
Whispers of the Void: Psychopath in another world?

( Hello there kind peoples, I am from the future and here to warn you folks that this may contain horror. Have a peaceful reading!) Dante, a loner and introvert, finds himself in a mysterious situation where he is stabbed and left for dead. However, he wakes up to find himself saved by a talking cat who claims to be a god. The cat informs Dante that he has transmigrated into a new life and must now learn to live again. Dante discovers that he has lost his memory and is taken under the wing of a white-haired girl named Sylph. ‘You can read this work on RoyalRoad’

TheCarpe · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 2 - Flickering flame

<p>When Dante opened his eyes, all he could see was pure darkness, not the normal one that you obtain after turning the lights off. But the one that was touching his body like he was a piece of meat left before a hungry predator, ready to pounce at him at any moments.<br/><br/><br/>His body started shivering as if he had taken an ice bath, his hairs stood on no end, his flight or fight instinct was screaming at him to get as far as possible. Just as the harassments on his body were about to continue, the darkness suddenly stood still. It startedwas retreating back. He finally heaved a sight of relief, he saw a spark of light behind him.<br/><br/><br/>The small spark of white fire was silently existing there, its mere presence made the seas of shadows retreat. It silently existed there, uncaring of the world's problems. Just staying by its side made him feel safe. Curious, he got closer to the flame and in response to his approach, it flickered.<br/><br/><br/>Dante reopened his eyes as he was violently awoke, he got out of bed and tried to stand up, only to fail miserably and fall head first on the floor. Before he could stand up, a callous pale hand grabbed him by the collar and threw him back on the bed.<br/><br/><br/>Confused, he looked to see who did that, only to see a white haired girl staring at him emotionlessly. They just stared at each other for a few seconds without breaking contact. The girl suddenly opened her mouth and , irked, said, " How senseless do you have to be to try and walk in that condition." After a few more seconds she just turned around and walked to an area of what seemed to be an interior training ground filled with practice targets.<br/><br/><br/>"Quickly recover and get out of here." , she said as she picked the sword she dropped to come and deal with Dante. She started mercilessly swinging and brutalizing the mannequins and practicing targets. It looked as if someone who was venting her anger on them. He could only imagine how he would end up as minced meat by her assault.<br/><br/><br/>Yet he could see something else, it looked like someone just just mindlessly attacking them yet it was controlled, making it look even more scary. Only after what felt like one or two hours did she drop her sword and left for the bathroom all soaked up in sweat.<br/><br/><br/>He couldn't help but admire her lean muscles, her body so well trained that not an once of fat could be seen on her. Her unwavering look as she did the same thing for two hours straight as if fighting a demon.<br/><br/><br/>As she returned after ten minutes , she took a wooden chair from a corner and placed it next to the bed, where he rested. She just sat there, staring at him, her expression unreadable, one could wonder what was up in her head.<br/><br/><br/>After a few seconds Dante finally muttered the courage to talk to her while avoiding her gaze, "Thanks, for saving me… ". When he looked back at her he could see her still being in the same stance, as if he didn't exist at all.<br/><br/><br/>After a while she replied " Why were you in the forest? " nonchalantly. He wondered too, why he was there. He hesitantly awnsered, « I dont know, i can't remember a thing, i just woke up lying there. I don't even know who i am… ».<br/><br/><br/>She seemed to be in some thoughts when she suddenly stood up and opened her drawer, taking a red fiole. She then turned to Dante and handed it too him and spoke, « I just saved you, cant let you die after all that effort, drink that. I suppose you lost your memory about everything, right? »<br/><br/><br/>Dante caught the ref fiole and stuttered "That.. is right, I only remember that my name is Dante…" as he looked at the fiole in his hands, wondering how effective would the regen be.<br/><br/><br/>The white haired women just looked at him and as if being considerate, said, « Drink it, it's a healing potion. It helps you regenerate your wounds but has a very annoying side effect which makes you exhausted after healing. Now get up, we're gonna go see the principal ».<br/><br/><br/>Dante took of the cork and gulped it entirely before he tried to walk up again. He was feeling fine except that he was extremely tired and looked like a dead corpse, as he started following the girl through the corridors of this structure for a while, he arrived at a sort of plaza with loads and loads of students wearing uniforms just like the girl before him.<br/><br/><br/>They were all looking their way, whispering something he couldn't hear for he was too tired. Fortunately or rather unfortunately he heard someone talk somewhat louder as if trying to make the other party worry of his presence, " Who is that mongrel, why is he next to 'her'." Dante turned his head toward the one who spoke.<br/>As he was observing him, he could see a somewhat handsome and red haired guy with a disdainful look on his face. Before he could make any further observations, the white haired girl just walked away, as if he didn't exist. This only seemed to make him madder. Dante just followed after her.<br/>As he was observing his environment, he could see a lot of rooms and people entering and leaving them, maybe he was in an university. As he had transgressed in this world, with healing potions, he deducted that he was maybe in an academy of sort. Before long, he found himself in a quiet place, devoid of any students. There were two doors, one with a sign saying 'Vice-Principal' while the other door said 'Principal'.<br/>The white haired girl just knocked at the vice-principal's door before hearing a somewhat aged and gentle voice, « You can enter ».</p>