
Chapter 7 Departure

"Well that was a really interesting fight" meliodas said to naruto

"It almost ended badly too"

Naruto pauses to think for a moment

"Hey, you ok?"

"huh? Oh yeah, i was just thinking of something"

Naruto scratch the back of his head as he walks into the crowd

"Where are you going?" Meliodas asked

"I want to go walk around for a bit"

Naruto jumped from the arena to the boar hat, then he went inside

Naruto went to his room and laid on his bed

"What even was that noise"

'don't know' kurama said


'But whoever that person is, they must know about the amaterasu'

'Maybe its someone from our world!'

'That could be possible but who would be in this world AND also knows the amaterasu'


'You should probably head back soon the next match should have started already'

'You're right'

Naruto jump out the window and walks toward the arena without rushing there

'Who could've said that'

Naruto is lost in his thought, he didn't even realised he have already walked the wrong way when suddenly

'Naruto, somebody is following us'

'I know'

Naruto turn the corner into the alleyway the mysterious man that was following him turn the corner to... see no one?

'No! Have i been found out?'

"Who are you"


Naruto is already behind the man blocking him from escaping

"So, are you going to tell me who you are? I don't want to use force"

"Ho... you got me kid"

"Hurry up"

"The name is kodoku"

"Why were you following me"

The man turned around take of taking off his cloak

Revealing to be an old man the height to be around naruto's but a little shorter, wearing white cloths

"I was following you because i find that eye of yours really interesting..."

"My eye? Wait, are you the one that spoke to me?!"

"Your guess is correct, however its just a guess about the fire part, its really a uniqe flame"

"...what do you know about my eye?"

"Oh, that eye of yours? Its been pass down for generation, but it was said that people with special kind of power that existed before long magic used to exist"

"I see... but that do-"

"Its not over yet"


"Let me tell you a story instead then"

Long time ago, some kind of power existed very close to magic but still not quite the same, they existed people using these powers to do harm and good, then there is a clan, a clan with special eyes, diffrent from the rest, the eyes of thier said to bring un-imaginable power, that grant the wielder uniqe power a power they said to be close to a god

"But its just a story, we son't know if its true or not"

"I see..."

"You must think i'm crazy huh?"

"No... its just... its just that the story are-"


A loud sound, so sudden people around the town starts to panic, they then looked up to see fire raining down from the sky, a nightmare indeed

"Uh oh kid, you better starts running"

The old man then starts running with crowd of people


But he was long gone, dissapeared with the crowd of people, so does, the scream

"Dang it!"

'Naruto i think you should worry about the fire more'


The town was burning no people left in sight, just the sound of fire, burning everything in its path, the fire continues to rain until... it stops

"Where did these fire even come from... wait, what about the others?"

Naruto concentrate as he goes into his sage mode


"Meliodas is hurted!"

Naruto jumped onto the burning house, as he made his way from the rooftop, to meliodas


"Rosco... Basra... melcito..."


suddenly as if meliodas's body has evaporated into a cloud of smoke, and slowly getting pulled into the crystal before dissapearing completely


"Elizabeth, what happened to meliodas?!"

"I- i don't know, all i know is he is pulled into the crystal..."

"You don't know how to get him out?"


It was silence for a moment

"Huh? Ellie, is this one of the sins?"

"Huh uhh he is..."

"Let him out of the crystal!"

"Too bad kid... wait, its you! Wall!"

Elizabeth and naruto whom didn't saw it coming was enclosed by the magic, wall, they were completely trapped

"Dang it, i let my guard down"

"Veronica, please, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"Too bad ellie, you have to stay in here until things get solved"

'I can't use amaterasu in here it might not burn me but elizabeth...! Thats right these walls , i can see through!'

"Just give up, your flame will burn both of you alive if you try it, and my wall can take force of a meteor9

"Who said i have to use it in here!"

"Heh, what are you on about?"


flames, black flames appeared underneath veronica


He grabbed her and jumped back, the distraction caused the wall to dissapear, naruto then cancel the flames

"Elizabeth you need to escape, HAWK!!!"

"No i have to save-"

She was thrown onto hawk who quickly ran away from the soon to come battle

"Tch, i admit, you got me there kid, but after i deal with you i will run after those two"

"I would like to see you try! RASEN-"

"This again! WALL!"


"What is that!?"

The spinning shuriken, spinning at the speed that human eye can't follow, the wall, that is said to be able to withstand a meteor is now being shreded to pieces as it cuts the wall deeper and deeper until...


it hit him, tho the power of the attack have decrease from it colliding with "wall" it still have enough force to hit him and deal alot of damage to him before it dissapeared as he falls to the ground, unconcious


"Now, its just you, princess"


Naruto snatched the crystal out of veronica's hand

"So, how do i release him?"

"I- i can't tell you!l

"Sigh... i'm not a bad person, meliodas, too is not a bad person"

"What are you-"

"He saved her and hid her when she was being chased by soldier"

"What? Why do i have to believe you!"

"You don't have to, but-"

"Even if i want to tell you, i still don't know"


"Well, i guess i am off then"


Naruto starts running toward the smoke in the distant

"Princess veronica"

"Huh? You are-"

"It doesn't matter who i am do you know where meliodas's sword is?"

"Its with that man"

"Thank you"

She then sets and explosion off, infront of veronica injuring her greatly, but she is still breathing

"Lets go-"




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