

وَمِنْ اٰيٰتِهٖ خَلْقُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيْهِمَا مِنْ دَاۤبَّةٍ ۗوَهُوَ عَلٰى جَمْعِهِمْ اِذَا يَشَاۤءُ قَدِيْرٌ ࣖ Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. - (Asy-Syuura 42:29) ──── •✧• ──── Prey to predators. Truth becomes false. Good to evil and— Hunter to hunted. "The Lion Lose His Fang."— Such aphorisms feel closely familiar to Sharim. The once ferocious lion— wild, and free, lose all his meanings during one sullen night. He is no longer their hero nor thier knight. He is no longer the same teenager who was once reckless and lively. Now. He was just a cripple and injured troublesome lion in the eyes of Hunters— who was once their icon. He; himself was unable to stand on his own without someone's shoulder. He wasn't any different from the pebbles on the road side despite, the war still raging under his nose. "Sharim. If something happens to me- please protect Hibion." He failed to keep his teacher's promise. And- "But, this game of tag is over now." — failed to protect his one's friends. "Do not give up." Amid this misery- Allah u Akbar- '... Someone is still chanting the call to prayer?' — The grace and mercy of Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim haven't ended yet. Dua. Something rang in Sharim's head. Because of that- He raised his hands, towards the sky. "— Save 'me' in that world from reaching the same conclusion as 'me' in this world, As-Salaam." When the war hasn't begun yet nor the silent night robbing anyone's life- Sharim Ishraq's eyes flutter open.

AxolotlHaz_ · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
8 Chs


↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

1:35 ───ㅇ─────3:47

Tick. Tick. Tick.

With a masterful touch, Sharim's fingers danced across the keys of Apotalesma's holographic window—weaving together an enchanting symphony of organized journal entries. All the while, the tranquil melodies of lofi Quran softly filled the air, creating an atmosphere of sublime creativity.


*Scenario (1): [???]<-<-< p>

*Scenario (2): Izaeris Faaz

*Scenario (3): Ilusion





There is still a vast expanse of emptiness in the holographic journal, yet his gaze is fixated on one specific area with symbol [???]— as sharp as a dagger— with several arrows above the scenario 2- several times.

Tap. Tap.

He tapped on the car's window.

Sharim was restless.


Although he finds himself contemplating multiple times—

He has a vivid recollection of every single detail and particularity of multiple scenarios, encompassing the themes and events tied to each of them unless—unless it was from scenario 1.


[Scenario] is a comprehensive system that captures every stage and phase of war they went through—organizing them similar to categories. It's akin to chapters in a book, but with a twist—the chapters are defined by the theme of death, each containing a quest centered around it. Countless lives have perished in this realm of death. Sinner or not. Dream or life. Hope and life are intertwined. All things have been confiscated in this war and, as a result of that—

— Sharim is now 'here'.



Despite his relentless efforts, he could not recall even a single fragment from Scenario 1. It is puzzling how he could easily remember related events or themes from other scenarios but Scenario 1 remains an enigma—leaving no trace.



Sharim believes he knows the true reason behind those gaps.


He unconsciously scowled.

'Another issue I have to worry about...'

The enigmatic being who serves as the ultimate mastermind behind the intricate system of this scenario begins in the first place.


The 'creator' of the scenarios theme. The moment when the apocalypse unleashes its fury and the catastrophe commences.


The [Reader] emerges.

『 "Whoever this 'Reader' might be, their influence is undeniable— possibly comparable to that of Izaeris Faaz." 』

A formidable foe and a relentless threat to all of humanity.

A mysterious entity.

 '... I must take care of him immediately.'

Despite their attempts— they have been unsuccessful in unmasking the enigmatic user—[Reader]. Any clue and address leading to his identity— turned to dust. Its like something was blocking them from that entity.

The destruction and devastation witnessed in the past should act as a stark reminder for them to swiftly halt, or better yet, boldly confront and combat whoever is hiding under the guise of [Reader].


