
Viral photo.

Rania was both ecstatic and nervous about her first presentation. She searched through the wardrobe for something comfortable to wear. She put black skinny jeans, a pink t-shirt and running shoes on.

"Let's have breakfast"! Hynei said to Rania who just came out from her room.

" I will just have milk today". Rania said as she pick up her glass. "Aren't you going for class? Rania asked as Hynei was on her night gown.

" I won't go, I really have an important appointment today!" Hynei said slamming the glass that she holds on the table but not to a point of breaking it.

Rania simply looked at her quietly feeling strange with her actions. "Okay....! Rania kept quiet for a while before she spoke up again. "Wish me best luck, I have my first presentation today in university." Rania said both in excited and nervous tone.

All the best, my love!. Hynei wished her returning to her cheerful expression.

In classroom

Rania took a seat at front and less than in minute later, Aiden and others joined her. "Hi!" Unil greeted cheerfully as he waved at her. Rania nodded her head in response as she can't ignored him. She thought she will try to get along with him for some days as they would get less chance to encounter after the assignment is over.

"Nervous!" Aiden look back at Rania.

"Little!" Rania answered.

" Me too, Let's do well!" Aiden said in encouraging tone.

Why everyone looks so tensed today? The professor stated trying to break the tensed atmosphere.

"Okay, we will start!" The professor sat at the front facing the big monitor screen. Everyone did their best level and present on their own method. Professor was quite impressed with the students. Fortunately, Rania's team give the presentation without any mistakes.

Everyone in the classroom was pounding their heart when the Professor put her gaze in all the students before announcing the marks. The highest score got by Sivson's team. Lucy face plastered with wide smile and waves her hand to Rania when they locked their eyes.

"Rania, thanks a lot! You really helped a lot." Olivia said.

"No, I am more thankful to all the Senior. We can successful finished the presentation today with the help of you guys. Rania said which make their lips curled up in friendly manner."

Rania! Let's go, we have another class! Aiden remaind Rania.

"Let's have something today everyone as a small celebration." Unil interrupted before Rania and Aiden going out .

"Okay, Let's see!" Olivia comment.

Aiden and Rania paused their strides and turned back when they heard Lucy calling them. Lucy take a long strides walking towards them.

"You guys did well!" Lucy said as she linked her arms with Rania.

But your team got the highest! Aiden said curtly.

So what! Are you jealous? Lucy stick out her tongue.

Hey! Who is jealous? Aiden grin friercely.

Rania in the middle, find it so hard to catch up the vibes. Please, both of you always! Rania complained.

Both of them remain silent staring at each other.

Rania and Lucy take out their notebook from their bags and kept on the table. They felt relieved as if a huge stone was lifting from their head.

See, Sivson Senior is really a boyfriend material! A girl giggled scrolling down on her phone.

"But who is this girl? I really want to know".

"Yes, who is this?" And you know! I heard she is his girlfriend.

What! Are you sure?

Yes, He has a hidden girlfriend! That's why he rejected all the pretty girls.

Rania raised her head when she faintly heard their conversation. She opened her phone waiting for Professor to come in! Rania squinted her eyes reflexively when she saw a photo in every group chat...Junior-Senior group, Club group...

Rania snapped her head fixing her eyes at Lucy with questioning look. "What?" Lucy arched a brow leaning to her.

Rania, I will explained. Lucy said with bitter smile. I am...not..the one. She whispers.

What are you saying? Rania cocked a brow defiantly.

"Don't look like that to me! The photo... I gave.. my USB to broadcasting team and from there... I forget to delete it." Lucy stutters in nervousness.

"Sorry!" Lucy apologised instantly.

Rania kept silent for a while before she said "It's okay, you didn't do intentionally".

Really! Lucy back to smile with grateful expression.

"Ummm...Rania said and nodded".

But the photo is little viral! Lucy added in small voice.

In that moment, Professor entered and greeted the class. Lucy and Rania fix their position and opened their books ending their conversation.

After class is over, Rania and Lucy came out giggling before Rania paused and wiped out her phone when she felt vibration. She sighed audibly after she read the message.

From the morning, she didn't eat anything and felt really tired. She just want to go home and take rest but she got message from Unil that they will gathered at D-classroom.

What happened? Lucy asked noticing Rania gloomy expression.

"I just want to go home!" Rania gasped in cried voice. e"The class is over, you can go home." Lucy told.

" I need to joined my team! They are gathering in D-classroom." She said pouting her lips looking down on her stomach.

Really! For us in "Jills club" but why you guys gather in D-classroom? Lucy utters curiously.

Don't know! I think I need to go this way. Rania said pointing to left side.

"Okay, then. See you!" Lucy said.

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