
What?! I Reincarnated As A Lizard?!

Mira a young isolated otaku, tends to himself when he and the entirety of his classmates get exterminated under mysterious circumstances... Waking up he finds himself in the depths of a dungeon, not as a human... But as a lizard!! Can he survive? And what challenges will await him it this dark abyss? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shedule: Chapters will be uploaded on Thursday, Friday & Saturday resulting in around 3 a week for now. Lenght of the chapters: 1000 or more words. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals: First goal of reaching 600+ fans has been cleared. Meaning I will launch the Discord server dedicated to all my novels. And share the link with those who wish to join. As for the follow-up goal I would like to strive for 1000 fans. Allowing me to go for privilege. New goal 977/1000 fans. 》Privilege ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy this story, please consider supporting my work by commenting, sharing, reviewing and throwing powerstones against it! Maybe even join the recently created Discord server through this link here: https://discord.gg/n7NgBxRpph Also if you enjoy my work, please give the other projects a try as well! For now the goal would be a minimum of 120+ chapters for each project. - Project 01: Arganthes: The Capital of Dungeons - Project 02: What?! I Reincarnated As A Lizard?! - Project 03: Arganthes: The World Tree Projects for in the future; - Project 04: Arganthes: The Grimoire of Darkness & Void - Project 05: Rejuvenation of Arcane & Metal - Project 06: Sacred Wolf Brigade - Project 07: Why Is Everyday Life As An Incubus So Awkward? - Project 08: Being A Dog in Another World, Can Be Quite Challenging! Not to mention that I do recommend beginning reading "Project 01" as all project will eventually be part of a grand ever expanding universe, meaning if you as the reader wouldn't read the recommended order, you could potentially spoil yourself or worse... deprave yourself of the ultimate experience these series provides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taken and edited image, if someone knows the owner let me know, then I can mention his/her work here. Copyright/Ownership: RaijinInu/Michel Keesman 01-06-2020 03:00

RaijinInu · Fantasie
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76 Chs

Chapter 17: Decending Deeper Into The Abyss

I awoke to a the edge of an entrance, the area faintly lid... while groggy I carefully looked around me and found that there were two light sources.

A faintly light which came from the surrounding area, as well as a faint glow coming from the entrance.

As I thought to myself that the surrounding area never lid up like this before, I got intrigued...

On closer examination it became clear that the area had been scorched by intense heat, almost like an explosion... the rocks on the surrojnding surface had become crystalized and shined brightly like mirrors.

At that moment everything came back to me.

"I was ambushed! By those little bastards!! Damn those acarlet Scavengers... Thinking back some kind of miracle must have happened as I was the only one whom had survived the events which transpired close by. As my vision became clear as I had now fully woken up it became clear not only the surface was glowing as did the remaining eyes of the creatures...

I chuckled to myself, thinking about their ironic way to go. These creatures were completely driven by greed, even banding together for it... yet, leaving all their riches behind.

Finally I was able to stand on all four of my legs and when I did, some notices popped up.

[Due to the survival of the catastrophic event <Survivor lv 6> advances to <Survivor lv 7>.

And obtained 4 attribute points.]

[Due to the experience of catastrophic events the user unlocked the following skills:

<Heat Resistance lv 1>

<Explosion Resistance lv 1>

Due to this the user obtained a total of 8 attribute points.]

I couldn't believe my eyes, yet with a quick glanze at my healthbar it became apparent that it had indeed happened. All my armor had been depleted and I only had a measily 10 hp remaining, no mana or stamina what so ever.

But the weird part was that the last window wouldn't dissapear as it gave me the following message;

[Calculating accumulated experience...]

Wait... I don't see any of the Scarlet Scavengers around... does that mean?!

Right before I could finish that thought the notice finished calculating.

[Due to the accumulated experience <Baby Ragnoss lv 0> Advances to <Baby Ragnoss lv 1>.

Mira, thanks to the insane amount of accumulated experience "the system" would like to reward you with a passive (+1) for an attribute of your choice, which will increase the attribute with every level up.

Note: if HP or MP is chosen for this reward then this will increase with (+5) and if Stamina was chosen, this will increase with (+2) with each level up.

Please  choose carefully as we will now open your status window from here.]

The notice dissappeared and instantly opened my satus window.

[Species: Baby Ragnoss

Name: Mira

Tier: I

Title: <Messenger of The Celestial Beasts>


HP: 200 (+5)

MP: 210 (+5)

SP: 117 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second) (+2)

Armor: 27,5 (+5) (11% damage reduction) (+1)

Physical ATK: 32 - 39 (+1) - (+1)

Physical DEF: 32 (+1)

Magical ATK: 11 (+1)

Magical DEF: 11 (+1)

STR: 22 (+11) (+1)

DEX: 29 (+11) (+1)

VIT: 15 (+29) (+1)

INT: 11 (+11) (+1)

WIS: 11 (+11) (+1)

LUK: 15 (+22) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 52]

I couldn't believe it... but it was true, every attribute had a permanent (+1), (+2) or (+5) bonus button.