"Just like putting pedal to the metal, we've arrived." Baqir, who was driving the car, turned towards the passenger compartment. He expertly parked the car in the exclusive VIP area.

Sharim ceased his gaze from the blank space [???] on the Apotalesma window.


The car stopped rattling.

"... arrived where?" Sharim asked, still in dazed reminding one of a deer caught in headlights.

"Melati's Arcade."

Baqir flashed his signature smile, a grin that could light up a room. Once again, the dimples made their presence known on his rosy cheeks.

The sky appears youthful as the sunrise illuminates it, causing a delicate pink hue to grace its celestial canvas.

As soon as Sharim stepped out of the car, he was greeted with the lively and energizing sight of customers haggling at the vendors. Experience a dazzling display of vibrant merchandise, transforming into an extraordinary visual spectacle that captivating Sharim's interest.

'.... This complex bears a striking resemblance to that of Pasar Payang Terengganu.'

Not similar but the same.

"Let's use of the Teleportation Gate to Temenos," Baqir said, as he firmly shut the driver's door. "Meanwhile -"

He then handed over the car's key to the officer dressed in a dark uniform, who seemed to have been waiting for their arrival for quite a while.

"Would you like to purchase anything before returning to Temenos?"


Sharim was immediately drawn to the charming chalk-paneled open-air cafe— [Arash's Cafe].

"... Yes."






"Do you want to take out or dine in?"

"I highly recommend the Blueberry Cinnamon Roll!"

"May I have an extra packet of sugar, please?"


Customers flock in and out of Arash's Cafe, either stopping in for breakfast or grabbing some sweets to take home.


As soon as they walked out of the café, each of them held a box filled with mouth-watering pastries. A bustling day for the Pâtisseries there.

"Haaa... I want to go home."

A member of the cafe staff let out a deep sigh, expressing her weariness.

Sitting at the dining table, the girl lifted her chin indignantly, complaining to her friend who was skillfully brewing a delectable Cappuccino.

"Zara, would you mind creating a marvelous Caramel Macchiato for me?".

"Lisa, you're becoming quite bothersome. Please, brew it yourself."


After securing the lid of the Cappuccino paper cup, Zara gave the counter bell a brisk ring.

"No. 32."

The customer is then handed a box of pastries and a delicious Cappuccino. Afterward, she shifted her attention to Lisa, who was still hunched over the table.

"I want to go back... Park Seo-Joon had been waiting for me at home."

The girl had no time left to finish complaining.

Ring, ring.

"Lisa, the customer at the front counter."

"Yes, yes."

A brand-new customer has just arrived. Lisa spun around.

"Can I help you? Take out or dine i-"

However, she swiftly sealed her lips shut. The girl's eyes were on the verge of bulging out.

In front of the counter stood a striking man, almost 6' 2" tall, with long, fluttering eyelashes. He confidently selected pastries displayed behind the glass. Despite his noticeable purple hair, his attractiveness overshadowed any peculiarity. 

"Take out, please. I want to wrap the Green set— blueberry wafer sauce. Please substitute it with a luscious topping of whipped cream and... vanilla frosting on cream tiramisu— 100% sugar. Please include a strawberry tart, grape cake, and strawberry sundae in a Pink set- ah!"

Yes. The customer is Sharim Ishraq.

All eyes in the cafe are now fixated on Sharim, including the customers and staff. In fact, there are customers who attempt to secretly capture Sharim foto using their smartphones.

Certainly, Sharim was completely oblivious to this situation. His mind wandered to Yuren's all-time favorite dessert.

'While I'm here... Should I purchase Hibion a Cappuccino too?... hm.'

Moreover, it appears that their relationship has grown better since "that" conversation.

'All right...'

Sharim has made up his mind.

"I'd like to add the Cheese Coffee cake and a cup of Coffee Semifreddo to my order, please!

"Ah? Yes? Absolutely! B-Alright!"

