
What I wanted

Ceci_Icecream · Teenager
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2 Chs


" Jaden my best friend Iehlani and my boyfriend Rian" I said as my big brother eyed Rian and shaking Iehlani vigorously.

"My pleasure meeting you both" He said sternly releasing Iehlani's hand.

"Gawwd, come with me Jaden," I took him into my room.

"What?" He said

" Not even a little smile, you are gonna make them go away and I don't want that "I said driving my hands through my hair, I felt frustrated. " Listen all I want is for you to know them not chase them away please, I want a nice connection between.y family and my friends" I said

He quietly nodded .

I really want to finish this story but it's only with your help and encouragement, your comments and support.

thanks a lot

much love from me

Ceci_Icecreamcreators' thoughts