
welcome home

preciousanswer · Fantasie
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25 Chs


on their way back Ose specifically asked his escorts to take another path different from the one they came in.

why is the ride back taking longer than it took when we were coming? Ure asked.

you will see was all that Ose replied back.

Sure knew that Ose was up to no good but she was prepared for whatever scheme he was planning so she kept and eyes and mind alert. but after riding for a little while longer they got to a small leg path and Ose asked that they step down from their horses Ure was adamant.

Ose smiled inwardly and said I won't bite. after contemplating in her heart Ure finally decided to step down and Ose helped her down.

I hope you love nature as much as I do was all he side and stepped behind her, he used his hand to block her eyes so she couldn't see for some reason Ure was sure that he had nothing bad in mind so she let him do as he pleased and Ose lead her to a spot and halted he asked her to keep her eyes closed as he took his hands off and Ure did just that.

Ose went into the lovely flowers twirled around and all the fireflies lit up as the came out of binding from his disturbance.

Ose smiled and said now you can open your eyes.

Ure opened her eyes and what she saw was out of this word and she walked slowly forward as she continued to take in this magnificent sight this is so beautiful she called out and before Ose could reply her she was already running free in the beautiful garden.

she stopped few feets so Ose could catch up with her and they both sat down on a high ground looking into the vastness of nature. they stayed like that for a while and Ure yawned so Ose knew it was time they got back to the clan.

Ose helped her climb back unto her horse and they rode back. once in the village Uria saw them coming and she went back inside to continue her practice because she was so angry at how Ose and Ure were smiling in her heart she wished Ose would have an heart attack and die on the spot but she knew that wasn't possible so she went in to avoid seeing more of what she just saw.

Ose escorted Ure to her quarters and wished her good night.

while Ure slept very peacefully knowing that her plans where going just fine.

Ose couldn't sleep because all he could think about was how beautiful Ure looked while she was in that garden and how she seems to have been happier than he has ever seen her.