
When I met him

Shrisha_Doddamani · Fantasie
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7 Chs


Jacobs - POV

Being billionaire is not so easy , it's like people behind you n Everything , I have been working on this for so long years to come at this position , having enemies , handling your Empire is literally not so easy , after a this I just go n hangout with my girlfriend Zenya , ya I've been dating but she is way to dominating for me ,& I know she is only for my money n for fame that's all . I maybe breaking up with her but not now. I have this school function to attend which I have to give an inspirational speech for some literally kids god! But I won't mind it that much , I have been  interviewed  toany times so what's this. So after this whole important project is finished ,I just leave my office building n let my driver drive , after getting home I have this dish made by the cook and I go to roon to sleep cuz tommorow is gonnna be a busy day again.

School is going to be fun so I want you'll to be excited 🤗see you the next.