I looked and took the words of the system to heart, carefully thinking about what was the best thing to do. As I collected my thoughts it became clear what I had to do.

"First things first... let me spend those attribute points before choosing where to infest my permanent increase in.

[Species: Baby Ragnoss

Name: Mira

Tier: I

Title: <Messenger of The Celestial Beasts>


HP: 200 (+5)

MP: 210 (+5)

SP: 117 (recovery rate 4,56 sp per second) (+2)

Armor: 27,5 (+5) (11% damage reduction) (+1)

Physical ATK: 32 - 39 (+1) - (+1)

Physical DEF: 32 (+1)

Magical ATK: 11 (+1)

Magical DEF: 11 (+1)

STR: 40 (+11) (+1)

DEX: 30 (+11) (+1)

VIT: 15 (+29) (+1)

INT: 24 (+11) (+1)

WIS: 15 (+11) (+1)

LUK: 15 (+22) (+1)

Attribute Points to spend: 15]

I thought it was best to save a bit of my points as I wasn't sure what I would be encountering on my journey towards the middle levels of the dungeon.

But, before descending I wanted to make sure why all those eyes got left behind after the scarlet scavengers had been incinerated because of the massive explosion.

Carefully I walked up up to one of them, horrified by the fact that they were once eyes I couldn't bring myself to pick them up. Deciding to see if my <Observation> skill could tell me more I carefully examined what I saw.

As the window popped up, showing not only a detailed description of what I saw in front of me,

but also a detailed design of the creature it was mentioning.

[Scavenger Crystal:

Once the eyes of show critters, allow said scavenger to see throughout a variety of enviroments, such as darkness, heat, fog and walls.

But they need to adjust the shade of their eyes,

in doing so they can shift throughout their different sights.

As onlt their eyes remain after death, the crystal soul bonds with them, allowing massive amounts of energy to be stored inside. If used right those who harvest them can benefit from it.]

As the description and holographic designs peaked my interest I walked closer even being so bold as to touch of of them.

Because the system had told me I could benefit from them if used right...

I quickly grabbed hold of one of the crystals.

As I did a window popped up.

[Extract dormant energy? This will allow the user to gain (+1 attribute point) or (replenish stamina by +10)]

Did I read that right? Weren't there at least a few dozen laying around here?! 

Excited I began collecting one after the other as I quickly began racking up attribute points.

After a while, when I had almost picked up and converted every last one of them. Suddenly the ground began to shake...

The tremors came from a far but steadily closed in on where I was standing. Before I knew it, 

standing face to face with whomever made the entire area shake with a single step in their wake...

There it was, staring at me, instantly realizing I was no match for it... I quickly made way for the gigantic dragon, as it clearly looked agitated...

Nothing could stop its rampage, as I realized once again how inferior I was. Compared to him at least.

As I hid away at the edge of the entrance,

the humongous beast trashed about blindly striking and breaking whatever hindered its path.

As I thought it must have missed me by a hair I knew this was the only chance to identify the monstrosity...

As I used <Observation> its level reached peak status as scanning the big guy accumulated enough experience to max out the skills level. Instantly giving me the notice of [Rank-up].

[Due to the accumulation of maximum experience <Observation> Ranks up to <Observation V2>.]

As I looked at the massive monstrosity the system couldn't portray its stats as they were to high to calculate. The only things I could see were it's name, species and a bunch of question marks.

[Name: Ryutetsu

Species: Steel Dragon

Rank: ?

Title: One Who Roams The Lands


HP: ??

MP: ??

SP: ??

Armor: ??

Physical ATK: ??

Physical DEF: ??

Magical ATK: ??

Magical DEF: ??

STR: ??

DEX: ??

VIT: ??

INT: ??

WIS: ??

LUK: ?]

Looking at it stats one thing one thing was clear,

as I was unable to gain much intel on the beast.

This was probably due to level, rank or evolution difference...

The beast kept thrashing about as it vanished towards the lower area, it walked towards the lights.

As curiosity killed the cat, I had to find out what the beast was planning to do. Unaware of what was to come I followed the beast as the beast led me down the radiant path.

Quickly it had left my sight as heat became more and more intense... uncertain of my location inside an unfamiliar area, anything could jump out at any moment... But what could be this bad feeling... This feeling of being watched...

As it has been a few days, I hope you all keep enjoying the stpry thus far.

RaijinInucreators' thoughts