when reaching the latter part before he masks it and puts on an expressionless face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember those things." Sasha speaks out awkwardly with face full of guilt.

Lyle looks over his shoulder and gives a reassuring smile to Sasha, "I know you didn't and also it's all in the past. I can't change what's happened anyways. So, no point in dwelling over it."

"I hate to interrupt a touching moment of sentiment but, can this wait till later? Like for when we aren't being chased by undead knights or trapped in a world of dead for that matter. I'll even bring my handkerchief and cry with you guys later if you want." Van's voice interrupts Lyle and Sasha.


A howl sounds off in the distance after Van speaks.

"See! Even the undead wolves agree with me." Van looks in the direction the howl came from, "Thank you for your input Mr. Undead Wolf. I don't know what I would done if you hadn't given your opinion."

"All jokes aside. It's good that you have good memory Lyle, for it will be useful in the future. We should also not dwell on things till after we get out of here and find a safe place." Rob turns his head to side and speaks over his shoulder behind him. "Also, Sasha, you shouldn't feel so guilty for accidently bringing up the past. Things happen so don't dwell on it. You can properly apologize once we are out of here if it bothers you that much. Since the wolves just howled that means we should encounter their resistance soon. So, keep your eyes peeled and watch Lyle's back since he is our new mage companion."

Sasha nods her head seriously before shifting her gaze to watch the trees.

The group descends into silence while progressing further towards the lake. After traveling for a little bit, they realized that after couple times of the fog creatures attacking. That the fog creatures didn't affect them what so ever which relieved the group. No wolf howls sounded out ever since the first one sounded off which confused them.

"Lyle do you have any idea of how long we have before the undead knights should found out we are not in the town?" Rob's voice sounds out among the ever-silent dead forest.

Lyle ponders for a little while the group still proceeds forward with Van correcting our course when Big D veers off. "No since we have no indication of what time of day it is. Then it will be hard to know how much time as passed. Since I was told it takes them half a day to go to town. I think it would be safe to just assume they are already inbound towards our location from town."

The group stops turning to face Lyle with Rob saying, "What makes you think it would be safe to assume so?"

Faced with everyone's curious stare Lyle simply shrugs his shoulders, "It's precisely the lack of information that I would assume they are close to our location. There is to much we don't know about the Underworld to make a valid assumption. It's better to assume the worst and hope for the best. The knights are dead, so they don't need to eat, sleep, or rest. I would advise for us to pick up the pace. It's more of a gut feeling that I'm having then any valid reasoning." Lyle says before a thought comes to him, "Actually there may be a way to prove that I'm right, now that I think about it more. The wolfs haven't attacked at all which could mean they don't need to. Which could hint at by time we reach the lake at this pace that the knights will already catch up to us. So, if we increase our pace and the wolves decide to attack to buy more time then I'm correct. Then again this is also going based off the undead wolves working together with the undead knights somehow. Like I said though, it is all just based off a feeling."

Everyone's facial expressions shift the more they listened to Lyle.

"I think we all can agree that it's better to assume the worst and hope for the best. Let's pick up our pace and see if your feeling is right. Worst happens we arrive into an ambush by moving quicker." Rob's face shifts to a serious expression, "If so, then we only have to ask Big D to be in charge of asking them politely to move out of the way. If they don't, Big D can simply negotiate with them for safe passage. I'm sure you can handle that right D?" Rob smiles while looking over at Big D.

Big D laughs loudly then lifts his great-sword with one-hand into the air before letting it rest on his shoulder, "Ha-Ha, leave the negotiations to me Rob. I always enjoy having these sort of peace talks. They always seem to require my gentle touch before they are open to listening to what we have to say."

Everyone lightly chuckles before Rob's voice starts giving orders.

"Alright let's pick up the pace then. Would hate to keep them waiting for us at the lake." Rob smiles again before looking at Lyle inquiring, "Lyle can you keep up if we move at a faster pace or do we need to ask Misha to carry you?"

"I may be a priest but, that doesn't mean I'm delicate. I may not be as fast as Van over there, but I have confidence in my endurance from traveling so much. So, I will have to reject having Misha carry me." Lyle smiles while giving a glance at Van before looking at Misha who seems to be pouting. Lyle assumes Misha is pouting from how she has her head turned to the side snorting while kicking the dirt with her front paw.

Sasha sees Misha pouting and goes over while petting her head comforting her, "I'm sure he likes you Misha. The only reason he doesn't let you carry him is just in case we get into a fight that you will be restricted with him on your back. He is someone who needs your protection so, he can't hold you back when you are protecting him. Isn't that right Lyle?" Sasha glares at Lyle while hinting meaningfully at him. Misha looks at Lyle from corner of her eye while her ears twitch in his direction.