The moment she realized she had been staring at Sharim for an extended period of time, the girl started to feel flustered. Hastily, she gathered herself and swiftly took notes of his requests. Her face flushed with embarrassment. Yet, the girl's panic and concern proved futile, as Sharim's gaze became captivated by a tiny glass figurine of a cat—clutching a coffee cup, no bigger than a thumb.

"What is this?"

He pointed towards the figurine.

"Ah! Si Comel Tempe." 

(T/N: "Si Comel" means 'adorable' in Malayan while "Tempe" is actually a type of food that is similar to tofu. Yup. That was the name of the cat. )

Lisa, unlike the girl from a few minutes ago who was in a panic with a red face, now gracefully restoring her cafe's professional Pâtisserie aura.

"Our limited edition cafe figurines— a cafe souvenirs— still have 20 left in our stock."

"Souvenir huh..."

Sharim grasped his chin, deep in thought.

He attempted to envision Hibion and Yuren grasping the cat's figurine. Due to this situation, he didn't realize— a smile was spreading across his lips, stunning the cafe's occupant for a moment.


Sharim nodded.

"I would like to purchase three adorable Si Comel Tempe... Oh! Could you kindly include a delightful cup of Café Viennois in the order too?"

Tick. Riiiing.

Carrying a box of delectable pastries and a delicious cup of Café Viennois, Sharim made his way to the entrance of the cafe, his heart filled with a delightful blend of anticipation and contradiction.


"What do you think about Park Seo-Joon now?"

Zara playfully nudged Lisa's ribs with her elbow.

"... Is it possible for us to simply disregard my previous statement?"






"Now, all the pieces have fallen into position," Baqir exclaimed, observing Sharim as he approached, holding the box of pastries. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Haha, everything has been more than sufficient."

"When the stomach is full, the heart will follow suit. I'm glad to hear that. Let's go."



Sharim hesitated as he spoke.

"Er... is it okay if we use Eastern Teleportation instead?"

Temenos possesses two different variations of teleportation gates. Western Teleportation and Eastern Teleportation. These two gates are situated at distinct locations relative to one another.

Eastern Teleportation grants them the ability to immerse themselves in the sublime environment of Temenos, while Western Teleportation is the nearest portal between them.

Baqir tilted his head inquisitively.

"No problem. But, why?"

Baqir doesn't mind going on long walks, as he thoroughly enjoys sightseeing, which happens to be one of his favorite hobbies. He just felt perplexed by Sharim's decision to take the main road instead of a shortcut one.

"I just... I don't know... miss seeing Temenos from afar?"

'… Weren't you just there three days ago?.. In fact, you have actually been residing there for several years too....?'

Baqir is brimming with countless questions and strangeness, yet he chose not to articulate these intriguing thoughts.

"I guess, go the whole hog then," He let out a resigned sigh.


"Let's go." Baqir added. He has noticed that his junior's behavior is becoming increasingly peculiar. However, he chooses not to let it bother him, finding it amusing and entertaining instead.

"Oh! Ok!"

A look of sheer joy immediately illuminated Sharim's face once more.






What immediately captured Sharim's attention were the majestic spires of Temenos, with its 15 tall towers that seemed to stretch endlessly towards the skies. Rows of tall, stained-glass windows gently intertwine in perfect harmony— a mesmerizing tricolor spectacle amidst wisps puffy clouds.

The square diamond wall is adorned with strikingly asymmetrical crenelations made of exquisite pearls and dazzling sapphires. As the sun began to set, the shards of the vaulted roof glimmered like silver and transformed into a shade of maple burgundy. The magnificent quarter of the Temenos palace seems to hover (commanding the horizon) majestically in a heavenly Azure hue, basking in the radiant sunlight emanating from every corner of the astronomical space.

Standing proudly between the Eastern and Western palaces, a magnificent towering arch shimmers like a heavenly castle. The inscriptions on the pillars and towers sparkle with the brilliance of hematite and golden stone.



