
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · sci-fi
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13 Chs

3 Home?

Amanda and Dr. Han come in and inform me of a family that has agreed to let me foster with them.

My Physical health is green across the board and it's time to move out back to the world.

Dr.: You got this Amanda right?

Amanda: Their friends of my family so it's probably best if I handle it.

I know all of the good points to hit.

Dr.: Great then I'll leave you to it.

Thomas it is good to see you go but if I could I would foster you myself, my wife can't have children and we did apply but got unfortunately beat out by another marvelous family.

The Cabe family is a well known and well off family.

We've used them to foster in the past.

Goodbye Thomas and let me know of any problems you may have.

The Dr. leaves and Shortly a middle aged fox couple walks in.

the Cabe couple have near matching medium brown hair with slightly auburn highlights.

Mrs Cabe is nicely built and both Cabes have very toned bodies.

Mrs. Cabe: Good morning Thomas Amanda and Alexander have told us about you.

I'm afraid it's crazy outside today.

The foundling boy is going home.


Well you were huge news 3 months ago being found alive in the debris of the hurricane so the media is of course going crazy. Now your going home and no one in the world has been able to find any relatives.

Many thousands of people around the world have offered and applied for foster care for you.

Local authorities are acting as if you're a native of our country and have even pushed through naturalization papers which are now granted as Thomas Cabe.

fully Adopted by us unless your natural family is found.

Alexander has been going through all kinds of channels and found nothing on our special end.

We'll talk more about this later at home.

Like the penguins in that movie. " Just smile and wave boys".

outside the hospital is 20 Bear and Bison kin forming a corridor to the Cabe van.

no one is getting past this security team.

they are built like line backers.

Two specifically come and Greet me, I shake their hands and feel my back itching.

Thanks guys I say and they smile with me as they escorted me to the van.

I do remember to smile and wave at the masses of reporters, cameras and film crews.

I also see Annie and her family in the crowd and wave specifically at them.

Annie and Tamara jump excitedly back in response to my greeting.

Suddenly their parents grabbed them and rushed through the crowd away.

I think the girls almost changed in front of everyone in their excitement.

Soon I'm in the van and we're off to the Cabe residence.

A huge beautiful estate at the edge of the city.

like a scene from a movie the estate is beautiful and imposing. beautiful natural woods polished and naturally worn over several generations no gaudy metallic finishes or painted surfaces.

This is the home of true Royal it screams.

as we exit the van half a dozen children rush up to greet us, parents grabbed excited children out of the way as we come up a small flight of some steps to the house. I hug a very quick cute little fox that actually made it through almost tackling me.

Scooping her up in my arms and gently petting her head before Mrs. Cabe scooped her up and gave her kisses.

Now go to your room you disobeyed. don't come out till dinner.

No Missy you now lost your chance until dinner and you'll miss lunch.

Go before I have someone take you.

She's been so excited to get a new brother.

Missy is a cute auburn haired 5 year old girl.

Now let's go to the study and go over the basics.

Mrs. Cabe looks over to 4 teenagers and asks them to bring up some sandwiches for lunch, suddenly there's a mad rush in the direction I'm guessing is the kitchen.

Mrs. Cabe can everyone slow down this is actually tiring me out more than my Physical Therapy sessions.

Mr. Cabe: Don't worry Thomas it will die down soon but I'm sure it will be after it tires you a bit.

Your the celebrity of the hour and when everyone gets used to you there will be the normal arguments and such soon enough.

Now let's sit and get the boring junk out of the way.

We all sit down on couches arranged in a "C"

as we're joined by 2 other foxes.

Their are 4 other families living in the Estate.

Unlike wolves Fox Kin don't normally pack.

So we're more loose than wolves.

I am I guess the Alpha of the alpha family.

We're a tech company actually and everyone here supports the business. we have families who's children graduated university or trade schools and left for other fields of opportunity which is also applauded and no animosity is ever directed towards them but to live here after adulthood means this is company housing for the Fox Kin branch.