Lyle stares blankly at Sasha and Misha before quickly responding, "…Of course I need Misha's protection. I'm a priest who can use magic but, is weak in close combat. Without Misha protecting me I would obviously die. I only wanted to ease Misha's burden of having to take protect me. This way if something happens she doesn't haven't to worry about me being on her back. She can protect me without being held back." While inwardly thinking, 'Note to self, the bear is intelligent. Judging from the way the group doesn't look surprised I guess I missed noticing this somehow.'

Misha stops pouting, stands on all four with head held high and chest puffed out with face full of pride as if saying, 'You can count on me.'

Everyone lightly chuckles once more.

"Now that Lyle has learned his lesson let's get moving now." Rob voice sounds out.

The group quickly proceeds forward with a quick pace still in the same formation.

Within a couple minutes of traveling at this speed a wolf howl sounds out followed by more.


"Looks like you were right Lyle. They seem to be moving to intercept us now. I can see their large shadows moving toward us from deep within the forest." Van's voice sounds out among the group.

"You heard him then. Get ready for combat and watch your sides for an ambush. We aren't going to spend a lot of time fighting. Our objective isn't to get rid of the wolves it's to reach the lake and get out of here. Remember that and don't lose yourself in the fight." Rob's voice takes a more commanding tone, "Lyle this is first time we have fought with you so, we aren't sure how you are going to do. Don't blow all your mana and go for a more support/control magic role if you can. Also try not to hit anyone in the group. I'm not saying that you will but, we haven't fought with you so just giving you warning.

Lyle smiles wryly, "You found out my evil plan already? Now I have to listen to you and not be suspicious with my casting… Don't worry I know my job, the sister who raised me in the church use to be member of the Reapers. So, she trained me well on how to fight and what to do depending on the situation."

Van's voice sounds out with curiosity and confusion, "Wait, you were raised and trained by a member of the Reapers? Why did she quit the Reapers? No one quits the Reapers. You either get retired from injuries or die. So, how did she quit the Reapers and they allow it?"

"I don't know why she quit the Reapers. Every time I brought it up she would switch subjects. Though, she was treated with a lot of respect within the church even after she quit. So, I can only assume there were circumstances involved." Lyle speaks up in response to his question.

"Who is your- "

A voice interrupts, "Enough chatter, here they come. Focus on breaking through and continue to the lake. Big D power up on the first one." Rob barks out orders in quick order.

Big D grunts in acknowledgement before his body starts slowly shining with magical glow.

Lyle puts his healing book in his bag, so he can have both hands free for his staff.

"Lyle just so you don't underestimate these undead. I need to warn you that they are much stronger than regular large wolfs. I don't know if it's being in the Underworld but, they are much stronger then they should be. So, don't focus on killing them and more on assisting us." Rob says over his shoulder to Lyle.

"Good to know" Lyle speaks before looking at the distance in front of the party.

In front of the party, twelve large black shadows are spotted moving quickly in their direction.

The large shadows now visible to be seen properly. Each standing at two meters tall with large red eyes that seem to reveal intelligence within them. Black fur covering their entire bodies with no indication they are undead being visibly seen.

With a confused expression on his face Lyle says, "How do you know they are undead? I don't see any indication that hints them to being undead currently. They look like they are living and breathing wolves. With the exception of the red eyes that glow of course which is different than the ones I first saw."

Sasha speaks from behind him, "That's what we thought until we tried to kill some of them. Even if you cut off their head it doesn't kill them. They will only move their body to the head and it will reattach itself. Limbs that are cut off will simply regenerate albeit slowly. Only way to kill them is to use some form of purifying light magic but, that takes too long. Or, can do what D is about to do. Reason Rob says to not try to kill them and assisting us to break through. Though, these wolves have red eyes instead of yellow like the ones we first encountered."

"Would have been nice to have been told that earlier. I've fought undead but undying undead that looks just like it was when alive is new." Lyle grumbles before thinking up possible ideas to assist.

"Sorry, we are still new to fighting undead, so we assumed all undead were like this which is scary." Sasha apologizes for the rest of the group.

"This is first time I've ever heard or fought undead that are like this. Oh well, looks like we are out of time talking anyways." Lyle says before gathering magic for a spell.

The wolves now about hundred feet away fearlessly charge towards the group. The wolves spread out widely appearing to want to surround the group and attack from all sides.