Sharim looked up.

In the expansive cerulean sky, there lies a mesmerizing sight - scattering black dots or majestic flocks of Hippogriffs and untethered Pegasus, soaring with magnificence towards the skies.



Baqir pulled Sharim's shoulder in a split second, narrowly avoiding the centaur that came thundering down the road, just inches away from crashing into them.


Baqir gracefully acknowledged the apologetic centaur with a gesture, before ruffling Sharim's vibrant purple hair. His disheveled purple hair grew more disheveled.

"Misofotunes seldom come alone."

Sharim's concentration was so intense that he failed to notice he was just milliseconds away from being struck by a centaur's hoof. It was only through the timely intervention of Baqir that he managed to survive the near-fatal incident.

"... Temenos."

Sharim gazed longingly at the enchanting atmosphere of the castle wall—a sudden melancholy overcame him. It was as if he had been away for an eternity and yearned to return here.


Once more, Sharim's lips uttered the words.

Temenos is not just a single facility, but—

The city, the town, the arcade, the recreation park, the infrastructure, the atrium, the settlement around here—everything and all that is contained within the walls of the palace—are Temenos.

The incredible success and achievements of establishing Temenos in Malaysia are truly a testament to the remarkable capabilities of a small nation.

That also the reason—

—Temenos is included among the top 5 institutions of the Hunter International College and University due to its remarkable attributes. In order to establish such a prestigious center, the 'founder' must possess the remarkable ability to finance a considerable amount of budget, exert vast influence, and possess an archipelago—a man-made human island, not just a simple island.


Izaeris Faaz encompasses all of these requirements—possesses every single core quality and attribute. Izaeris Faaz is not only a renowned hunter and teacher in this modern Hunter era but also a true celebrity, a true 'big shot.'


Sharim feels iffy as he envisions his teacher strolling down the red carpet, donning sleek dark glasses and a blue coat, while a camera flashes incessantly from behind.


He promptly abandoned those fleeting thoughts.


This is Temenos.

His house. His life. His memory. All there is to know about Sharim can be found right here.

"Shall we head to your dormitory?"

Baqir patted Sharim on the shoulder.

'My dorm...'

Sharim's heart is filled with a strange sensation after a prolonged period of silence concerning his dormitory.

In previous timeline, after the collapse of Temenos, he was also left without a place to call 'home'. After that, he never brought up the issue of 'residence' again.

Temenos was the ultimate destination for Sharim—the teenager's first and final stop.






Temenos is an institution of the highest prestige. This institution was exclusively created for Hunters who have been recruited by Izaeris Faaz himself.

Here, Hunters will receive training and education directly from the renowned Izaeris Faaz himself.

(Ironic enough, Temenos has only one teacher and master; that is; Izaeris Faaz.)

As a result, there is a scarcity of Hunters in Temenos.

Thus, every Temenos Hunter has their own individual dormitory. Yes. An entire building all to themself. Hunters also could choose the names for their dormitories.


Sharim gave the name [Medina] to his dormitory—a building designed in the purple crocus cottage.

For Sharim, his residence - or rather, his home - is akin to [Medina], nestled deep within his heart.

His sanctuary.





 Sharim heave a sigh of relief.

His bedroom still remains the same as he remembers.

Sharim looked around.

Adorning the walls are magnificent giant round Oeil-de-boeuf windows, embellished with iridescent glass made from mica mirrors. A feathery periwinkle carpet, stretched across the frosted marble tiles. Next to the door, a chevron horizon bunk bed and a few scattered pillows are connected with bookshelves stacked horizontally—laden with novels and unread tomes. The hibiscus flower, nestled in a terracotta vase near the window, continues to blossom in vibrant shades of red.

Tick. Tick.

The drizzle of rain began to hit the window.


Sharim turned around.

"Times change, seasons change. Soon you too will become the Mahasitua Temenos."

