
When We Met...

After a drunk One-night-stand, Anna ran away...leaving some money and a "sorry" note for that guy... Years later, They met again.. but it was too late...They didn't recognized each other.. but he was already tempted by her... His obsession was too dangerous for Her and Their kids... Before he realized... She was taken away...

Lee_Sarah_0 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Please read the introduction before reading the story.

At the airport,

Anna and her kids were going to paris with sophie.. Kai said, "mama, when will we reach there?"... with a smile she said, "Soon honey... Kenny... You need anything?"...

"Its ken, Mother"- he replied..

[This spawn of satan.....] She thought...

Sophie said, "Ann, come here"

"Hm" she replied..

Then sophie said -" there are 2 unidentified mens in this 1st class"

Anna said-" what? In which seats? "

Sophie points backwards...

Anna sighs.... "Thank god, its ok... Just ignore 'em"

Kevin was in that flight too... He was going sit in the seat sophie pointed...

But Michael stoped him and said, "someone hacked into the system and found that we are unidentified "

" So where are going to sit now?" Kevin asked.

"There" Michael point at the seat beside anna...

He sat beside her.... They were right beside each other... but they did not know what was about to come...

Her kids were sleeping.... Ans kevin looked at them and smirked... Anna asked... "Is anything wrong?"... "no, it's nothing....these twins are just too identical" he replied without looking at her... "No no no... They the polar opposite for each other"anna said while laughing....

He looked at her... He thought that his girl and anna looked similar... So he sighs and sat down to his seat..."the twins... Are they your kids?"... Kevin asked.

Anna said, "Yes, they are mine"

" Their father must be really lucky... To get the cute kids" he said....

Anna said, "haha....i guess..."

[Guess?]- he wondered...

Anna said, " they only look identical but they are really different from each other..."

"Why?" He asked...


Michael was shocked to see kevin talking to a random women for no reason... And said,

"What the fuck... is he talking to a women today?"

Back to anna and kevin------

"Why?" He asked...

Anna replied, " they are only 5 minutes apart... So the first one is like a snake and the second one is lion"

"Hahaha, so you are comparing them to animals?"

[H-he laughed...] She thought

"Yeah... Bcz they are worse than animals.. " Anna said with a smirk...

"how do manage your work and these kid?"he asked...

anna replied, "I'm a Writer so its kinda easy..."

sophie didnt want kevin around anna so, she said,

"Ann, come here with me"... anna nodded.

Meanwhile, ken woke up... and was looking for his mother...kevin said, "Your mom is gonna come back soon"...ken said, "you going to paris too?"

kevin replied , "yeah"

"why? " ken asked

"i -uh... have some friends... t-they are waiting for me there... "he replied with a confused look on his face"

[can't tell him why am i going there though ]

kevin tried to change the topic, and kai woke up.... kai said... "who's that man, why you talking to him?"aggressively...

ken was irritated and said, "shut up, kid... mind your own business"

Angry kai said, "You shut up! and whos that guy?! why you talking to him?did you forget what mom said?!"

Ken sighs and then....

To be continued