
Enter the Nest [Part: I]

[Third person introduction]

Under the blue moonlight, blanketed by the cold darkness, and partnered by the twinkling stars, that shine with an ethereal beauty across the cosmic void that is infinity, a scarlet jellyfish, shines an eye-catching red, for all to see, but yet no one to witness.

His figure was that of monsters undoubtedly, but a beautiful monster nonetheless, and if one were to have the honor of making an attempt of describing him in great detail, it would sound like something like this.

The majestic creature of the nightly abyss, comeths with the appearance of something unseen beyond recognition, as it presents itself in vast wonders of the unknowingly, it wasn't a horrendous abomination like the monster that plagues the world of men.

On the contrary, it was the total opposite, it was about 5- meters in height and width, and as one might expect from the fish-like creature, its body had no human appearance, instead, it had a smooth bag-like body, no brains, no eyes, no mouth, no nose, no face, NOTHING!

Notably, though it glowed a crimson red, reminiscent to that of blood, however though the same could not be said about its lower half that was colored conjointly of pink and blue, its entire body glowed elegantly in the night, providing one the sight of something unforgettable.

Anything else feature-wise could not be seen, nor describe, as mere words would not do it justice at this point, although as if it was some cosmic prince of another star, it bares a crown of fourteen lozenge shape crystals, thirteen of which are rotating around its majestic body as if orbiting around a planet, and one that is at the center of its being.

Although beautiful, this thing, in the end, was a creature of a foreign nature originating from a high dimension, and you know the saying "Anything that is beautiful in nature, is always the dangerous one" and this very being embodies that very saying, as it was feasting on the corpse of another, gnawing on it, as if it was its first meal in months.

[First person pov]

** Crunch!, CRACK!! **


The sounds of bones cracking, blood being slurped, and flesh being torn, could be heard echoing throughout the mountain range, it was a sight many would say was very disturbing to watch and see from a closer perspective.

Especially when the sounds were imminent, albeit the morbid silence, however as I lay there licking the blood of the unknown clean off the pavement of the ground leaving nothing behind.

I couldn't help but acknowledge just how delicious the flesh of my first prey was, the sweetness of the blood, the slight roughness of the meat, along with the alluring scent of everything else before me, especially the organs that were left, so far my favorite part of this beast dead carcass was probably its heart, followed by the intestines.

But I must say that for being a giant blob, it had more bones than I expected, however, the crunchiness and overall texture of my current prey are amazing, I just love, how the meat tears so easily, and of course, the taste of the blood is like rich wine, of the rarest and most expensive of a collectible variety, then and again I think this way because this was my first prey.

Overall, I was very hungry, and when this nutritious meal decide to make its way to me, I couldn't help myself, after all, it was my first meal ever, and as intended, I ate till there was nothing left, not even a smear of blood could be seen, as the bones were chewed to dust, the flesh munch to mush, and the blood was drank to naught.

Precious food should not be wasted for any reason whatsoever, whatever I kill, I should kill to eat, to take the life of an animal and waste the flesh is just wrong, that is why whatever I kill from now on, I will eat.

And by eating I am fulfilling the purpose I sought, which is to better myself even further than I am now, acquiring more powers and genetic information as I go along.

However the main purpose of my existence is to spread my genes all over, and by spreading my genes I am creating lesser Omnimorphius as I go along, half-bloods are what they are referred to, although my children, will also have the task of spreading their genes as well, till we take over this entire planet for ourselves, although, we can't kill everyone, as we need to make a farm large enough to feed an entire planet of Omnimorphiuses, for a long time to come at that.

These were the strategic and prolific thoughts that were coursing through my mind, and despite the recency of my birth, I still need to think ahead, to prepare for the future.

"Mmmhh... That was delicious."

Moments after I said that, my body began to swell and morph, into the same thing this creature was, it wasn't long before thick layers of snow-like skin started to form, and a web of sharp bones, that strongly resembles wood, began protruding from the inside of my body to the outside.

I even began to form a hollow mouth with rows of disfigured teeth, soon after gem-like eyes formed, and finally, the giant arms that were its main source of movement began to pop out from both of my sides, each greatly disfigured in every sense of the word, and after the transformation of the body, I now become twenty meters in height, as the memories of this thing where now coming to me.

And what I see can only be described as vague memories, evidence of its lack of proper intelligence, as it doesn't remember or knows much about the world, however, there was one emotion attached to it, and that was the emotion of fear.

This one emotion of fear dwarfs all others it possesses, for the fear of the thing it called mother was etched deeply in its very being down to the very first cell, it can still vividly and instinctively remember how every cell in its body trembled in its body when it's first laid eyes on that thing.

Each train of thoughts flows through me and melds with mines, previewing me on the dangers present in this world, one of which is it, creator, in the creature's thoughts, it was born from its great mother the Kyjuchillia, the queen of the Abominable, along with millions of its other siblings, in the hierarchy of the pecking order it would be considered a grunt, that fact was undeniable because as the lesser of their race, they where all name grunts, for that reason they are classified as the weakest.

All of Mother's children were born with high immunity to the cold and negative effects of the environment, and as grunt, they are blessed with super speed, strength, durability, and stamina, they each weigh about three tons, and their special ability is the ability to balance on any surface despite their uneven size, of course, this is only possible within a snowy domain, as it their birthright, and home advantage.

They feed on Newmans, Spiritual goblins, and a race called the Eqwiters, however, if food is short within the colony of their Nest, they would not hesitate to eat and prey on each other for their survival.

