
When Pokémon Meets Naruto

After waking up from the mother's womb, only to find that he has become Uzumaki Naruto? Where did the nine tails in my body go? How did you become Arceus? Wait, why is the thing I channeled not a toad? What the hell is an elf? Pikachu, I beg you, don't eat it, you will become a fat mound if you eat it again, look at your skill table, high-speed movement has been replaced by Mount Tai. Charizard, can you be more courageous? You are a flying dragon, not a ground insect. How can you be afraid of heights? Miao Frog Seed, if you use the cane whip, use the cane whip, you tentacle play, let alone the enemy, even I can't stand it! ! !

Poison_Rage · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 16

  early morning

  Naruto, who just woke up, opened his eyes, yawned, and raised his hand, trying to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

  But when he just raised his hand, he found that his arm was a little different.

  I'm going, why is there a curse mark on my arm? Naruto rubbed his eyes, and his head, which was still in a daze, immediately became sober.

  But after he looked carefully, he found that the arm was not a curse mark, but his own family motto.


  People often say that they think day by day and dream at night. I am not dreaming, am I? Blinking, Naruto subconsciously bit the tip of his tongue.


  The sharp pain from the tip of the tongue made Naruto's brain stop for three seconds, and there were only two thoughts left in his mind, one was that he was not dreaming, and the other was: Damn, he's bleeding from the bite!

  The fishy sweet smell that slowly diffused in his mouth made Naruto's face wrinkle like a chrysanthemum.

  However, since he was not dreaming, where did the family motto on his own arm come from?

  Naruto sat up from the bed and wanted to ask Pichu what was going on, but he couldn't help being dumbfounded after seeing the miserable situation in the room.

  This is my room? really?

  The bedroom, which wasn't so tidy at first, but still looked good, turned into a mess after one night.

  All his clothes were turned out and scattered all over the place, and the big pile of white papers from last night was now the same as his clothes, all over the place.

  Not only that, including my own clothes, white paper all over the floor, and various furniture in the house, all of which are filled with dense words at this time.

  And Naruto recognized at a glance that those were the family mottos that Kushina made up last night.

  Well, Naruto thinks he already knows who the killer is.

  But when he was going to settle accounts with Pichu, he found that Pichu was not in the bedroom.

  Looking across the bedroom door that was pushed open, Naruto faintly had a terrible thought in his heart.

  "Probably not?"

  As if confirming Naruto's inner worries, Kushina's voice reached Naruto's ears through several walls in the next second.


  First we mourned for our classmate Pichu for three seconds, and then, Naruto put on the slippers that were also written all over, thump, thump, thump! ! ! ran out of the bedroom.

  After seeing the same miserable situation in the living room and his own bedroom, Naruto's mouth twitched.

  But fortunately, only a small half of the living room was covered with family instructions, and the rest may be due to lack of time, but it is still safe and sound.

  As for our little classmate Piqiu, he is lying in front of the latest line of characters, as if he has passed out.

  The originally yellow hair on his body was also dyed into patches with black ink, which looked ridiculous.

  Of course, these are not important, the most important thing is Kushina who is standing in front of Pichu at this time.

  I saw Kushina expressionless, first glanced at Naruto who walked out of the bedroom, and then looked at the fallen Pichu.

  After a long silence, Kushina suddenly said: "I said Naruto, do you still remember the bamboo rat from last month? The steamed one seems to be quite delicious."

  "It's delicious!"

  Naruto answered the other party subconsciously, but then, he realized what his mother meant by what he said just now, wouldn't it be to become Pichu?

  Sure enough, after hearing Naruto's affirmative answer, Kushina said again: "Speaking of which, your Pichu seems to be a rat too?"


  No, mom, don't scare me! Pichu is so thin, the taste must not be very good, maybe he will get food poisoning!

  Just when Naruto was thinking about how to get Kushina to let go of this idea that sounded terrible, Kushina said again: "Okay,

It's decided, we'll make steamed bamboo rats tonight. "  "no!"

  Naruto immediately objected, but soon, under Kushinai's inexplicable gaze, he realized that what his mother just said was steamed bamboo rat, not Pichu?

  "Mom, did you just say steamed bamboo rat?" Naruto asked again with some uncertainty.

  "Yeah, what's the matter? Don't you eat?" Kushina was a little strange.

  "No, I mean, aren't you going to steam Pichu?"

  Saying that, Naruto hugged Pichu under his feet, and looked at Kushina warily.

  Regarding this, Jiu Xinnai held his forehead speechlessly: "Stinky boy, what are you thinking? You think I'm you! Little Pichu is so cute, it's too late for me to care about it, so how can I steam him."

  "Uh..." Seeing that Kushina really didn't mean to steam Pichu, Naruto asked after heaving a sigh of relief:

  "Mom, aren't you angry?"

  As he spoke, Naruto pointed to the mess behind him.

  "Why should I be angry, anyway, Naruto, you will clean up, won't you?"

  Jiu Xinnai said with a half-smile, "Still, you don't plan to clean up these?"

  "Why, how could it be?" Naruto laughed awkwardly, feeling that he had fallen into a trap set by Kushina.


  Afterwards, Naruto took Pichu to take a bath first, and after washing off all the ink on his body, it took another morning to tidy up the living room and his bedroom.

  As for the clothes written with ink, Naruto threw them all into the drum washing machine at home.

  And after everything was packed, it was already twelve noon.

  At the dinner table, Naruto deliberately ignored the little guy who wanted to get close to him. While stuffing it into his mouth, he asked Xiang Kushina inarticulately:

  "Speaking of which, mom, why do you suddenly want to eat bamboo rats? You even said something about Pichu, which made me think you were going to steam him."

  Hearing this, Kushina smiled: "Naruto, you are so stupid, haven't you heard that what you eat is good for you? I want little Pichu to eat more brains, so that he won't eat it again in the future. That's a disaster."


  No, what you eat doesn't seem to make up for you, does it? According to what you say, if I want to increase my IQ, don't I want to eat people's brains?

  Thinking of the white "tofu brain", Naruto shuddered, and hurriedly stuffed two more mouthfuls of rice into his mouth to calm down.


  After lunch, Naruto didn't wash the dishes this time, but went straight back to his room, glanced at the little guy who wanted to post it, and sighed in his heart, although it was little Pichu who caused trouble this time, but he himself There is also a part of the responsibility, and the other party cannot be blamed entirely.

  After thinking for a while, Naruto said again: "Do you know you made a mistake this time?"

  Seeing Naruto looking at it, the little guy lowered his head and called softly: "Picchu (ó﹏ò?)"

  "It's good to know that you're wrong, and in the future... (Time omitted)"