But for you Shaman Alexander is still researching you.

Yeah we had that one meeting a few weeks ago then he rushed out and never came back.

I don't even know what's going on to tell the truth.

Everyone keeps telling me I'm human but I see every Kin for what they are.

I have a huge tattoo of various Kin I can't even see the main part because it's on my back. I only have memories of a storm before waking in hospital.

I'm all alone and I don't know what to do or even if I am supposed to do anything.

Yeah I'm a kid and start crying.

Mrs. Cabe: Well young pup you have a family here and a home that will be yours even if we never figure anything out.

She holds me till my crying stops.

Shortly several plates of sandwiches, slices of fruits I've never eaten are, as well as juices are brought in by 4 teenagers, 2 male and 2 female.

Mr. Cabe sit and eat as well kids and thanks for your hard work. The food looks delicious.

Mrs. Cabe: Meet Thomas your newest


These are our oldest teens and they can show you the ropes in a bit.

But first let's eat while we explain a few more things.

First and foremost never go into the room of the opposite sex and close the door.

Always clean up after yourself.

Shower before bathing.

Homework before play.

Long term school projects are to be planned and completed promptly never ever last minute.

Always call if you stay after school.

For a little while your not to go to any new friends houses.

After you are allowed, Call first to determine if anything suddenly happened here and to get your return home time.

be at dinner promptly and always cleaned up.

Never go into the forest without proper authorization and never alone.

It's Thursday now. tomorrow we inroll you in school and probably Monday the bus will pick you up at the gate.

Your scores are good enough to place you in high school but better to place you only slightly above best age guess. So you'll be in 6th grade.

Dr. Han had you assessed in hospital and figured your 5th grade with 11th grade education levels.

You should be able to breeze through till intermediate school in the spring.

That's 6 months from now.

Your going to be bombarded with everyone's name and don't worry we only have to remember yours.

It may take a while before you remember ours.

Just call us Mr and Mrs for now till your ready to remember our names.

now these 2 here, pointing to the 2 adults that sat with us from the beginning.

are the heads of security and fitness.

you will be interacting with both of them frequently for the next few days.

now off you go with the kids here to get settled in.

The teenagers walked me out.

We've got your room assignment all set up. Their should be clothes for you also all put away.

On the 3rd floor I'm shown to a really nice room with a huge bed and a dresser and desk complete with a laptop computer.

openingy closet are several sets of school uniforms and other I guess leisure clothing.

my dresser has socks and normal underwear etc.

The kids show me the boys bath on the first floor, kitchen, dining area for adults, children and families.

Also the Gymnasium and outdoor swimming pool.

We also learn self defense and various sports.

As long as we can find and adult to play lifeguard we can swim whenever the weather's nice.

Alice one if the teen girls gives me a watch and says everyone is always given a watch to begin with this one was mine till I got my cellphone.

Meals are set times and depending on school activities you will never go hungry unless you don't call and report in.

Otherwise no saved dinner.

Over here in the children's dining area you will find your chores.

My name is so far blank.

Alice: Next couple of days you will be up here with your assignment.

As you can see from the empty slots everyone gets days and with you here now we should all be getting more time off.

Extra chores earn you money to spend as you like.

You did notice the mini refrigerator?

Monday is not only laundry day for our beds but also fridge day.

All bedding is stuffed into your pillow cases and left outside your door and all food either old or opened and not dated will be thrown away.

Everyone makes their own beds and vacuums when we get home from school on Mondays before homework.

Brandon here pointing to one of the 2 boys will make your bed for $5.00

and does a good job at it.

I'm actually the Student Council President at school and graduate in spring and already accepted into the island University for computer programming.

Brandon: She's also an awesome hacker.

It only took Brandon doing my chores for a week to get me to change his demons in the shooting game back from Hello Kitty characters.

* I'm drowning in a sea of violent waves, I feel my arm break from something hitting me.*