
Chapter 1: Conner

A grey haired third year boy wore graudation clothing while sitting on the roof, he was now free of high school. His eyes looked dead, yet traces of life could be see inside if you looked hard enough into his black eyes. He was waiting for some people, a quadruplet group of twins to be exact.

This grey haired third year was known around by almost every student in every school in the area. He was known as a hero, a villain, savior, grey haired bastard, and colorless vampire. He had obtained serveral names since his journey of reforming schools.

Why did he do it?

No reason at all, he just enjoyed the thrill fighting and helping people every now in then. It gave him a taste of satisfaction, that only doctors would get after saving a life.

Since he was sick, he never really got to fully enjoy the time of his youth. He has been sick since birth, it was a new form of sickness. Doctors were amazed and wanted to observe and take notes on the new born, Conner. His parents, Mary and Joseph agreed, what if he had something that could result in death? They didn't want to find out after the water had warmed, they wanted to find out now.

They gave him to the doctors on the condition to see everything and be with him. The doctors agreed they had no reason at all to refuse.

Regetangous, is what they called it. It made a person's skin lose color, it made your eyes look lifeless, it made your nose drip blood, it made your hair turn grey overtime, and it made your body weaker than the average person.

Conner was often called a vampire by others, children at schools feared him. It eventually made his parents teach him on their own until he got better.

However he would never get better. It was a new diease, doctors couldn't cure or help. The tests they needed done more than likely could destroy the child.

Mary and Joseph just decided to wait it out, another person was bound to have it…right?

Years passed, Conner had asked to go to school. He was about the age a teen would be in his last year in middle school. He wanted to see the world more, he could only see it from behind a screen he could only feel static from when he touched it. His parent decided to let him go during high school, if he stayed forever they wouldn't have minded, it wasn't his fault.

Conner was insulted even before the entrance ceremony, he was called a vampire by a random bunch. He didn't care, his father taught him how to have tougher skin. He insulted them back, his mother taught him that if you were insulted, fire back. A person would pick a target that stood motionless rather than a target that moved.

Conner had his first fight with group of three, he had garlic thrown at him and a umbrella rolled towards him. They got into his face after he insulted them, they threw out the first punch.

Conner's father used to be a street fighter. He showed Conner his immense set of skills. Joseph was a fun, yet irresponsible father. He educated his son on the art of eagle fighting, it was a free style of fighting he created during his days of winning and losing. His mother dropkicked her husband into a different room with ease, she was one of the people who beat Joseph, however she was the only one to beat him to a motionless state. She felt bad and visted him in the hospital, their love grew from there. His mother taught him about the flexible style of fighting, she was caring, yet irresponsible mother.

Despite the two irresponsible parents, they both were great and loved their son enough to come out of retirement to beat and break any adult or teen that tried anything out of the ordinary.

Everywhere they went with their son, they stood near their son and gave the stink eye to any person, old or young, male or female, handome or ugly.

After fighting the group and winning Connor went on about his day as if nothing happened. They were easy to beat, they were a bunch of untrained students who only fought motionless targets. They never fought a target that had no bullseye and played dirty while ducking and dodgeing.

Connor was caught up in another fight, he saw a person he knew being attacked by two of the same people he beat up. He of course intervened, even if the person wouldn't do the same for him now, maybe they would later.

He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction swell up inside of him after winning and helping someone in the process. He wanted to keep feeling the same feeling, so he went out and helped others. He fought and fought until the only people who picked on people were friends, that did it in a joking way. Even so, they looked over their shoulders and glanced out their eyes for the grey haired vampire.

Conner went to others schools and did similar things. He felt more alive and the eyes that were always dead seemed to have traces of light inside.

He truly did enjoy himself on this two year adventure, however he could no longer do any of that after leaving this school with his degree. Even though he fought alot, his mother raided his brain with her college level of teacher knowledge. Once he was no longer in school, every fight that started could get him sent to jail. So Conner knew he would have to find a new thrill, something that could last forever or at the very least until he was older.

He took a tip of the half filled can of pop. However he nearly choked on what he just saw. A set of four just arrived in front of him.

"Yo!" One twin said in front of Conner

"Hey" The emotionless twin girl said, her eyes looked moderately more life like than that of Conner.

"What they said" The twin said with a blush on her face

"Oh, no need to be rude" The oldest twin said to the blushing twin before turning to Connor

She bowed

"Good Day" She said with a smile

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