Big D's body now having a bright magical glow he grips his sword with both hands. Channeling some of the magical glow into his weapon while holding the rest in his body. A smile on D's face with excitement and anticipation in his eyes while looking at the wolfs.

Van already having a couple arrows knocked on his bow both of them giving off a cold aura. His face giving off a serious expression with a cold gleam to his eyes.

Rob having a calm expression on his face with a slightly relaxed posture. Giving the impression to invite others to take advantage of his openings.

Lyle having an expressionless face while still only holding his staff in one hand.

Sasha having a determined look on her face as she holds her bread paddle with both hands. Misha running right by her side ready to tear apart whatever comes close.

As the last hundred feet decreases quickly from both sides moving forward. The wolfs move into three groups four coming straight to the group and the other eight splitting to both sides.

With the atmosphere being the calm before a storm. The first to act is Big D with him tensing his body before giving out a battle roar and leaping into the air with his great-sword raised. The magic he gathered in his body propels him farther into the air.

Soon as Big D leaps at the wolfs, a series of different things happen at the same time. The four wolves each pounce towards the group with one going to Big D. The other three choosing to target Van and Rob instead of Big D.

As Big D and the wolf meet each other in the air. D brings his weapon down with all his strength roaring once more. His weapon shining bright pulsing with magic power, hits the wolf on the head. The weapon seems to show no signs of resistance in colliding with the wolf. Like a hot knife through butter the weapon splits the entire wolf in half right down the middle. With the wolf splitting in half and each side landing on the ground with no blood. When Big D hits the ground, he continues running forward without looking back.

Two arrows flowing with magic power giving off a freezing cold aura fly through the air. Each one hitting a wolf in the shoulder instantly incasing the entire shoulder and head of the wolf in ice. Van leaps to the side while running forward and both of the wolfs hit the ground where he was just at. Their face and shoulder incased in ice shatter into bloody chunks. As Van passed the shattered wolfs he pulls out two regular arrows, ready for assist who needs it. Looking over his shoulder at the back while still running behind Big D.

Rob reverse grips his halberd gathering magic power in his arm before he threw his halberd at the wolf pouncing at him. The halberd hits the wolf in the lower chest puncturing straight through the heart. The impact of the halberd alters the wolfs landing as the eyes lose its glow before landing just short of Rob. Rob leaps over the body of the wolf with his hand stretched out behind him. A rune flashes on the halberd before it pulls itself out of the wolf's chest and flies into Rob's outstretched hand.

Lyle's eyes open wide with surprise when seeing the strength of the group before quickly focusing on the remaining wolves.

"Sasha I'll take the right side. You and Misha get the left and I'll help when I finish immobilizing my side." Lyle says before releasing the spell he had prepared beforehand. A blue ball of magic shoots from his hand and lands behind the group of wolves to the right. Seeing the magic rapidly coming to them each one tries to get far from it as possible. Only one manages to get out of the spells range. The entire fog in fifty-foot radius instantly freezes solid. Three of the wolves instantly have their feet all the way to the joint frozen in place unable to move. The last wolf being further ahead then the ones behind it was able to escape the spell. The wolf continues charging ahead to cut off Lyle.

Soon as Lyle comes within range the wolf lunges forward to bite his shoulder. Lyle instantly grabs staff with both hands and diving to the ground into a forward roll before springing back up. Gathering magic at the tip of his staff he rapidly turns around and thrusts it at the foot of the wolf with one hand.

The wolf just stares at Lyle as the strike comes in with no intention of dodging. The strike lands, freezing the front paw to the ground before Lyle leaps backward. The wolf just stares at him as if looking bored then starts growling and trying to break the ice on its paw. Lyle frowns at the wolf before turning back around and running off behind Rob. Glancing to see if Sasha is done on her side.

Going to back when Lyle said for Sasha to take the right.

Sasha meets Misha's eyes coming to an understanding on a plan of action.

She reaches into her armor and pulls out a hefty sack. When Misha sees the sack, fear comes across the bear's face before putting on determined look. Sasha throws the sack at the ahead of the wolves in which the sack bursts into a cloud of black.

When the wolves see the black cloud they all have a resigned look on their face. They go charging straight through the black cloud. When the wolves enter the black cloud all four of them go into a fit of coughing and sneezing. The black cloud instantly stops the wolves in their tracks.

Sasha and Misha keep running straight forward without looking back following the group. Sasha has a mischievous grin on her face when Lyle glances to see if Sasha is done on her side. To only realize she finished before him with all four wolves sneezing and coughing.

