
welcome home

preciousanswer · Fantasie
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25 Chs


that night while she was alone she thought about the day and how amazing it felt to have been with Osa he was a total gentleman and an heartthrob what she wouldn't give to see him again but amidst all these amazing thoughts she was still bothered about the fact that he was all alone and stayed deep in the fields curiosity was taking over and she knew it was going to definitely put her in trouble so she decided to Revere in the moment of her thoughts and enjoy it and that she did to the fullest until she fell asleep.

where are you going Osa asked and ure replied far away from here the look on his face was of disappointment and that broke her heart and she asked him what do you see in this place that you would prefer to be here than to go anywhere else?

as Osa opened his mouth to speak, she woke up because someone was at the door knocking she wondered what that dream was all about but she had to keep that out of her mind for now because standing in front of her was Ose the one who had saved her life and the same person who she now felt nothing but disdain for and she just couldn't tell why she always felt so angry whenever she saw him.

but from her little stay here she knows that if she really wanted to go back home Ose would be the key because he was always in charge of things here and everyone always had one or two nice things to say about him, so she plastered the biggest smile she could summon and asked how can I help you? Ose looked at her coldly, but deep down she knew he was admiring her because she noticed the way he was staring at her in the stream the other day. he answered you have been summoned to the clan hall by the elders. her smile slowly turned into a scoff as she replied what for? Ose was amazed at her unnerving courage and replied you would see once you get there I believe you still know your way down there or should I send Uria to get you? she sneered in reply no need I can find my way, when he left she felt like picking a bow and arrow to go there right now and kill then all but she decided to take a breath and relax.

really dunno what I was doing when I typed this page but I hope you enjoy it

preciousanswercreators' thoughts