
What Lies At The End

Being weak is a thing people hate and will continue to hate and if you failed to succeed you could just go back drawing. Hang on there and pull yourself together,you're on the ball. Alex is someone we'll call "Weak" but aren't we all the same when we're born?But gaps will appear later on. People can have an intimidating face but could be worse than a date.

Khyza · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Goblin Quest,Finished!

I might be late but,My looks are completely normal,just similar to asian people,black hair and black eyes.


I took out a knife from my inventory and observed it.

It seems like Im able to know the qualities of a products and other stuffs.

I tried to use it also to John.

John Madden

Level 20

Pts need to be gain to lvl up : 3000/10500



Sorcerer master of Gauyam Village



Water: Lvl 3

Earth:Lvl 5

Cooking:Lvl 2

Singing:Lvl 5

Level 20?that kid is Level 20?

How did they level up....

I prepared my items and suddenly John told me,"Sorry brother....it seems like I cant go with you..."

I nod and told him to meet up after 3 days in the inn.

He bowed at me and said "sorry" politely

Solo grind huh?Probably the best way to survive.

After packing my things I walked over to the cave which took me 2 hrs

*Beep beep*Vit +10

I looked around rhe cave at first and saw a letter "Once decide cant be undecided"

I entered the cave and a familiar feeling is bestowed to me.

The sounds of bats screeching,the rats movement and the howling feeling are mixed up making one shiver in fear.

Not me though.

I continued to walk in the straight line until the road splits into two.


Is it the end?

I sighed amd thinked about the possiblities....

50 50

I go to the right since...I felt like it.

And my guess is right,Its a place full of treasures.

I didn't try to get the riches first though,since there may be a rule so I searched around first and saw an egg.

Its diff from an ordinary egg,its similar to a dinasour I've saw in the books.

I tried to get near but somehow,the ground is shaking.

This place probably has its own rules...

I stopped moving and realized the ground stopped shaking.

I tried to think about how to get near but nothing came in my mind.

Instead of flying....its probably the best way,but I cant fly....

I sighed and thought,Guess Ill die...

I ran towards the egg and took it with me,the cave was then about to fall so I ran towards the entrance as fast as I could

+3 Dex


Suddenly,a sound of clubs was heard from the cave,its the goblins....

I took out a knife and point a gun to them.

They started to attack me but I used my supervoice to trigger their ears and use the chance to attack them.

I successfully eliminated all of them and my level seems to rose to Level 5.

Is Goblin always this strong?I panted and proceeds to get out.

Yet,a huge goblin shown up,it has a baby goblin in its back and they're both holding an axe.

I returned my used bloody knife and took another one.

The huge goblin tried to attack me using the axe but I was gladly to avoid it.

But that doesnt end there,the baby goblin threw an axe to me which ruined my face.

I then attacked first the child and successfully to kill it.

Which is a bad idea,The huge goblin became pissed and eventually attack me with more force and speed.

I barely survived his attacks and was able

to turn the table.

I slept in a tent made by myself and slept at the middle of the night not knowing what could attack me.

The next day,I went again in the mostly destroyed cave and searched for more goblins,I was able to kill around 50 and ended the day.

The last day,I was able to accumulate golds and other treasures lying beneath the cave.

There seems to be no goblins around and my level rosed to Level 9....

Its probably time for me to go back....

I walked and was able to reach the village.

I took my reward and exp that made me rose to lvl 13 then went to the Inn.

I saw John waving at me.

I smiled at him and he teases me how I look like Im from a war.

We teased each other and go shopping for wands.

He told me that he'll teach me how to do magic and I nod.

I realized that there's a chi in this world which is similar to mana and energy.

People are said to have their own cores and depending on your core is how much you can control your mana flowing.

He told me about the basics and things on how to accumulate chi.

He also told me about a leaf that could clasify the best type of magic that fits for you.

And it seems like light is the most fitting to me.

It probably has something to do with my power....The administrator.....rules.....

Many scenarios come back to me and makes me confused.....Will I met people like me with superpowers here?Or is this similar to just a single player game?

It doesn't make any sense.....



"I made dinner!"

I nod at him and we went to the table.

I refused to touch the food,not because I didnt like it but Im not used to their food...

"Master,You dont like my homemade food?Is it not delicious?"He asked me with teary eyes....


"Its disgusting right????!!"

I looked at him and proceeds to ate what he cooked...

"Good.."I said this to make him feel assured.

He smiled bright and screamed "Ahhhhh Master praised me!!"


"Is Master Laughing?"

I came back to my actual poker face and told him "No..."

"Ehhhh?But your face...."

I turned red and go to my room to sleep.

Suddenly John appeared in my sight saying "Master,Am I annoying?"

You're.....but I cant say this to him....


"Thank Goodness Master,I thought you hate me...."


"Good night then Master"He waved at me and left the room.


Too silent.....I want John to be here.....That lively kid....