“Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as reincarnation. I should know, I’ve been reincarnated several times now at this point. My case, however, was different since I seemed to remember each life very clearly.” -Excerpt from Chapter One A man from our world is gifted powers beyond his wildest dreams. Once his quest for vengeance was realised he found himself without a direction. So the takes the powers he has been granted and he travels the world searching for a purpose. *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs*
Chaos, the primordial being of creation let out another sigh. After countless eons he was beginning to fade. Order, his sister, had already departed for the land of the forgotten. Leaving him alone, adrift, and terribly bored in the vast expanse of the void.
He had watched humanity rise and fall countless times. The gods he created had also faded long ago once humanity stopped believing in them. The cycle continued for thousands of years with hardly a thing changing each time.
It was time however, with nothing left to do he resigned himself to his fate. Slowly he felt his very essence begin to disperse. Reality wouldn't cease to be with his death, no. He made sure that life would still continue despite his absence. New gods would still rise, humans would continue to grow, but this time he wouldn't be there to see it.
'I'm coming sister, I'll see you soon.'
Closing his eyes he waited for the inevitable moment where he would cease to be. His consciousness began to wander. A voice called out, not to a random deity. No, the voice called out to him directly.
His eyes snapped back open and sought out the man who called to him. He watched as the man who called his name fell to his knees clutching a woman to his chest. The man cried out in pain and sorrow.
Normally he wouldn't have bothered with the mortals but as he continued to watch he felt something that was once dormant stirred in his chest. He wasn't supposed to feel emotions like a mortal. Yet here he was, feeling for this man who had just lost his loved one.
With his fading powers he gathered up the last of his divinity into a ball of pure energy. Sending it forth into the cosmos he watched as the man screamed again tears streaming down his face. As his vision faded he smiled as the man disappeared in a flash of light.
'One last godly thing.'
Chaos, the first primordial, father of the universe, creator of the gods, faded from existence and knew no more.