"Sasha, what did you just use on the wolves?" Lyle inquires with face full of curiosity.

Sasha giggles, "Pepper! My secret weapon that I use on Misha when she tries to steal the sweets I make."

Lyle looks over at Misha to see the determined look on the bears face with a trace of fear in her eyes. He then laughs, "A mighty weapon indeed."

Rob's voice sounds out and Rob glances over his shoulder at rest of the group. A smile on his face with a teasing tone in his voice.

"D I thought you were going to negotiate with them not just split the poor creature in half?"

"… oops, I'll negotiate with the next one. I'm sure he will feel my sincerity when he finds out about his brother."

Everyone laughs while going forward.

After laughing Lyle, knits his brow in thought at just how easy that fight was.

"Rob was it that easy last time you were heading towards this direction?" Lyle voices his doubt to Rob.

"No, now that you point it out. It is indeed a lot easier then last time." Rob says before thinking a couple seconds, "Van keep an eye out for traps or ambush ahead." Van nods his head in acknowledgment.

"It may just be me but, I don't get the feeling that they are trying to kill us. Guess we will have to wait and see what is ahead of us first though. How far till we reach the lake?" Lyle voices his thought while asking the group.

Van answers his question, "You're looking at about another couple minutes before we reach the lake side."

"Let's find out when we get there then shall we." Lyle speaks to the group. Everyone voices their agreement before going silent, just focusing on moving forward.

After a couple minutes of running with no traps or fights puts the group on edge for what is to come at the lake.

The group spots the clearing ahead and everyone's faces become solemn at the sight. The group stops at the edge of the forest.

In the clearing is a massive lake with what appears to be almost two-hundred wolves surrounding the entire lake. At the lakeside where the group is heading straight for, is twelve heavy plated knights. Each heavy plated knight is sitting on a horse that looks alive if not for the glowing red eyes that says otherwise. Each knight has a longsword and shield equipped. Behind the twelve knights is a massive wolf that is twice the size of the other wolves. Standing next to the massive wolf is a heavy plated knight whose armor is fit for a woman. None of the wolves or knights have weapons pulled out ready to fight.

"Well looks like we lost the race to get to the lake first which is strange considering this is a forest and they are on horses. I assume there is probably another way to get here that we aren't aware of." Lyle says so solemnly. "Guess we can only talk then, they don't have weapons drawn. What do you think Rob?"

Rob smiles bitterly, "Do we have a choice at this point? Let's see what they want. If they try to force us to go with them or try anything funny. We make a break straight through them heading to the lake. If we can't do that then we fight to the last. There is a hundredish feet between the forest and them. We will move towards them until they say stop. If they don't say anything then we stop at halfway mark."

The group slowly makes their way into the clearing moving forward following Rob's orders. All eyes of both wolf and knight alike focus on the group.

Van mutters, "Well aren't we the popular one."

The group slowly moves to fifty feet from the knights and wolves before stopping.

Both sides sit there in silence and stare at each other.

Lyle and the group still having solemn expressions on their face are quite nervous on the inside.

After what feels like hours which was only around ten seconds a change appears.

The female knight makes her way forward on her horse. She comes in front of the knights and heads to the group. Stopping at the half way mark between both groups. An indifferent voice sounds that breaks the silence between the groups, "The one who is named Lyle come forward to speak."

The group tenses up before Rob whispers behind him, "Lyle do you want to go see what she has to say? We won't force you if you don't want to. I doubt you somehow made friends with female death knights while you were here."

"It's fine. I'll go see what she has to say and if it turns dangerous I'll be counting on you. I don't know who you guys are nor do I know who I am. But, you went through a lot of trouble to find me so, I'll place some trust in you guys for now. And, no I have not wooed any death knights or met any for that matter." Lyle speaks with wry smiles before moves away from the group heading to the knight. Holding his staff in one hand using it as a walking stick and leaving other hand inside his sleeve. Gathering magic subtly in his hand incase the knight does anything. 'One thing after another has happened. Now the undead knight even knows me by name. This'll be interesting.'

While Lyle walks closer the knight gets off her mount and takes off her helmet. Black hair flows out of the helmet when she takes it off. Her face is pale white color showing no emotion on her face with red eyes that give off a subtle glow.

Lyle stops about five feet away from the knight before speaking, "I'm Lyle may I ask who you are?"

"I'm my lord's death knight Bella may she rule forever." She says as if it's practiced sentence. "I have been instructed to give an open invitation for you to meet my lord." Bella's says in indifference.

