
welcome home

preciousanswer · Fantasie
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25 Chs


After the training section for the day ended Ose waited behind again.

Ure would you mind accompanying me to the neighbouring clan I have an important assignment there and since you have never really been outside the clan you can see it as an opportunity to explore your environment.

Ure raised a brow and kept looking uninterested, Its not as if I don't want to go its just I have nothing presentable to wear, its not as if a girl can go shopping anywhere around here.

Ose laughed and admitted shyly about that I have just the perfect outfit for you.

Ure replied still looking uninterested with a hint of flirting in her tone, you do now don't you?

Ose blushed and said thought you might need some change of appearance.

OK let's see what you got was all she said.

Ose whistled and some guards came in with a two boxes, Ure wondered why they were bringing in two boxes, it wasn't as though Ose was marrying her too to the clans king or something so she decided to keep quiet and hear his reason.

wow two whole boxes huh?

Ose looked at her and shrugged wondering what kind of a woman doesn't get excited at two boxes of clothes and jewelries.

Ure went close to him and whispered a thank you in his ears. Ose froze on the spot and his heart began to beat fast as if he just completed a 1000metres race.

he watched as she walked into her quarters.

once she was inside she bolt the door and ran towards the two boxes that were set up in a corner, she hurriedly opened them and began to unpack its contents and she was so thrilled because every one of the clothes had a set of jewelries to match with it.

first she tried on a red African styled gown made from Ankara and the African beads that went with it along with the pair of lovely shoes made from the same Ankara material that the dress was made from, it was so lovely that it took her breath away.

an idea immediately came to her mind although it was a shallow one but she prayed Uria forgives her for what she is about to do.

she hoped Ose and the guards were still outside and sure enough immediately she stepped out she saw them and walked as if they didn't exist Ose was weak by what she just did, he thought she probably didn't like any of the outfits so he ran after her and said if you don't like them I can have them returned immediately. she smiled wickedly and thought to herself return what, you wish but immediately she turned to face him the smile disappeared and she had her normal uninterested look on her face she touched his arm and said its not that I just really needed to go get Uria, besides I need another ladies eye to help out with how I look.

Ose immediately understood and asked one of the guards to go get Uria which the guard immediately did, and as the guard returned with Uria the look on the little girls face was one of fear, Uria wondered what she had done wrong that both Ose and Ure asked for her.

as she got close Ure smiled and said the master of fashion arrives immediately Uria calmed down and walked towards Ure after they were both inside, Uria let's out a sigh of relief and said truthful I actually thought I was in trouble, Ure looked and her with a lazily laugh hanging on her lips and said wow the Almighty Uria gets scared.

Uria looked at her and shrugged who doesn't was her reply.

Ure smiled lovingly at her and said you don't ever have to be scared because I will always protect you and besides you are like my baby sister. they hugged and laughed together. when they broke apart Ure said I called you to help me get dressed for an important meeting that am to attend with Ose.

Uria's eyes flew wide open are you sure you want to do that.

yes Ure replied with a tender smile and said you don't have to worry about me OK I would be fine.

Uria relaxed and said OK if that's what you want. so what are you wearing? Ure took her to the two boxes and Uria jabbed her a little on the ribs and said so you actually went shopping without me.

Ure laughed and said you wish I did, but it was Ose who got them.

oh OK was all Uria said and she began to check the outfits out these are nice she said but the last word hung on her lips as she saw a red gown that was breath taking after about an hour they both walked out with Ure looking stunning and Uria bubbling with joy.

Ose's jaw dropped likewise all the guards immediately they saw Uria, Ose shutter's and said wow you look amazing. thanks she replied so let's go now. they walked towards the stables and sure enough two amazing horses a white and a black one, Ose helped Ure climb unto the white one while he climbed unto the black one and off they rode majestically with the guards following behind them.