

You will always find a soulmate who is uniquely suited to you on each path. It could be predestined relationships from a previous life or a chance meeting that leads to a beautiful love. And, of course, I am.

I am a writer, or rather a novelist; the novels I write frequently provide a story of life, bringing people to beautiful love in a society full of unpleasant things pole. The love in my stories frequently has a happy ending, prompting everyone who reads them to feel that there is still beautiful love in the world and to desire for a happy ending pretty. My readers usually perceive me as someone who has a really wonderful love to be able to write such sweet things, so when I chance to read comments online, I chuckled. I started off as a lonely individual on my own journey. What is the reason behind this? Because I'm a goblin.

It is stated that immortality is a punishment for people who choose to dwell in this constricted existence. Every human person on the planet has their own greed, but I can see that more than 70% of them want to be eternal. Perhaps the short life of each individual on this planet has driven people want to live longer rather than embrace the time they spend with the ones they care about. I, a goblin, have spent many years in the world convincing myself that this existence is very uninteresting. The stream of people going by and departing in my never-ending existence appeared to mock me, as if I were the loneliest person on the planet. I occasionally meet people in the afterlife and the afterlife of those I have helped or punished. As for me, I still exist in that way, alone, but it is because of this that I have a larger perspective on the world, which allows me to produce excellent novels fantastic.

Wilson Parkson, the present-day me, is strolling through the crowded streets of Paris, silently watching the passers-by. I don't like Paris because of the oldness I've known for thousands of years; perhaps I'm getting tired of it, but that doesn't mean I'll always live in one of my flats. Even if I've done it a thousand times, I like going out, walking about, seeing the sites, and enjoying the life around me. Many times, I begged to any deity for mercy to let me terminate my horrible life and live a regular one, at the very least, I won't have to witness the deaths of people I care about one by one in front of my eyes.

"Purchase this flower and present it to that young lady." To break up my jumbled thoughts, a boy exclaimed, "Today is Valentine's Day, if you traveled alone, may the gods of Paris help you find your other half."

The boy smiled at my perplexity. This guy, who is truly a soft-spoken child, will undoubtedly grow up to be an exceedingly accomplished person in life. I smiled, caressed the boy's head with my hand, and then picked a flower from the boy's flower basket and placed a $100 bill inside. I told the boy that he didn't have to give me my change back; he seemed pleased, and he'd undoubtedly sold a decent lot today. I rose up and walked up to the stunningly attractive girl in a pastel pink shirt.

"I'm giving it to you; perhaps you'll discover your other half today." I held the flower delicately in front of the girl.

The lady with the pink shirt was taken aback by my behavior and reached out hesitantly to take the rose from my grasp, thanking me. A young man approached from a distance, his hand naturally wrapped around the waist of the girl in the pink shirt. He pretended to defend this woman by staring at me with bullet-shaped eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's embrrassing, but this is my boyfriend." At this point, the girl with the pink shirt spoke out to break the tension. "Thank you for your flower; I hope you discover it soon, your other half"

I smiled sheepishly and silently left. Today is Valentine's Day, and everyone on the street has a partner. I'm alone, looking like a freak. I could be staying at home, getting a wonderful night's sleep on my warm bed, or writing a few words for a new novel, but instead I walk out and gaze at each happy couple together.

I went into an empty alley and continued my journey, perhaps I would return home. The street is devoid of people, with just street lights on in the morning and evening, and I stroll alone on it; in contrast to the lively atmosphere of the city center, this location appears to be forgotten by Paris. I noticed a few buildings that had began to turn out their lights, making the place darker and darker. I I suddenly remembered a few hundred years ago, when the city of Paris did not have its obvious shape, likewise the buildings with old structures with faint lights, and my silhouette was also strolling on this road, alone and alone.

"Is there anyone... please help me?" A high-pitched cry in the middle of the night drew my attention: "Please help me..."

It appears to be the scream of a young girl pleading for assistance; I'm not sure why, on this lonely night, there is a young girl roaming outdoors to be in danger; this must not be the fact, I reasoned. What a nice girl she must be! I was ready to go and disregard the girl's screams when a silhouette of a girl came from a deserted alley, her entire body flowing a liquid that resembled blood stains, the girl who saw me seemed to perceive me as the only lifesaver, the girl held to the hem of my shirt with difficulty. I looked down at the girl, who was covered in blood, something horrible had occurred to her, it seemed. I looked around to see what was going on, then I left the girl laying on the street and approached the vacant alley. Before I could reach there, a man's head came from inside; his face was obscured by my shadow, so all I could see was the overcoat he was wearing., which is a long overcoat with a wide-brimmed hat that can hide the entire face. As I approached him cautiously, I noticed he was carrying a blood-splattered knife in his hand, most likely the blood of that girl, but I also noticed the old bloodstains of his past victims. My blue eyes began to turn a blood crimson tone as my focus shifted, and in my palm was a sword that emitted a blue glow. I sprang up and used my might to cut him down; the killer gazed at me with scared eyes before collapsing and passing out. When I turned my icy cold eyes towards the killer, my eye color returned to normal. I approached the girl laying on the street, she grabbed my shirt, her hands were wet with blood, but with some extraordinary energy, she persisted till now.

"Please...please save my child." The girl moaned a few things before collapsing all over herself.

I stood still as I watched the woman laying in front of me breathe her final breaths, her child still unborn. I, a goblin who did not want to be entangled in human life and death, only wanted to quit this perilous path and return home, but it appears that a specific deity has tampered with my fate. forcing me to take action in order to save that unfortunate child's life So I, a cold-blooded elf, intervened in the life and death of people for the first time and altered my own fate.

I sighed, allowing the memories to pass through my mind without stopping. This story appeared to have happened only yesterday, yet it has now lasted a century. I think my fate is quite amusing; if I hadn't saved that baby that year, if I hadn't saved that miserable mother that year, maybe I wouldn't have had to suffer for thousands of years. All because of a fleeting softening of mine, a foolish softness to receive a not-so-good consequence, but in the end I kept mute and bore the penalty that lasted a long time, during the last thousand years.

"Someone...please...save me." From the familiar street, a familiar voice murmured, all seemed to recollect my memories one by one. For a brief period, I came to a halt, turned around, and pretended not to see anything.

"I know you're aware of my presence... "Please assist..." The voice came out and gradually got clearer, as if the person was calling me on purpose, and automatically, I kept walking forward so that I wouldn't have to accept anyone's requests.

The voice fades away, indicating that I'm a long distance away from the source of the sound. That's great; I'm not interested in helping anyone anyhow, so it won't affect anyone's fate. However, the further I got, the more my heart broken, as if there was some type of power to keep people, no, a goblin like me, alive. I couldn't break free from this shackle, so I had no choice but to turn around and move towards the cry, as is natural for humans.

"I had a feeling you'd show up." said the voice in a dark and chilling whisper "Because this is your fate, goblin"

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