With a slightly confused look Lyle says, "Why did you request me specifically? Also, who is your lord?"

Bella ignores the first question, "My lord is one of the nine rulers of the undead."

"And if I refuse to meet this ruler?" Lyle inquires.

"Then you are free to leave through the lake." Says in a voice that still doesn't seem to care.

"You won't stop us if we try to leave?" Lyle asks with a slightly confused look.

"My orders were to protect your group and invite you to meet my queen."

"But wolves just attacked us inside of the forest on our way here how is that protecting us? Why would you be ordered to protect us in first place?" Lyle says with total confusion of not understanding anything. Staring at her red eyes a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"Who said they were trying to stop you?" Bella raises an eyebrow while saying that.

Lyle nods while continuing his thought, this time out loud, "You're not the knights that are after us. Those wolves seemed to easy to get past almost like they weren't trying. They were sent to delay the knights who are coming after us but, if they just bypassed us we would been suspicious. So, they acted like they were attacking us." Lyle voices his thoughts before raising an eyebrow at Bella, "So, who are the knights that are after us then and also who is your queen? Since I get the impression that not all of the lords of the undead get along."

Bella's mouth slightly curves up at the end while listening to Lyle speak, "Seems that my queen's judgement was not misplaced. You are correct. The wolves were sent to delay the other knights coming after you. The knights coming after you are part of The Ruler of Masks which is the local lord in this area. We are the knights of Queen Nefereta same as these wolves. We cleared out the Ruler of Masks wolves beforehand. Remember this little immortal. You have just awoken and not all lord of the undead are friendly especially Ruler of Masks. The immortals emerging signifies that a massive change will occur in the realms. My queen chooses helping the immortals instead opposing the change. Now leave, we are running out of time. The wolves were only supposed to hold them back for a short delay, so we can have this conversation."

"Wait one last question." Lyle hastily speaks.

Bella places her helmet on her head with her hair disappearing inside, "Speak quickly."

"How did your queen know that all of this would happen? How did she predict I would awake and have you meet here to protect us?" Lyle asks with still suspicious on his face.

"Ask the queen yourself if you ever decide to take her up on her invitation." Bella speaks then turns around getting back on her horse. She waves her hand and the knights and wolves all make way for the group.

Lyle puts on a pondering face while walking back to the group thinking over everything that was said.

The group walks toward him when Rob speaks, "Well what happened? We couldn't hear for some reason."

"I'll explain when we are out of here just know that we can leave through the lake and they won't stop us." Lyle says before dispelling the magic he was holding in his free hand.

Rob studies Lyle's face for a few seconds before saying, "Alright, you put your trust in me when you went to go speak to them so, I'll do the same now. Let's go."

The group heads to the lake still on guard incase the knights or wolves do something.

When they reach the water, a voice interrupts them before they walk into the water.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A male voice yells out.

The group turns around and around twenty knights burst through the trees. Each knight has a green glow around their body with their weapons drawn. Wearing heavy plate armor as well.

In response the twelve knights and Bella burst in red glow around their body while drawing weapons.

"Queen Nefereta's soldiers don't rule these parts! Are you declaring war with the Ruler of Masks!?" The man among the twenty knights yells out.

"We were simply taking a walk when we came across these living people. As we all know living people are not part of the Underworld and it is our job. Being part of the lords of the undead to send them back to their own world." Bella's voice sounds out loud but still indifferent.

The man's voice quivers slightly, "Captain Bella of the royal guards why are you here?"

"… Did I not just say I was taking a walk? I apologize if the Ruler of Masks subordinates are so poor to have trouble understanding my words." Bella's voice sounds out with contempt.

"You! My lord will not let go of you interfering in his plans!" The man says in rage.

Wolves that are close to the group slowly start moving closer to the group motioning for them to leave. The group takes the hint and walk into the lake. Soon as they take a step into the lake they instantly disappear.

Lyle stays behind watching with thoughts going through his head before a wolf pushes him into the lake. Lyle stumbles into the lake instantly disappearing. The last thing he hears before disappearing is.

"Well your lord will just have to talk to mine to get his answers. If we are done here I shall take my leave unle-"


Lyle appears with both feet in the water up to his knees. All around him he hears sounds of life. Feels the wind on his face with birds chirping overhead. Insects sounding out in the forest and all trees healthy full of life. On the bank of the lake the rest of the group already made it to shore and were looking at him.

'I much prefer here which is full of life than the Underworld.'

The group smiles at him motioning for him to come out the water.

Lyle smiles than walks towards his group.

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