Baqir placed a Duffel bag near the tall cabinet. His silver eyes gleamed, peering out from beneath his long shimmering brown lashes.

"It seems that everything is about to become nostalgic."


Sharim didn't respond.

'… Mahasitua.'

Once Hunters have reached adulthood and earned the director's recognition, they will then progress to the [Mahasitua] phase. The phase where—they will be paired with their juniors—to test the interaction and management performance from the Mahasituas. Then. The results of mentoring will determine how merit or points are awarded.

The main emphasis of this phase lies in the outcomes achieved through effective collaboration and communication.

Despite that—

'Manager... huh.'

—Sharim finds Baqir's opinion rather unsettling.

Perhaps, before—he would think so. Perhaps, he will be excited. Perhaps, that was his dream he wants to realize—unfortunately for Sharim—he has knowledge of how the world will unfold in the future. At that time—

Temenos will be gone.


Sharim approached Baqir, extending a helping hand to unfurl the balcony curtain.

"Would you mind handing this Cappuccino to Hibion?— Ah! Are you absolutely certain that you don't want a slice of cake at all?"

He graciously offered a paper cup filled with freshly brewed Cappuccino along with the adorable Tempe Cat he got from Arash's Cafe.

"I dislike cake and coffee," Baqir flinched momentarily at the sight of the cat figurine (Sharim forgot the felines wasn't his cup of tea), though he still accepts Sharim's offer. "But, I will deliver this message to Hibion."

"... Are you sure?"


Sharim's gaze falls upon his Mahasitua's face, his eyes filled with suspicion as he keenly observes the subtle twitching in Baqir's lips.

Baqir appeared to be in a rush to leave.

'... Does he truly dislike cats to that extent?'

Sharim was well aware of the man's strange Ailurophobia—reach to such a conclusion.

However, in just a split second, he found himself having to alter his perception once again.


There was a loud bang.

Sharim almost thought they were under attack—



— he was wrong. Once again.


A loud and thunderous voice echoed.


Name: Zarul Asad


* [The Asia Malayan Tiger]

Occupation: Hunter

Apotalesma: Nina

Stigmas: [Markin]

Surmise: The big puppy ٩̋(๑˃ ́ꇴ˂̀๑)


『 "Wo wo wo! Yo! Bro! What's going on? You're strangling Sharim! Enough is enough! Release him now!" 』

A voice filled with panic resonated in Sharim's ears once again. He lifted his head.

A tall man with a dark tan complexion, standing at around 6 feet and 0.9 inches, burst into the room. Clad in a disheveled uniform and black bolero hoodie. His attempt to kick Sharim's bedroom door resulted to him stumbling and falling flat on the floor instead.

Yes. The loud bang came from his fall.

He had entirely forgotten that the door was automated. He then scrambled up concealing his embarrassement while pointing his hat towards Baqir and then Sharim with arrogant.


A tiger. Yes. A tired, nearly 15-foot tiger grumbled and glared at the behavior of the screaming men in annoyance as it stomped towards them.


As soon as Sharim caught sight of the blend of despair and irritation etched on Baqir's face, it became crystal clear to him—


The primary cause for Baqir's hasty departure was none other than the presence of an 'uninvited guest'.

"BRO! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME ALONE AT THE COLOSSEUM?" That 'uninvited guest' now vigorously shook Baqir's shoulder before turning toward Sharim—unaware of Baqir's expression grew darker underneath him—he continue to ramble in excitement, "BUT SERIOUSLY BRO! WHEN DID YOU COME BACK?"

"Uh... haha."

Sharim hesitated to reply, not out of shyness but— because he caught a sudden dangerous glimpse as he peered over the oblivious Zarul—even the tiger next to him become terrified that it let out a fearful "ngiu" with its tail drooped down to the ground. The chaotic child who still hasn't realized the danger near him smiled so pleasantly.

"... Zarul."

Sharim senses that Baqir's tone is now more alarming than ever.

"Hm? Oh! What's up Bro Baqir?"

