

As Adam was being dragged into what seemed like a warehouse he finally reached the designated spot. As the two men dragging him lifting up his blindfold and released his arms he found himself with many other children with some adults standing further away from them. Adam was a bit irritated at how he was treated because normally he would never let someone he didn't know touch him because he would be left vulnerable to attacks so he had to suppress his urge to beat the two men unrecognizable to even their own mothers.

Looking carefully he saw that many of the kids were also in a similar situation as him as they looked around with curious eyes. He finally spotted someone that he knew. Eve was in the corner of a group, not bothering to spare them a glance. 'That's Eve alright' Adam thought. Eve felt someone was looking at her so he glanced in that direction and saw a white haired boy with golden eyes and features similar to a kitten. Adam spared her a smile but Eve on the other hand had a very confused expression. The Adam that she had met 3 years ago was someone who did not show any emotion at all only when he was fighting. 'Is it possible he wants to fight me?' she thought as it was suddenly interrupted by a man speaking on the intercom.

"Ahem Ahem. Attention. Hello Prodigies and Geniuses of respective 'Overlords and Rulers.' From now you will be spending 5 years of your life in this facility commonly known as Hell by our people. You will go through training, sparring, learning, and going on missions assigned to you by the Captain. In Hell we do not tolerate the weak so only the strong will survive. Martial Geniuses, Business Prodigies, and the Supernatural, whoever you are, only if you can survive Hell will you be able to live. Ones who fail missions will be punished severely and every month whoever is at the bottom of the rankings for two consecutive months will be killed. There are currently 52 of you and you will be in a room with 1 roommate for the entire 5 years unless your roommate is killed. I will leave the rest to the Captain." BZZZ the intercom went off.

'That was something I expected. However the Supernatural part is really intriguing. It seems I was right, although superpowers are extremely rare this generation might have 3 or 4.' Adam thought to himself trying to formulate a plan in order to find out who they are.

As Adam was about to see who was amongst the children someones footsteps could be heard.

"Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap. Tip."

The footsteps sounded heavy yet delicate as if the person had full control over their body. 'This kind of aura and control can only be someone on the same level as 'Master'!' Adam exclaimed. When Adam came to this world the only person who was able to do this was the 'Master' that had trained him for 5 years.

When the Captain revealed himself many faces were in shock. The man was around 8 feet tall with legs as thick as a tree trunk. His arms and legs were full of scars and some tattoos symbolizing tigers and dragons. He had a thick black beard and had a scar coming down from his forehead to his mouth. Yet what surprised Adam most was the Captain's control over his own body. The man was at least 7'10 and 400KG yet this man had perfect control over his body just like 'Master'!

'System! Scan this man for me!'






[Body:Body of Rock(C)]







[ESP:?] (esp=esper or supernatural power)

[Error:(Eyes of God) level is too low to see more stats]

'Holy shit!' his stats are insane! Adam thought to himself. He was unsure of his Master's stats because it was only recently he got back the system but he was sure that this man was at least the same level of his Master if not stronger.

The Captain noticed Adam's golden eyes glint a little bit so he turned his direction towards Adam. As Adam was looking through the Captain's stats, the Captain felt like he was being seen through in front of this not even 10 year old boy. 'Interesting. He might be a supernatural one I guess.' the Captain thought to himself as he made a mental note about something.

Adam shivered momentarily but became attentive when he saw the Captain was going to speak.

"For the next 5 years I will be your Captain. After completing missions you shall report to me on your mission report and then you will either be punished or rewarded. Every day your training will last 5 hours. 3 in the morning 2 at night and you will be sparring with your peers. For non-martial geniuses you will be training for the same amount of time but you will spend more of your time on your profession(s). Now you will be given your roommates. Once you go to your room come back after doing your necessities and we will start to spar." The Captain said in a deep voice.

Adam received a keycard with the number 12. He grabbed his luggage and then started to make his way to the rooms. He could hear faint footsteps behind him of the other people who were in this section of the rooms but all of a sudden he felt an attack coming from his left side. "PSSHHHH" an arrow almost as fast as the eye could see just swung past him. It seemed like it came out of the wall.

'It was actually a trap and I triggered it through the motion censor.'

Adam realized every single action that he had to take he had to be wary of the hidden dangers lurking in here. Even walking to his room could be proven fatal.

He finally understood why this place was called Hell.

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