And that was the memory, of the beast, called the Abominable, however, this was not all that exciting to me in the slightest, as the ability I got from this grunt, where abilities I can utilize with the assistance of Bia Vector Manipulation.

So movement-wise, was not so much of a plus, but I didn't let it bother me, as I proceed to return to my normal form, as this was far more comfortable and free.

After all, I have already gotten used to swimming through matter, so with that said I was ready to move off, as all was now good especially with the creature memories now my own, and my hunger is slightly gone as well, so with that said, I set out for the place it's called the Nest, the place it came from, it's home that it's fear so much in its memories.

Thankfully it was not too far from here, it was just several miles, from this very location, with my default speed being Mach-1, I should reach there in no time, and hopefully, the other Abominables were as delicious as this one.

And with that said, I began swimming, high in the air, heading for the Nest of the Kyjuchillia, I could only imagine how tasty it would be, to eat one, however, though, I still need an incubator vessel, to at least start artificial reproduction, hopefully, I can find some living organism compatible with mines, to begin the birthing process of my children, unto this world.

However, according to the sole unique Khaos vein, which is at the center of my head, only a total of 25% of this planet are suitable for mating, after it took a quick genetic check from space, and according to Khaos; Chaos network, it picks up three suitable mates that where beyond exceptional.

The closest is located 1,587 miles from here, in a more jungle-like terrain, however, her biology, when put with mines, differs by a mass majority, but for some reason, Khaos one of the sisters, who have the power to Flawless understanding, meaning as long as Khaos has enough time to examine something she can flawlessly understand the workings and mechanic of how something works.

It was for that very reason that she took a quick examination of the entire planet six years ago and flawlessly concluded that this planet holds three worthy consorts to give birth to my main children born under the crown.

And so far the information that I have about the woman in the forest is as follows.

. Race: Unknown| No heat signature could be detected|

. Age: 60 to 70 Millions years old

. Gender: Female

. Bloodline quality: SSR

. Status: Partially Alive| However partially dead| Vegetative state|

. Reproductive compatibility: 95%

Yes out of all three Consorts candidates, this one particular woman with the highest compatibility that Khaos found for me, is apparently in a state of limbo.

"That might be a serious problem because for whatever reason she appears to be in a state of life and death, I should make haste quick to that direction to resolve the issue after the subjugation of Kyjuchillia, after all, no one on this entire planet has such high compatibility as hers, and to sacrifice a mate of such caliber would be a great shame on me and the future of my children.

So with great haste, I increase my speed heading directly for the Nest of the Abominable where I would find my next meal.

And in a matter of seconds, I finally reach my chosen destination, before I was a giant Cave that opens up widely, I didn't need to check to see if this was the correct location or not; for the sole reason that upon arriving here I was instantly introduced to the same grunt units as before; this time an entire army of them was before me

I would say about two thousand strong, or maybe even more, however, they were a large bunch, some were eating each other, others were fighting amongst themselves, and the majority of them seem to be sleeping.

I look at this, as an opportunity to strike, so for the chosen method of annihilation, I chose to use a new power to deal with the enemy at hand.

I didn't want to use [Divine spear: Gungnir] via the use of Shaakti, to kill these guys for several reasons.

Not only is it overkill, highly dangerous, and the energy consumption is the greatest reason I refused to use it.

But if I was to shoot something like that downwards, it would cause a massive explosion that would spread and annihilate everything within a thirty Km radius to an atomic level, even drilling down to the planet's core with time, maybe it would take a couple of hours seeing that this planet is a super planet.

But regardless of the results of the destruction, if that happens then what would be left for me to eat?

So I decided to use a new power via one of the Shubla sisters that were orbiting around my body, and the one I choose to use was "Minerva" her specialty is the specialty of the mind, she possesses Psyche powers, such as telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, clairvoyance, Dream Manipulation, Illusion creation, mind control, and Memory Manipulation.

And as if sensing my intentions, Minerva came before me, without me even calling her as she float right before my eyes, radiating a pink-bluish aura vibrating with excitement, as if contented that she can be of use.

I then commanded her by saying.

"Can you take care of those grunts for me, we don't want to waste too much Cosmic energy on the weaker ones, after all, the more conservative we can be with our power supply, the more we can save up for stronger enemies."

Minerva didn't waste any time, as she teleport to the center of the large group of Abominable grunts, right after the Earth beneath her began to crack and rise, as the same energy covered the several giant floating rocks.

From there Minerva crushed them all to fine dust and in an instance, all the dust particles began to circulate by spiraling around her, forming a mini planet-like structure around her entire body, and what happens next, could only be called a massacre, because the planet like body began to compress and collapse into itself as an invisible force was pushing it inwards.

And right before it reaches its breaking point, all the compressed particles began to break from their restricting form, and like a furious volcano the compressed cosmic energy that was also building up from within itself break apart, causing the planet to explode, sending millions if not trillions of dust particles to fly in every direction at the speed of sound, tearing apart everything in its path.

Minerva even place a barrier on each fragment, removing friction from every one of them so they don't burn up while moving at the speed, and after a minute or two the entire army of grunts where taken care of, as a mist of blood began to surround the area.

The attack was very fierce, even to the point that Bia, had to redirect every one of them from hitting me, but it got the job down regardless, moments after, Minerva flew back to me as she finds her spot back into my personal gravitational speed.

With the place clear of grunts, and my need not to waste precious food, I began to pile each one of them or what was left of them into one pile of corpses and gorey remains, before I place them into my Spacial barrier.

"Good With this I will now make my way into the cave, I believe Kyguchillia is at the very bottom of the cave."

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