Of course. Zarul, the most ignorant and clueless child, is so exasperating that Sharim has resorted to finding the silver lining in his low IQ—He still wouldn't notice his situation beside the cliff—remained leaning nonchantly to Baqir's shoulder and still his look of contentment.

"Sharim... can you please open the balcony window? I suddenly feel a rush of intense heat."

Sharim received a warm and genuine smile from Baqir.

"Huh? Al-Alright?"

'... But the air conditioner was already on?'

Sharim was baffled, but remained compliant with Baqir's wishes. He has intuition— If he doesn't do it, the situation will deteriorate. In spite of the confusion, Sharim bravely flung open the doors to the spacious balcony- determine in tears.

"Ah! Look Zarul," Baqir suddenly exclaimed, placing one hand on his cheek while tilting his head to the side, "I witnessed the astonishing sight of a duck with two heads soaring through the sky!"




With one swift and powerful strike, Baqir fiercely attacked Zarul's neck and-


-with immense force, he flung Zarul downwards from the balcony.

The people- no- Sharim was left utterly astonished by this incredible display of strength. He stood there in utter disbelief... and horror.


Zarul's piercing scream vanished into thin air.

"Please convey my warm regards to the extraordinary three-headed duck!" Baqir exclaimed, enthusiastically waving towards the enigmatic black dot in the blue skies.


Sharim was left speechless, as his jaws dropped wide open. He was unable to close it. 

With a gentle smile, the young man gracefully extended his hand before shifting his attention to the magnificent striped tiger, settling down comfortably on the floor.



In an instant, the magnificent giant tiger appeared minuscule through Sharim's gaze.

Baqir gave a glance.

"You should reconsider going with your master."

Markin, the magnificent tiger and ruler of the jungle, earned the admiration of both Sumatra and Asia. Despite his reluctance to acknowledge Zarul as his master, he willingly leapt from the balcony.


Baqir enthusiastically applauded, his hands coming together with a resounding clap. Suddenly, his face lit up with an overwhelming sense of joy.

"Sharim, there's no need to worry. I will deliver this Cappuccino and Si Comel Tempe SAFELY to Hibion."

... All of sudden, Sharim feel unsafe.

Baqir flashed a smile that was full of reassurance. Youthful dimples emerged once again. He turned toward Sharim.

"Oh! You want to go to Saguaro later, don't you? Please send my regards when you get there."

Sharim starts to think.

'Baqir Az-Zubair...'

He remember the status quo from Calen about Baqir.

「 Overall: Warning! (ll๐ ₃ ๐) The red flag had arrived! ⚆_⚆」

'... is dangerous.'





Meanwhile, within the confines of Temenos' bank, Solana peered intensely through the crystal-clear glass window.

"Huh? Eṉṉa atu?"

 She found herself mesmerized by the peculiar black dot hovering in the sky.

✍️Zarul is Solana's manager. He has a curious and enigmatic relationship with Baqir. Duo (the only) Baqir.

✍️Zarul has a complex impression and understanding of Baqir (he is quite dense). He is still unsure what to call their relationship.

✍️Baqir is a person whom Zarul deeply admires besides Izaeris Faaz. He finds immense inspiration in everything Baqir does. He has no acquaintance with logic.

✍️Baqir finds Zarul rather exasperating. (They are a Duo).

✍️Baqir's patience knows no limits (except when he is with Zarul).

✍️Zarul views everyone as subordinates rather than friends.

✍️[Markin] has two meanings: 1. 『Someone who cares only for himself alone, pays good with evil, forgets the hand that fed him.』Whenever Markin misbehaves, Zarul never fails to use this phrase.

2. 『The greatest of all time, someone who is brave enough, and needs no one's help to accomplish something, just like a Scorpion. 』 — If he takes pride in Markin. Unfortunately, this only fuels Markin's anger and frustration as he is being compared to his arch-nemesis, Scorpion.

AxolotlHaz_creators' thoughts