
Last Day on Earth

It was on a hot summer day just like always that I would wander around the city. I did not have any destination in mind and I just wanted to stroll around looking at other people what they were doing. Today when before I left home, I cried the whole night and I didn't slept because at school I was always bullied. I have this depression and sometimes I wanted to die. I have always imagined what was life after death? Is there paradise? Is hell real? Would people continue to live or reincarnate into another person? Will I forget everything that has happened? It would be too good if that could happen.

Never would I thought that on a summer night that I would be bumped by car. It was a hit and run. The car drove as fast it can leaving me behind bloody lying on the pavement. There were many people who witnessed what happened. Somebody called the ambulance as they could see me very lifeless. They thought I was dead and many looked away as they could not believe that something horrible had happened right before them.

I was taken by the ambulance into the nearest hospital. My parents were contacted by the hospital staff. They were told that a car had bump me and left me lying down in the road.

My Parents were in tears, they could not believe that their only son would be in an accident and there was little hope that he would survive. Many bones were broken and I was in a coma. There was internal bleeding and I was in critical condition. My Parents were told that I needed surgery and there was low chance that I would survive it. They never gave up on me and made the doctor conduct surgery on me. I felt touched of what they did.

I knew what happened because I could see what expressions they were having because at that time I became a ghost. I exited my body when I fell into a coma. I was shocked and surprised as I could see my own body lying down on the ground. It felt weird and I thought that I have died.

I saw that they checked my pulse and I was still alive for the moment. They carefully took me into the hospital where I was checked in the ICU.

All kinds of equipments were there and it would preserve my life for the time being. I heard that they were preparing to take me into the surgery room. My parents were crying in the hallway. I saw them so hopeless, I wanted to live. I wanted so badly to die but I did not want to leave my parents. I was their only son and I had no siblings as my mother could not conceive anymore due to reproductive problems.

I was transferred into the surgery room and the light outside lit red. It was the notice that surgery was ongoing and they should not be disturbed. The surgery had gone on for almost 5 hours the doctor tried everything that he could do but after a few minutes my body could not hold and I was presumed dead on 8:55 P.M June 3, 2030.

There were so many things that I've wanted to do and I could not have the chance to do it anymore. I guess the grim reaper or an angel would take me soon, these were what he thought at those moments.

He was a ghost on the hospital he stared at his dead body and he did not know what would he do now. He did not see any other ghosts around him and was confused why as many people died in the hospital. He was sure that there should be a ghost or two.

He checked the whole hospital and he did not see any ghost wandering around. He guessed that they were taken away by some entity, maybe the grim reaper was coming for him right at this moment.

He was afraid what the reaper would look like. He imagined it to be scary and it was made up of bones. He imagined the head would be skull and the eyes were like the abyss that would suck anything.

The body was transferred and was being prepared to be put inside a coffin. In the following days, he would watch his dead body inside a coffin in house where his relatives would come see him the last time.

He saw his cousins and relatives, some of them cried and others sat there silently, they did not say a single word. They remembered Aaron used to be a happy kid in his childhood. They didn't expect that he would leave so soon.

Many of his relatives seeked justice and went to find the suspect. After a few days the driver surrendered himself because of the guilt. He did not want to kill a person and it was an accident. He was talking in the phone and got distracted resulting to killing Aaron.

People never knew when it's their last day on earth, so, people would always live like it would be their last.

His family received compensation on their bills from the hospital. The surgery costed a lot and they didn't reject what the driver had offered. They accepted his apology as he didn't mean it.

The funeral was held in the city cemetery were Aaron would see his dead body for the last time.

He stood there with everybody but nobody knew he was there with them. He was invisible to them and he felt lonely.

He knew that soon he would be forgotten in the passage of time.

The sky began to darken and dark clouds formed. It suddenly rained and poured hard.

Lightnings began to strike and there were loud thunder booming across the sky.

He stood there alone for hours as he looked up at the sky.

The rain hitted his face many times and he was wet all over. He did not know why he was wet as it was weird for it to happen. A ghost should not be affected by the weather, he thought.

"Are you done?" A voice coming from behind.

He was surprised as someone could see him and he turned around to look back to see who it was. He someone there having an umbrella sitting at a tombstone looking at him. He thought it was the grim reaper but it did not look like one. It wore a luxurious looking tuxedo and not some crappy ragged robes.

'Who could this guy be?' That was what he thought. He could not see the person right in front of him as the infamous grim reaper.

The grim reaper also had a briefcase with him and he opened it and took a piece of paper that was glowing in gold. It seemed to be a contract and I didn't know what was it for.

He handed it down to me and said I should sign it.

I asked what was the paper all about. He only said that it is the matter about my soul. If I would sign this then I would undergo into a cycle of reincarnation but I could option not to do so. If I would not sign then I would wander around the earth meeting others who could pose danger to myself.

He explained to me that I was still living in the border of the living and the dead. That was the reason why I could not see the dead. It made things clear that I did not see any dead people.

He told me that this decision of mine could be changed in a year and he would come back if I changed my mind. I still wanted to experience what a ghost would be like. It should not be that hard.

Aaron did not know what dangers he would encounter in the realm of the dead and that his soul would be endangered as he would try to live as a ghost.

The reaper left and the rain stopped, the clouds began to disperse and the sky began to lighten up. It was sunny again. Such phenomenon was like a miracle. Science could not explain what had occurred. It was certain there was no explanation and only some magic powers by mystical people would have.

He was at the cemetery standing when the scenery changed and all kinds of ghost appeared right before him. He was scared shitless and out of his thoughts.

He saw white and black ghosts roaming around. He saw blood colored and green. They were all coming different colors, what could their colors possibly mean, Aaron thought.

He checked himself and saw that he was white. He thought he was grouped with the white ghosts and he was same as them. He didn't know until he experienced and learn what living in this world is like.