
whispers of death

Autor: Tk_Just_tk
Fantasy Romance
Laufend · 954 Ansichten
  • 4 Kaps
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What is whispers of death

Lesen Sie den Roman whispers of death des Autors Tk_Just_tk, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.They always struggle, struggle as if their ending is not inevitable. Struggle as if their body does not part eagerly welcoming her knifes embrace. They were meant to break and break they do. Break the...


They always struggle, struggle as if their ending is not inevitable. Struggle as if their body does not part eagerly welcoming her knifes embrace. They were meant to break and break they do. Break they must for there is a beauty....an art from the theatrics of the body's instinctive attempt to hold on to life and she not only appreciates it but it brings her a delight. Even blind she can see that there must be death for what is life without it and as Death's puppet she must bring it.

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  • Gesamtbewertung
  • Qualität des Schreibens
  • Aktualisierungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund


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